Chapter 69

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Heyyy shorty.! I said kissing my little sisters cheek. She was looking very down. "What's wrong!?" I asked grabbing an apple.

Mom isn't here and she's suppose to be taking us to school because we have a feild trip her phone is going to voicemail her cars is her and she didn't come home last night.

What you mean she didn't come home?

Her bed isn't touched and all the guest bedrooms are empty.....she's not here.!

Okay calm down. I'll take you guys to school and go on the field trip with you.

What field trip? Machi asked coming in the kitchen with Legend following behind him.

Damn no breakfast.? Where mommy sleep?

The kids have a field trip today mommy was suppose to take them to school and go on the trip with them.....she's not here.!

Okay we'll all take you on the trip. Micah said putting his book bag down.

Yeah come on, I'll drive.! Machi said grabbing his keys off the key board.

When is daddy coming home.?! Miracle asked as we got in the car. My father been gone for a minute but it's like he just disappeared.

I don't know soon I hope. I said putting my seat belt on.

Is mommy okay? Is the baby hurting her.? You don't think she's still in the hospital do you?! Miracle questioned.

I don't know mir, she'll probably be home when you get out of school. (I hope.! That's really weird of my mom not to come home at all and all the cars are here so where could she be.?)

We stepped foot into Miracles school and she was instantly getting all these Hi's and Goodmornings. It's safe to say MirMir was a little popular. She showed us to her and TJ class. So many parents was here for the trip. I didn't even have a clue where we was going.

Yo we really gang for my little sister field trip.! Machi laughed making a video on his snap chat getting all of us in it.

Gang gang.!!! I said jumping in the middle of him and Micah.! Micah looked out of it like he was forcing a smile on his face.

What's wrong.? I asked him once the video stopped.

Nun I'm good.! He said as he played with one of his dreads.

Your not.! What's going on?

Nothing sis I'm good I swear....

You know you can talk to me about anything bookie.! I said as I hugged his neck.

Yeah I know.! He said with a laugh hugging me back.

Okay boys and girls and parents.! The busses are finally here so we are going to start lining up to get on the busses. Let me just take the attendance first and we'll be on our way.! They teacher said excitedly.

We started to load the bus, I sat with Legend. Micah and Machi sat together,  TJ and Miracle sat with friends. I was hungry as fuck. I was gonna have to tel my mom about herself. Who said she could disappear. I looked forward to my mom making breakfast every morning before we go to school it was the highlight of my day and I know everybody else agrees.

The school bus pulled up to the amusement park and everybody got so super excited. Oh yeah it was definitely time to be a big ass kid. I loved it here.

Okay class this is where we meet back up at 2:40pm to get back on the busses to go back to school. Have fun guys.! She said and everybody was beginning to go their separate ways.

Heyy Miracle.! Some little boy said smiling in her face while she was standing with her friends. "Hey" she smiled back. "Do you wanna get in the roller coaster with me.?!" The little boy asked. Miracle was blushing hard you would of thought he asked her did she wanna go on a date.

Aht aht you think fuckin so.! Machi said walking in the middle of them.

Get yo dumb ass over here.! I said pushing him.

Not a chance in France.! Micah said replacing Machi.

Majesty.!!! Miracle said annoyed rolling her neck embarrassed.

Leave these kids alone.! I said pulling him away too. Miracle and her friendswalked off with the little boy and his friends.

Y'all need to be on y'all best behavior.! I said annoyed. "Aww hell Naw.! Who them little fast asses in my little brother face.!" I said walking towards TJ.

Best behavior.!!!!!

Ain't that right.!!!! Micah and Machi mocked me.

Shut up.! I said pushing them off me and rolling my eyes.

Welp let's ride these rides. This the best skip day ever and we not even gone get in trouble for it.! Machi laughed making Micah laugh. We started to wonder around the park to get on rides. We was having a blast out here.

Oweee baby come let's take a cartoon picture.! I laughed pulling him to the booth. We got in and took a bunch of cute silly pictures together. Legend was winning me all these big stuff animals from playing the games. I thought this was so cute.

I'm hungry.! Miracle said coming up to us.

Okay let's go eat yall where TJ.? I questioned looking around.

He's at the food court. Miracle pointed out. We all walked over to the food court and I gathered Miracle and TJ. "Do y'all want me to buy two big pizzas one for your friends and one for your friends and wings and drinks?!"


Okay I got y'all.! I winked and they both smiled in happiness. Me and Legend ordered the food
For the kids and he ordered all the food for us. I slid Miracle a $100 dollar bill and TJ too so they had money to play games and get extra stuff they wanted. I could hear everybody saying how cool they was and thankful they sister got them food. Just add those cool points on to my best big sister award.!

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