Chapter 159

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I heard commotion in my room waking me up. I thought it was just Martavion comin in the house. I looked at the time and it was 3:30am. I felt movement behind me and I instantly got annoyed.

You woke? His raspy voice asked from behind me as he put his head in my neck wrapping his arm around mine.
I tried my best to ignore him. It's been 3 days and not a text nor call from him. Martavion showed why we needed to separate everyday.

Magic?! I know your woke....

Martavion stop talking before you wake my baby up! I said annoyed looking over at my sleeping baby.

Can we just talk for a second?

Do you think I wanna talk to you? You been gone for 3 days Martavion! 3 fuckin days! You can't text nor call anybody just to even say your okay....How would you feel if I started doing dumb shit like that to you? You'd be pissed the fuck off right?! You expect me to sit here and take that shit while you be out here doing whatever it is that fuckin Martavion wants to fuckin do. You keep pushing me to want to divorce you more and more every fuckin day I swear.

I have to kill my brother!

He's hurt me and my family long enough so what you have to! I said sternly. Was I suppose to feel some type of sympathy or something? I'm actually pissed off.

I can't have this shit on my heart! I know you pissed off right now but that's why I was clearing my head for these past couple days. Ima killer and I can kill anybody in this world but that's blood this shit hitting me different.

Oh so it's okay when he raped me? It's okay when he beat the living shit out of me while i was pregnant? It was okay when he damn near kilt Malachi?

NO! NUN OF THAT SHIT WAS OKAY! I swear on everything I love I was gonna hurt him but my own mother and father gave me the green light to kill
My own brother. He yelled.

Yeah....I'm your wife..... I see which is more important to you! I got up pissed off picking my crying baby up. All his loud yelling woke my baby up. I went to his nursery and changed and fed him early.


I woke up to the small movements of my baby yarning putting his hands in his mouth as he was half woke. I sat up checking his diaper which was dry as ever and he had a bottle fully made and warmed right next to him.

Hi there cutie! I smiled looking at my handsome baby boy. "I there!" I picked my baby up and cuddled him in my arms as he looked up and smiled at me. "Hi Major, hi baby!" I said smiling again. His little smile was so adorable.

Major sissyyyyyyyyy is home! Majesty sang coming into the room loudly. His face lit up. My babies loved each other. "GoodMorning mommy!" She smiled sitting next to me ready to take her brother out my arms.

Girllllll he do not wanna see you! I laughed.

Yes he do he miss me! Right tink, you miss your sissy! She sang kissing his hand and he just smiled.

I'm going to get in the shower.! I said getting up and giving her his bottle.

I walked up to my room and Martavion was up and had a duffel bag on the bed. I was annoyed already. He need to just take all that shit with him. I went to my bathroom to undress.

You must be really mad at me huh? He asked biting the side of his lip as he stood in the doorway of my bathroom. I looked at him with evil eyes and he laughed a bit. Now that pissed me off. I went to turn on my water and he came into the bathroom closing the door and locking it. "You giving me the silent treatment?" He asked with laughter grabbing me before I stepped into the shower.

He tried to kiss me but I moved my head. I was completely annoyed. "I know you mad at me right now and you have everything reason to be and I'm not asking you to forgive me in any way shape or form."

Than what do you want Martavion?

For you to know that I'm doing everything in my power to protect you and our family. For you to know that I love you.

I love you too but your pissing me off.

I know and I'm sorry. When all this is over we just me and you no kids, no phones, nun just us two on vacation.!

Martavion I just want you home being a husband and a father.!

And I'm going to be better at my jobs I promise ight.

Ight! He grabbed my face for me to kiss him. A kiss turned into him picking me up and sitting me on the sink as he spreaded my legs to kiss my other set of lips. He didn't waist no time in putting in work. I was so sexually frustrated I can't even tell you the last time we was intimate with each other. For the first time in forever I felt wanted and love and I didn't want this to end cause I didn't wanna lose this feeling.

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