Chapter 185

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What's wrong now? I asked Halo opening her bedroom door. She was laying there like she was dieing. The doctor said she was gonna be in some pain cause she had a cyst or some shit on her tail bone. But her and the baby was okay.

I'm just hurting! She said with tears in her eyes. She was a big ass baby.

I can't believe me and Queen just had this big ass fight! My mind was all over the place and I was so angry. I missed her, didn't know where she was or why she wasn't answering the phone if she was even alright or anything. I needed to Vent about my dad and her she comes with this shit! My fuckin brain hurts.

I laid next to Halo rubbing her stomach as she was falling asleep. All I could do was think about Queen. I wanted to get back up and go back over there I need to apologize.! I need to show her it's her that I want. I be letting her go to easy and I can see why she thinks I'm still in love with Halo.

Maybe I'm not being honest enough with my self. I watched Halo sleep and I hated myself for what was going on right now! I do love Halo but that shit she pulled with her ex made me entirely hate her! Now look at the situation I'm in. I can't have my cake snd eat it to.! I love Queen I can see myself with her I know she's going to be an awesome mom to my son or daughter. But I love Halo too....I loved her enough to Marry her.

I can't run away from my problems...times like this I wish I could talk to my dad I don't know what to do!


I sat with my knees to my chest banging the back of my head into the dresser as I sat with my back against it. Tears rolled down my face and my mind was every where as my son screamed and cried to the top of his lungs.
I was falling completely apart!

She's been like this for hours! Majesty voice said cracking. I could see her picking Major up and his cries stopped.

Mag? Malachi called out to me bending down to my eye level. "You are brave! You are strong!" He repeated his self over and over again as I rocked back and fourth.

He's not coming home is he?

As of right now we still don't know! I need you to be brave....he'll want you to be brave for him! Malachi wrapped his arms around me.

I can't!

Yesss you can baby, you got this! Malike wiped my tears. "Member that dark place you was in last time....don't let it suck you back again! Your stronger than that!"

What if I'm not? What if I can't shake back from it?

You have to! Martavion wouldn't want you to be like this! Malachi said with a smile but tears in his eyes.

It hurts!!!!!!

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