Chapter 54

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The door bell was ringing so I sat the pan of Mac and cheese down and went to go answer it.
I wasn't expecting anybody and all my children where home. Martavion came down the stairs looking confused as well.

I opened the door and was greeted by Victory. "Hey.!" I smiled to my surprise. She stood dressed in some tight leather pants a black kiss t-shirt, a leather jacket and some black YSL pumps.

I hope I'm not interrupting anything, the place that had your other lap top was done with it so I made sure the hard drive was wiped cleaned and redownloaded the back up soft were. And the files you couldn't get. She said handing Martavion his lap top.

Thank you.! I need this.! He said excitedly.

No problem, I just wanted to bring it by now instead of waiting for tomorrow I know you won't be in the office.

Appreciate you!

Victory how about you join us for dinner. We are having lamb chops, bake Mac and cheese and asparagus. I smiled stepping to the side to let her in. "You came all this way to bring MY HUSBAND (I put a lot of emphasis on MY HUSBAND) his lap top. Your like family come join us.!"

I'd love to:! It smells really good.! She smiled following us to the kitchen.

Thank you! I do all the cooking around here.! Wine?

Yes please.! She said like she was exhausted. She took her jacket off and sat it on the back of her chair sitting next to Martavion at the island. I gave her the glass of wine than I poured more into my glass.

Aye I saw that.! Martavion said but not looking up from his lap top. "Actually you've had enough.!" He said taking my glass and sipping it making Victory laugh. I don't know what she was laughing at he ain't funny.

I can have one glass.!

Yeah one glass that doesn't get refilled every single time it gets 1/4 of a quarter empty.

Alright you dragging it.!

No I'm not.! No more.

This ain't my first pregnancy Martavion, and fuckin with you it ain't gone be my last.! I said taking the glass from him and hurrying to take a sip. It just tasted so good going down my throat. He took the glass back and finished it as Victory laughed. I rolled my eyes and checked on the food.

So Victory, how's everyone? I asked to make conversation.

Everyone is good.! Jas just had another baby. Amazing is graduating soon. I just talked to your dad the other day.

How is he?

He's good.! He said he haven't talked to you.!

Yeah last time I heard from him he was supposed to be on Vacation with the fam you know how that is.

Yeah.! Girl I can't wait to go on one.!

You should go.! I'm sure Martavion won't mind.! Right bae.! I smiled popping him in the back of his head to get his attention away from his lap top.

Yeah sure.! He said as he grabbed me by my waist and pulled me closer to him giving his attention back to his lap top.

I don't even know what's to go.! She giggled. Her laugh was so fake like her.

Girl any where.! I suggested with a smirk on my face.

Hey mommy.! Miracle smiled coming into the kitchen.

That's your daughter? Victory asked surprised.

Yeah, the baby for now.! I smiled hugging her.

Ugh please don't remind me.! She said as she rolled her eyes.

Okay, okay...what's up.?! I laughed.

The storm keeps knocking my power out in my room.! Can I please watch tv in yall

Yeah baby sure.!

Wait it's a storm? Victory asked jumping out her seat rushing to the windows that over looked out front yard.

Yeah it looks bad too.! I said as I took the food out.

You shouldn't drive tonight..... since your family we have another room here. Martavion suggested looking up from his lap top rubbing his eyes.

I don't wanna Intrude or anything l.! She said unsure if she was making a good decision.

Yeah sure.! I said dryly. I rolled my eyes and began to make everyone's plates.

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