Chapter 19

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Heyy baby.! I smiled at my daughter Majesty as she walked into my room. She came and sat next to me on my bench in my closet.

How are you feeling? She asked laying her head on my shoulder.

Truthfully I don't know...

It doesn't make you angry? Finding out dad has another kid? I'm pissed for you.

Majesty..... when your dad cheated on me the first time it broke me, he's the only person I ever really been with. He was my first everything and the entire healing process all I did was wonder why I wasn't good enough for him.? After all these years did he finally get tired of me.? Did that high school puppy love thing fall off? Was he ready to divorce me? Was I not pretty enough? And than she said she was pregnant, her bestfriend April told us everything about her little scheme she did and we confronted her and of course she lied and played stupid. And as you know for every action there's a reaction. There's no way in hell she was even suppose to be alive....but since she made it out of her literal hell obviously god had other plans for her and her child's life. So to answer your question after thinking about this situation for the last 3 hours.....Of course I'm mad.! I'm angry, I'm feeling kinda bitter, I want to cry, I feel sick to my stomach. I can never love a child that was made on me and I don't know if I can forgive him for it, but that little boy upstairs is innocent and he can't help that he has a potential fucked up father and an idiot of a mother.

So is dad gonna get a DNA test?

He doesn't have a choice.

And if he's his....what's going to happen to our family.?

I don't want you to worry about anything.! Besides staying in school finishing this last year up make me proud and continue to be the best daughter ever.! I smiled wiping her small tears.

But Ma....

But Ma nothin.! Let me worry about everything.! I'm the moma I protect you and your siblings. We are always going to be a family.! Our love for you or any other of our children will never change.! Okay.! (She nodded her head in agreement wiping her tears.) "now how are things with you and Legend is he talking to you yet.?!"

No he pretty much hates me.! He literally ignores me like I'm not there. He even got our science teacher to swap out partners so he didn't have to work with me.

He'll come around sweetie just be patient it's probably killing him more that he can't talk to you than it is you not talking to him. Guys can't handle what they put you through remember that.! Plus Legend is in love with you.!

What makes you say that.!

Because he looks at you how your father looked at me.!

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