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Derek laughed watching Harry Styles twerk on the host a few seats away with Mark next to him. The Teen Choice Awards never failed to entertain. He heard the hosts announce the presenters for the 'Choice Web Star Female Award' and he looked straight at the stage, his full attention on the nominees. He sat up in seat a little straighter when they announced 'Bethany Mota'. That was the one his nieces were constantly talking about. They were probably sitting in front of the TV biting their nails, praying for her to win. He watched her mess around during the time giving to her and he instantly fell in love with her personality. Even though he just barely knew who she was- he was praying for her to win.

The presenters added suspense and tried to hold back, the audience yelled at them to announce the winner and they cracked. They opened the envelope before yelling out the winner, "Bethany Mota!" Derek felt himself clap and start to smile as the audience roared. The camera panned to her and he watched her get up, a huge smile on her face. She got up on the stage and Derek felt his breath taken away, she was gorgeous. Her legs looked miles long though she couldn't be taller than 5'3. The dress hugged her figure perfectly and showcased her tiny waist. Her smile was enchanting, her dimple deep in her cheek.

But he wasn't the only one who noticed, the presenter was quick to tell her that she looked amazing when she gave him a hug. Bethany took her surfboard and stood in front of the microphone and Derek started to chuckle. Like he thought, the mic was way too tall for her even in her five inch heels. He barely knew who this girl was, but he felt something in his chest, like he already knew that in less than a month she was going to drastically change his life for the better.

He smiled and clapped, like he already knew.


Derek rushed around the studio following Mark, eager to know who his partner for Dancing with the Stars would be this season. He felt happy, like he already knew how lucky he was going to be this season. Apparently for the very first time, a Youtuber was going to be on the show, and he would be lying if he said he wasn't hoping to get the Youtuber.

He looked at Mark who was celebrating getting the youngest celebrity; they always tended to do well on the show. Derek crossed his fingers from behind his back, wanting to get the Youtuber. The producer walked up to him and handed him a paper with a picture of his partner and her name, Derek turned over the paper slowly, instantly smiling when he saw who his partner was.

The second youngest of the season- a Youtuber. He smiled remembering how he had been mesmerized by her beauty when she won her Teen Choice award a little less than a month ago- Bethany Mota. He stared at her picture, again being surprised at how beautiful she was, but he wasn't the only one who noticed. Henry leaned over his shoulder and looked at Bethany's picture, letting out a low whistle.

Derek turned around to look at him, "What?" Henry rolled his eyes at Derek, "Seriously 'What'? You can't tell me you don't see it, she's gorgeous. You got the best partner again." It was Derek's turn to roll his eyes, "I'm not gonna lie, she's beautiful, but she's eighteen years old Henry." Henry shoved Derek's face away, "Always the goody-goody, but better for me, I'm gonna go for it, I just hope she's as hot as she is gorgeous." Henry walked away leaving Derek bothered. 'Wow Derek you don't even know the girl yet and you're already jealous, you have to calm down.' He thought, he walked out of the studio, already wondering what Beth was going to be like.

Derek fidgeted with his shirt seam nervously; terrified to meet the girl he would be spending all his time with for three months. 


He opened the door slowly, and started to smile and play to the camera when he saw she was vlogging. He fell back in love with her bubbly personality when he saw how happy she was talking to the camera like behind the tiny screen were all her best friends; which they probably were.

He heard her talking about the partners she would like and felt his heart swell when he heard her mention him as her top choice. Derek rushed forward and grabbed her arms, smiling when he saw her turn around quickly and immediately charge right into his arms. He hugged her tight to his body, picking her up and spinning her around. He heard her giggle, and that was when he knew; this season he was in for a ride.


Derek watched Bethany from across the room while she continuously redid the steps she was having trouble with though Derek told her she was doing it fine. Bethany was stubborn- it was something he had realized from their very first rehearsal, when she wanted something she would get it or she wouldn't quit. No matter how many times Derek told her that she was doing great, she would take no less than perfection.

Derek walked across the room and grabbed her waist from behind, trying to tell her with his hands to calm down. "This Salsa is going to be great Beth, just calm down." Bethany turned around, the fire in her eyes very noticeable. "This is not okay Derek. You've never lost Immunity and I'm not going to be the first partner that you lose it with just because I can't get 5 seconds of a dance right!" Derek shook his head at her, "Babe you have to calm down, I don't care if we don't get Immunity, what matters is that you're going to do great and you want to leave a performance that's going to be remembered." Bethany shook her head at him pushing him away and starting the dance again.

Derek rolled his eyes at her and started to walk to the other side of the room, quickly turning around and running to Beth when he saw heard a thud. He ran to her and immediately saw the glistening tears in her eyes. Bethany pushed him away and started to get up from the ground, starting to do the same sequence of steps.

Derek shook his head, normally he wouldn't mind if Beth did steps two or three times to really get the feel of it, but this was different. She was driving herself crazy because of two steps that she's doing well with, not even stopping to rest when she fell though Derek could see the pain in her eyes. He rushed up to her and took her waist in his arms, starting to feel the warmth on his hands. He tightened his grip on her waist, his eyes flashing between her eyes and her lips before he darted for them.

Bethany stood there when she realized what was happening. She closed her eyes and wrapped her arms around his neck, letting Derek push her close to him, letting the kiss take over her senses. Derek broke apart from the kiss and looked in her eyes, smiling when he saw her dreamy expression, grateful that the camera men had left. 

"You don't know how long I've been wanting to do that." Bethany looked at him with devious eyes, "Oh really?" Derek looked at her with a confused expression on his face, "What do you mean by that?" Bethany laughed and simply let out a quick "Mark" before putting her hands on his chest, "It's okay don't get mad at him, I made him tell me, to be fair I've felt the same way you do for months. Remember the teen choice awards? I remember seeing you and just loving everything about you, though I had no clue what you were like, there was just something, you know?" Derek closed his eyes in pure happiness, not believing what she was saying.

"Bethany I felt the exact same way that very same idea that I saw you, there was something, and I'm glad we could make it into our something." Bethany nodded her head, a huge smile on his lips before she leaned in. Derek smiled against her lips, none of them hearing when the door opened. Mark and Sadie smirked from the doorway before Mark spoke up. "Aren't you two really getting into character? You do know though that to act like a married couple you didn't actually have to kiss?" Derek and Bethany broke apart, laughing at Mark shooing him away.

Mark started to close the door before glancing back in, "Ricky and Lucy had a baby too, just be carefulllll." Bethany blushed causing Derek to start laughing. Mark shut the door while Sadie scolded him. Derek looked back to Bethany, feeling the same way he had felt months ago watching her receive her award. He looked at her admiring everything he had months ago, his eyes falling over her body like a leaf.

He hugged her tiny waist that he  months before, could've only dreamed of holding in his arms. He looked at her long legs, loving everything about them, loving her height that even with heels still barely reached the edge of his shoulder, like the mic months ago. And he inspected her smile that shined brightly in her eyes, the pain from a few moments ago gone. He poked her dimple that he months ago had fallen in love with, and his eyes fell back onto her pink lips. He smiled at her before pushing his lips to hers and feeling exactly what Bethany described.

There was just something.  

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