Chapter 165

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Machi P.O.V.

Yooo you heard? I laughed tapping Micahs shoulder getting his attention.

Heard what?

Ya girl Halo got arrested this morning. Said the cops came in and took her ass. Something about threatening another student or fighting in the bathroom or some shit! She got suspended for the rest of the week too.

Damn! Who was the student..?

I don't know nobody said. But you gone go bail ya girl out? Heaven wanted me to ask if she could ride with you!

Nah I'm not going...she shouldn't of did that shit!

I hear you!

Please, please please! Heaven begged coming over to us in the middle of our conversation.

No she shouldn't of been threatening nobody!

Halo wouldn't do that Micah she probably was just defending herself or something! Can you please get her out. I got half the dad is going to flip his shit. Plus she's pregnant with your baby!

Who said it's mine?

Bullshit you know it's yours! Please I swear I'll never ask for anything in this world again.
Micah rolled his eyes and slammed his locker. "Thank you!" Heaven begged with a smile.

Whatever, have one y'all seen Queen? He asked switching the subject.

Nah I ain't seen her in class all week....she talking to you yet?

He looked at me with the shut the fuck up face and I did. He didn't want Heaven running back saying shit to her sister and especially not about Queen. I don't understand why he just don't leave Halo bum ass alone and just stay with Queen or fight to get shorty back. I mean she seem way better than Halo bum ass. Heaven wasn't shit like her sister.

They headed out the school and was on they way. If it was up to me I'd say let her ass sit in jail. I hate the bitches who act like a bully than play victim.

I seen Queen going into class and I was going to have to take matters into my own hands. I went in after her and sat down.

Hi Machi! She smiled getting her book out.

You brother is in love with you!

Yeah right! She laughed.

Dude dead ass! He love yo ass, you got my mans going crazy out here.

Yeah right he's in love with Halo, they about to have a baby!

What? Yeah ight! But he don't like her though.....

Nice try Machi! She laughed.

Wow so you just gone let another bitch take yo man?

He's not my man! He love his girlfriend and I'm not stepping on nobody's toes getting involved in nobodies relationship.

But you not though cause they not in a relationship....

But they are!

They are not ! Look he's to scared to say it so ima say it for him. You mean a lot to him Queen. He cherishes you a lot and he loves you but he's scared. He thinks he's gonna get his heart broken again.

Well that's on him that he didn't wanna give me the proper chance oh well.

I huffed my breath and stood up why are girls so stubborn.

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