Chapter 43

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Before I start this chapter I just wanna say sorry for the longggggg delay in updating chapters I been getting messages on Instagram and on wattpad lmao I'm sorry for the neglect I was just focused on my business which thank you again so much for everyone who has supported and sent me pictures I appreciate all the love and soon as I reach 200 followers on my Instagram @Adifferent_Vibe_ I will be doing an Instagram giveaway as well so make sure y'all stay tuned. But I am coming with the updates so don't worry.!!!!!!!



I sat on the couch next to my brothers and a loud thud against the front door scared us all. My mom came running down the stairs in confusion. Tires screeched from outside our home making us all get low.

I'll check.! Micah said as he grabbed one of dads guns with Machi next to him.

My mom came all the way down the stairs pushing Miracle and TJ back. Machi opened the door and Micah pointed the gun almost pulling the trigger. I ran to the door as a lifeless body layed on the stairs of our home.

Come on help me get him in the house! I yelled trying to pick Legend up. He was beat up so bad. He had a shot wound in his side, he had bruises and blood all over him. His lip was busted and he had a black eye.

Miracle I need a bowl of hot water.! Majesty get me gloves, alcohol, a needle, and a bunch of towels.! My mom yelled at everybody as she ran over to help with Legend. She started to check his pulse while listening to him breathe.

Is he okay? I asked tearing up. My heart was beating so fast.

Majesty go now.! She yelled at me again. I ran upstairs to the guest floor and grabbed all the towels and everything she needed. I could hear screams as I followed the blood trail back into our livingroom. Legend eyes wasn't open but he was screaming like hell.

Legend it's me Mrs Jackson. I need you to focus on your breathing baby.! My mom talked so calmly as she dugged for the bullet fragments.

Fuckkkkkkkk.! He screamed louder and louder.!

Baby I'm right here.! I sang kneeling down to him on the other side of him while she worked. I know my mom use to do surgeries that's how she know what to do so I was trusting her and everything she was doing right now. She nodded her head for me to keep talking to him. "I was so worried about you.!"

My mom began to clean the wound with the alcohol and he screamed in pain. He was able to open his eyes. His eyes was so bloody and he had big blood clots in them.

Your okay.! Your okay.! I sang forcing a smile on my face as I gripped his hands tighter. "Look at me Legend.!"

I can't see you.! He cried out in pain.

What do you mean you can't see baby? My mom asked as she patched him up putting fresh bandages on him.

I can't see every thing is so blurry. I haven't had vision in 2 days. He cried. My heart was breaking what happened to him?

It's okay. Well your home and safe now.! You just need to rest.! Majesty grab him a blanket and put it over him.

Mrs Jackson those are your white plush blankets that's 2,500 dollars a piece.! Legend said in pain.

Baby you already messed my porch, floors, carpets, and couch up.! A little blood on these blankets ain't gone make no difference you just worry about getting better than you can buy me some more.! She smiled putting the blanket over him. My mom was so calm she was making me calm in this situation. I sat kneeled next to Legend holding his hand to make sure he was as comfortable as possible.

After he fell asleep I grabbed a bunch of pain meds snd water snd sat it on the table in front of me for when he woke up.

Thank you.! I said to my mom as she grabbed her rugs to throw away.

He's family.! He's important to you he's important to us.! Make sure you watch over him.! She said with a smile.

I didn't take my eyes off of him not for one second.! He slept through his pain and my mind kept wondering back to that night. It's been weeks since that happened and he just get thrown on our door steps like a package. I need to know the whole story to this thing. It's driving me crazy. Whoever did this to him as to pay.!

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