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So sorry for the wait, have some exciting things coming! Btw, if you haven't listened to Badlands yet, it's incredible and I highly recommend this song (and every single other song on the album).


My hands wrapped around your stick shift
Swerving on the 405, I can never keep my eyes off this
My neck, the feeling of your soft lips
Illuminated in the light, bouncing off the exit signs I missed

It was weird, it almost decided that she would drive the moment they walked out of the house. Without talking or a glance, they both walked to the opposite sides of the ones they almost always took, and that was that. She didn't know why he wanted her drive, nor she did she know why she wanted to drive, but again, that was that. Ten minutes later, she knew why.

They both knew California like the palm of their hands, they knew shortcuts to get to where they needed to get. Derek always used them, but Bethany, liked the time she had to be alone, to think. She liked the silence found in all the noise, and apparently Derek did too. Maybe an hour or two stuck in the traffic of Interstate 405 would help him the same way it always helped her or maybe they were stalling their time together like they always did, maybe that was what he needed.

They didn't talk, not even to make the decisions they made that night. They could just sense it in the air when something should happen, and sensed it in the moments after when it did. Bethany just pulled over and it would begin. She would kiss him and he would pull her over the seat, right where she would be straddling his lap. Gone was the noise of the traffic, replaced with the sound of utter and complete pleasure.

Her self-control was in shreds lost between the feel of his lips and the sound coming from her own. People in the cars beside them didn't bother to look in. They after all, had no way to know that the two people having sex in a car were none other than Bethany Mota and Derek Hough.

They were illuminated by the lights of the cars, and could see themselves in the rearview mirror but sadly enough, they couldn't see the immense love just glowing in each other eyes. They felt, they didn't see.

In the rearview mirrors you could see the exit signs that Bethany missed on 405, but they didn't need the exits now, not as Derek swiftly entered Bethany in the backseat, not as he thought about his love for her. They were both in this.

All we do is drive
All we do is think about the feelings that we hide
All we do is sit in silence waiting for a sign
Sick and full of pride
All we do is drive

All they did was drive, fucking, but never once talking about what they really felt for each other. They were thinking it, but they never talked. They waited for something to tell them that maybe it was okay for them to really do this, maybe a text from their managers, maybe just  the right touch from the right person, and they both felt it, so much. The two however, both didn't want to be the first to admit how badly they wanted they wanted each other.

So full of pride, all they did, was drive.

And California never felt like home to me
And California never felt like home
And California never felt like home to me
Until I had you on the open road and now we're singing

Bethany believed in myths, she believed in princesses, she believed that a home wasn't 4 walls and a roof, it was a person. She always knew it was a person she just always that her person would be her prince charming, just her prince charming, not also her lover, but yet here she was- having sex with the love of her life in the back seat of the car, not giving a damn that her life could basically fall apart in ten seconds if they made the wrong choice. They didn't care because right then, what they were doing, what they were expressing, was flawless.

California never felt home to Bethany, but now that she and Derek were speeding down Interstate 405 with a police car blaring red and blue behind them, and music blaring from the radio while they screamed along to it, it started to feel like home- just a bit.

Your laugh, echoes down the hallway
Carves into my hollow chest, spreads over the emptiness
It's bliss
It's so simple but we can't stay
Over analyze again, would it really kill you if we kissed

The police had stopped chasing them when they realized that they weren't going to stop anytime soon as they laughed, still singing along to the indie record they both didn't know the name of. Soon, an old motel came into view, the light flashing on and off. It was shady, a place neither of them would dare stop during the day, but right now, it was their best bet.

Derek opened the door for her like the gentlemen he was, though what he was thinking of doing to her was nothing a gentlemen would ever do.

Bethany ran down the hallway, completely ignoring the landlord who ignored them just the same way, only calling a number down the hallway at them.

He wouldn't have caught her if she only had the grace he had but being her usual self, she tripped with Derek toppling on top of her. If she didn't know what was about to happen inside the room, she would've thought this was straight out of a Nicholas Sparks movie, maybe- it still was.

Derek wasted no time with Bethany and immediately attached his lips to hers the second he had the chance, only breaking apart from them to laugh. The laugh echoed down the hallway, spread all over Bethany's chest and took away all the emptiness, it was bliss. It was what exactly was missing from the Nicholas Sparks novel only allowed in her mind.

This, them, they were something so simple, beautiful. The hotel room was so simple, so beautiful even though it was both the oldest and the most dirty room either of them had ever seen. It was gorgeous and so so simple, but they couldn't stay.

There she went again, over analyzing about what they were. They weren't a Nicholas Sparks novel, they were the forbidden poem, the hidden one. They were the poem that if everyone knew it would be the caption of selfies, reblogged on tumblr so many times. They were the poem William Shakespeare forgot to write. 

As Derek tore off her clothes again, for the fourth time that day, and while he stared at her body and her eyes and her with love and hope and fear, she whispered against his lips, pulling together their hips, "Would it really kill you if we kissed?"

All we do is drive
All we do is think about the feelings that we hide
All we do is sit in silence waiting for a sign
Sick and full of pride
All we do is drive

At 2am they were on the road again, smelling of Bethany's perfume, the smell of the old dirty sheets, and sex. Back on Interstate 405, something was different this time. They weren't thinking of where they were going to pull over to fuck again, this time their hands were interlocked on the dashboard of the car. Bethany's eight words had made a difference, a big one. But still, they were silent, but this time the silence was heavy. It was just a tad overweight will all the love it seemed to carry. Yes, they were still full of pride, and all they did was drive, but this time the  love was way too heavy to hide.

And California never felt like home to me
And California never felt like home
And California never felt like home to me
Until I had you on the open road and I was singing

"Maybe I found home." She thinks, looking at straight at the way he looked. The first streaks of daylight were coming in, the palm trees illuminated in a way that made her almost wish California was her home, almost, because he was illuminated in a way that no scenery could ever top.

He looked ragged and tired, but so happy that she could see his cheeks starting to hurt from smiling so much, and his hand was still wrapped around hers on the dashboard of the car. She could see herself living the rest of her life like this. Days for love emotionally, nights for love physically, every minute spent with Derek Hough, the person she from now on would call the love of her life.

"Beth turn up on the radio I love this song!" Derek says, snapping her out of her daydream. She giggles and turns it up, immediately turning her head to look at Derek singing at the top of his lungs, looking at her as if telling her to join in.

Right before she started blaring out the words to 'Drive' she took a minute to just admire the scene before her.

"Yeah." She thinks, looking straight at the man in front of her, "I found home."

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