Chapter 176

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Hey mom where is dad? I've been trying to reach him for a few days now! Majesty asked coming into my office.

Umm I don't know I haven't talked to him since some time last week. What's wrong? I asked looking up from my papers.

Nothing really just was missing him and wanted to raise his blood pressure! She said with a laugh. "But seriously on a serious note I heard you guys fighting last week."

You did? I questioned embarrassed. Me and Martavion never really faught, disagreed, argued, or anything really in front of the kids. It wasn't their place to see their parents mad at each other.

Yeah....I get why your mad at dad! You guys going to get a divorce this time?


Ma I'm not a kid anymore, I can hear all the hurt and anger in your voice when you was yelling at him.

Yeah....we may be getting one. Please don't tell your brothers or sister!

I won't, but why? Y'all always voweled to make it work no matter how bad the situation was.

Some things you can't come back from baby and that's one of them!

I heard some crazy things like the STD thing....

Majesty don't be ease dropping!

I wasn't I just felt really bad at how angry you was with him. Look all in all ma, daddy loves you and he'll do anything in this world to get his family back.! Most important he'll do anything to get you back!

He put you up to this?

No! (She laughed) I just know you two are way stronger together than y'all are apart. You are his rock, you keep him grounded and level headed. And for you he's what makes your smile brighter and your day better. He's a huge part of your heart don't let it go just yet.

When did you become the love doctor?! I laughed.

Dad made me open my eyes to a lot of things when it came to Legend. I just thought I pass it on to you! She smiled before getting up to leave my office.

My daughter put a lot of thought into my mind just now. Me and Martavion have faught through harder situations than this. It damn sure wasn't easy but nothing was this bad either. Also at the same time though how much more can a person take?


The lady opened the door and I stepped into the dark cool room. This place looked scary as all hell. It resembled a lot like a jail cell. I sat my purse on the small table that had untouched food on it. Martavion sat on the floor hunched over the toilet, bussing bullets of sweats and moaning in growing pains. He started to vomit Into the toilet and hyperventilate. I was nervous for him. I watched Martavion cut alcohol before cold Turkey and it wasn't a pretty sight at all.

I pulled his curly hair back from his face and he was crying screaming in pain. His body temperature was extremely hot. I grabbed a rag from the sink and drenched it in cold water. He tried to fight me to get it off for him but once he opened his eyes and seen me he broke down crying. I sat beside him pulling him into my arms. As I stroked the side of his face.

I'm sorry Mag! He said through his tears. He voice was broken and raspy. I know Martavion was hurting bad but I didn't realize it was this bad.

Shhhh don't say anything don't say nothing! I said in a low tone as we sat there I held him close with the cold rag on the back of his neck and stroked the side of his face.

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