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This is short, but I thought it was cute! Fun stuff is coming soon though I promise!



"Charlotte, please be a good girl for Daddy and at least try it," Derek pleaded.

Charlotte stared at him, her arms crossed. "No."

Beth laughed in the background and Derek rolled his eyes. "I would ask Mummy to help, but she finds this too funny to be much help."

"Sorry, love, but really, you have to admit it's sort of funny," Beth laughed.

Derek sighed. "It's lasagna, Char. You ate half of mine the other night. You like lasagna. This is just in smaller bites to help you swallow it. I guarantee you'll like it."

Charlotte just raised her eyebrows like Derek did whenever he didn't believe something. Beth was doubled over in hysteria. "She's a spitting image of you!" Beth gasped.

"Okay, Charlotte. What will it take for you to eat some of this?" Derek begged.

"You eat." Charlotte grinned. "You eat fi'st."

Derek sighed. "Charlotte, this is for you. Grown-ups don't eat baby food."

Charlotte scowled. "You eat fi'st!" she insisted.

Derek winced. Beth gave him a look. "You're not seriously going to try it? It's baby food, Derek. Emphasis on baby."

"What choice do I have?" he mouthed.

Beth tried her best not to grin and horribly failed. "That's one tough negotiator we're raising," was all she offered in way of sympathy.

Derek lifted the spoon, suppressed a shudder, and forced himself to swallow the mush. "See, Char? It's fine. Now you eat it."

Charlotte grinned triumphantly and opened her mouth for a bite. As Derek fed her, Beth continued laughing. "I guess I have 2 babies in the house, then."

"Shut up," Derek grumbled.

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