Chapter 15

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3 weeks later...

~Heaven 💜
"Can I see you.?!"

A text flashed across my screen. I sat my weights down, adjusted my AirPod and picked my phone up. It was a message from Heaven. I couldn't help but to smile. I haven't really heard from her too much since that day at the mall.

"Yeah sure when.?!"

~Heaven 💜

"Yeah I'm at the sports gym, where y'all be having practice at.?!"

I put my phone back down and started working out again. Them couple weeks we been on punishment I wasn't working out at home or going anything. I missed being in the gym though. I finished my workout and we got the locker room. I changed my clothes and grabbed my workout gear. Heaven had texted me and said she was in the gym sitting on the bleachers.

I walked into the gym and she sat there sad. She had a hoodie on and sun glasses. I sat next to her putting my bag down. "Heyy.!" I smiled lightly.

Hi.! She said as if she was sad. She wouldn't look my way. Instead she just looked down playing with the ends of her sleeves.

Are you okay? I asked unsure.

Yeah......I just really wanted to see you.! She said sniffling a bit. I picked her chin up, she wiped her tears from under her glasses and I took them off. She had a black eye and bruises on the side of her face with a busted lip. I got so fuckin pissed off.

Did your boyfriend do that.?! I asked angry.
She nodded her head yeah and placed her head into my chest and cried. I wrapped my arms around her and hugged her stroking her hair back and comforting her. This shit was crazy. My dad always said if a man ever put his hands on a woman he was a pussy and straight cowardly.

Look you can stay with me tonight if that'll make you feel better.? I said taking my phone out and texting my mom. I told her I wouldn't be home tonight that I was staying at coaches. She texted back fast and said "okay". "I made a reservation at this hotel, my boy worked there and always let us check In underage.

She nodded her head in agreement, I pulled her to her feet. I wrapped my arm around her and we walked to my car. I opened the passenger door for her to get in. I sat my gym bag in the trunk and got in the car and headed over to the hotel. She didn't say much instead she just looked out the window. I wonder what was going through her mind right now.

I checked us in and we went up to our room. I got in the shower and she sat on the bed watching tv until I got out. "Wanna talk.?!" I asked wiping the water off my neck. Sitting next to her. She had a small smile on her face.

He went through my phone and saw us texting..... I told him we was just friends and it wasn't anything more than that.

So he hit you cause we friends.?

Yeah...... I guess he started to feel Intimidated by how much we was texting and talking.
I shook my head. Niggas always acted like little bitches.!

Look I ain't telling you to leave the nigga cause everybody has their ups and downs in relationships but if a nigga put his hands on you once trust and believe he will do it a second, and third time.! A gift and a sorry is always to be expected but so is a slap or a punch that follows it.

I don't wanna be with him though Machi....... I wanna be with you.! She said so shyly. I looked up at her in her eyes begged for me. I smiled and so did she.

You do.?

Yeah... I like you.... a lot and I don't wanna miss out on the opportunity of what could be rather than not be.

I like that. I smiled, we looked into each other's eyes for a bit and I leaned in to kiss her. She let me get on top of her while we kiss pulling me on to her.

I know this girl was gone have me open about her.!

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