Chapter 46

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Malachi Jackson.! My attorney called my name. I looked up from my phone and made my way into her office. "Hi how are you?" She smiled closing the door behind me.

I'm doing okay. I said as I sat down at the meeting table.

Well considering your in here for divorce is big you wanna tell me what's going on?

My wife been cheating on me for the past year and a half....I think it's best I move on. And to start is with a divorce.

I two have children correct?

Yeah three! I already filed a petition in family court they said they would fax it over to you. This ain't my first divorce and I know how this goes.

Well that makes this easier Mr Jackson but since you guys have been married for so long the judge is gonna wanna see legal documents of separation, living arrangements, and or any counseling going on from you two!

I just left her ass like a couple days ago....that's the problem we don't  have any of that. You can't just do some lawyer shit and just talk to them niggas first or something.

No you know this we can't.......

So how long is this gonna take?

I don't know....any where between 6 months to years!

What else I need?

As of right now any pictures or actual proof she was cheating on you with would definitely help to speed this up.

Okay I can email you everything I have. I got up to leave her office. I was so tired. This shit was draining me.

I pulled up to the trap. I was gonna crash here tonight up in the spare bedroom. I grabbed a little air bed and some blankets stuffing the shit into my bags so nobody seen me. I grabbed my food and went into the room. I locked the door and went into the second part of the room that was sound proof. I set my air bed up and blankets to get comfortable. I turned the tv on and opened my steak sub and soda. I took a few bites and wrapped it back up. I was tired and wasn't that hungry.

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