Chapter 119

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Hey baby! I smiled kissing Heaven.

Hey my love! She smiled back taking her seat. "So did you hear?"

Hear what?

That Micah divorced Halo...well they got an annulment.


Yeah this morning. She's getting an abortion too.

Oh wow! I'm sorry but that's actually a good decision.

That's what I said. Especially if you not sure who the father is.

Man just know if you try that shit with me I'll kill yo ass.

Don't worry I don't plan on it! She giggled against my lips.

Yeah ight!

Hey y'all! Micah said sitting next to us with his friend. "Y'all this is Queen!" He said introducing her to us. I always knew Queen had a bit of a crush for Micah. Never knew she was hit type though. She was a quiet shy smart girl.

Hi it's nice to meet you! She said to Heaven.

Like wise! Heaven said rolling her eyes. I reached over and hit her arm.

Play nice! I said licking my lips.

Sorry I'm late! Halo said rushing to the table but stopped once she seen Micah and Queen.

Look we can just have dinner some other time. Queen said about to get up but Micah stopped her.

No we good we can eat now! He said annoyed. Halo took her seat and boy was this not about to be pretty.

Halo have you met Micahs date Queen?! Heaven said I wanted to smack her cause don't start nothing. I haven't! I was unaware of him dating anybody especially since we just got a divorce this morning!

Divorce? Queen asked in confusion. By the looks of it she knew nothing. I took a big sip of my water. This was not about to end well.

Yeah divorce....we was married hasn't even been 24hours yet and you already fuckin off on the next bitch! No wonder why you can't go with me to get an abortion.

You want me to come to a fuckin abortion party for a fuckin baby thats probably isn't mine.! Yeah naw you tryna be funny but i can be funnier! You was cheating on me and got pregnant and don't know who the baby daddy was.! Micah said pissed off. I took another sip of my water trying not to choke.

Oh wow okay ummm...I'm just gonna go! Queen said getting up to put her jacket on.

Yeah maybe you should do this is a famiky matter anyways. Halo said knocking the picture of water over getting it all over Queen.

Ima just excuse that as an accident cause if not!

If not what? Girl you can't fight! Don't yo brother beat yo ass! Yeah I know about you little miss Queen! You live at home with your alcoholic brother who beats your ass every time he gets drunk. You even been to juvi for hitting him in the head with a cast iron skillet and had a gun to him. Yeah your not so innocent.

I gotta go! Queen said getting up and running out the restaurant.

You know what I'm so glad you and me is over......I'd probably kill you if we wasn't in the middle if this restaurant. Micah said getting up and heading out.

How could you! Heaven said mad to her sister, I wanted to ask her the same thing.

No how could you! You invited me here knowing that he was gonna bring a date! He was my husband and i was in love with him. I'm literally going through the toughest time of my life right now! That's foul we suppose to be sisters but clearly I see we are not! Heaven don't say shit else to me. Halo said angrily in tears before getting up.

I've never been so embarrassed in my life.


Hi you've reached Queen please leave a message!

Hey it's me again....I just wanna apologize please I never knew any of this or she was invited. Please just call me back let me know you at least got home safe.
I said into my phone after getting her voicemail again. I was so pissed off. I wanted to hurt something or someone.

I pulled into the driveway and seen Halo sitting on the porch crying. I knew I shouldn't of came home to my dads house. I got out the car walking to the steps she stood up in tears.

I didn't know you moved on already! I would of never came to that dinner if I knew she would of been there! She cried.

Yes you would of! You lived for that fuckin moment.
You couldn't wait for that shit to happen.!

No....Micah I swear to god I didn't! I know I hurted you.....I know what I did was wrong and out of line which is one of the biggest reasons that I was willing to get the divorce too. I don't know what came over me with Ty I regret this shit every fucking day! This is the biggest mistake of my life and I can't do shit about beside fuckin cry!

Who's fault is that Halo! The fuck you want me to do pat your back and open my arms and say awww it's okay?


That what?! You don't fuckin love me! Your not in love with me.

Yes I am! I love you Micah! This shit hurted so bad when we broke up the first time. Because nun of this shit was supposed to happen. I was gonna tell you everything and I thought that could of brought us closer. I started to fall in love with you because of the person you was becoming. And was to me. Nobody ever showed me that much love and compassion and they took that away from me when they showed you those pictures of Ty kissing me. I never expected to see him again....that kiss meant nothing!!! And than the sex didn't mean anything either.

The sex didn't mean anything but you kept going back to fuck him right! The sex meant nothing but you'd never let me touch you. The sex meant nothing but when we just broke up the second time you didn't try to come back you kept fuckin him RIGHT!

Exactly my fuckin point! And you know what I actually trusted you....I actually feel in love with you. But I know you was just playing with me all along this your game and I lost it! I said licking my lips and getting back into my car leaving her there to cry.

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