Chapter 116

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I finished changing my baby and layed him back down for his nap. Major feel asleep instantly. I used this time to hurry up and take a shower. I swear after being a mom for so long you get use to so much shit and stuff don't even bother you any more. I thought I was hearing Major cry but he was still sound asleep. I hurried up and finished and got out.

I layed down looking at my baby. He looked just like Martavion. I got up running back to the bathroom and started throwing up. Anytime Martavion crossed my mind I started to get super sick and stressed out which made me cry. I was scared I may have lost my husband for the rest of our lives.

I woke up to the phone ringing. It was lani. I didn't wanna answer no ones phone calls unless it was my kids or Martavion I just needed to be alone and get my life together.

Mrs Jackson you have a visitor? A hard knock on the door said.

Who is it?

She says she's your sister!

I'll be down you can let her in.

I got up from the bed and washed my face to fix myself. I grabbed my baby and wrapped him up and we went downstairs. Lani came walking out the kitchen.

Girl why have you been keeping this beautiful little boy from the world? She asked getting closer to take him out my arms.

I'm just scared to take him seem to be doing good. How's Malachi?

He's doing good actually him, Malike and Martavion....have you spoken to him?

He called a few times late at night but that was about it. I'm freaking out Ka'Lani I just know they are going to slay him when it comes to sentencing him. I yelled breaking down crying I fell to my knees holding myself.

Ohhh noooo Magic your going to get through this! That man love the fuck out you he'll break out of that jail before anything.

I need my husband Lani this isn't right. He should be home helping me with our son but instead he's locked up far away in a prison and I can't have him! I can't even speak to him on a regular basis because they won't approve my number on his list! They won't even accept my packages for him. I can't even write him because they'll send it back. I was hit by a drunk fuckin driver who severely harmed me and my child! And he got to walk free while a man who was trying to protect his family have to sit and serve a damn near life sentence because this fucked up system. And because he's a drug lord they wanna take him down any and every way they can.!

You think for one second Martavion doesn't have a plan your so wrong....

Yeah your so wrong! A voice sang coming from  the front door with laughter. I looked up and Martavion stood there with this huge smile on his face. "Why are you crying?" He asked kneeling down to me picking my face up.

This isn't real right now!

Oh yeah it is. Look at me calm down!

How are you here?

I had some guards and the governor pull some strings and I'm supposed to be in medical but I'm here for the night baby it's okay!

I need you Martavion I need you! He wrapped his arms around my body and held me tight.

I know baby I'm here! He picked me up and carried me to our bedroom. "Wipe your face!" He turned the bathroom water on and started to run the a bath. "I'm gonna take care of you tonight. Relief some stress from your body!" He said shyly with a small smile.

I couldn't say anything I was in shock he helped me into the bath and talked to me telling me how much he loved me. I looked into his eyes as each word left his mouth and I knew he meant every word. He washed my body than my hair and helped me out. He put my favorite scented lotion on me and helped me dress in some shorts and one of his t-shirts.

Have you eating?


What do you want to eat?

I'm not hungry!

Your losing weight Mag, your sleep deprived, you have bags under your eyes, your losing hair.....your my wife I know everything and when everything about you changes. He grabbed my hand and led me to the kitchen. "How's the security?"

They are fine.....

Just fine we worked hard as fuck to get them niggas here! I turned around around Malachi and Malike was walking into the kitchen. I got up and hugged my brothers. Land was smiling ear to ear.

Damn I didn't get no love like that! Martavion said laughing a little jealous.

I let go of my brothers and hugged my husband and kissed his soft lips. "Thank you! I love you"

I know you do!

Can I get some pussy fuck it's been a minute! Malachi said to Lani making us all laugh.

Uhhh can we use a guess bedroom right quick y'all! Lani laughed.

Be my guess! I laughed.

You gone let me go and finish letting me cook or....

Or what! I smiled kissing his lips again.

Y'all baby crying Malike said breaking our kiss making gagging sounds.

I'll get him. I smiled. I left up the backstairs and went to our son nursery. I picked my crying baby boy up and brought him downstairs. Martavion was cooking and drinking a beer talking to Malike.

Baby...this is your son Major! I smiled bringing him close to Martavion. His eyes lit up as both of their eyes met each other and a small smile crept on our son face as I put him in his fathers hands.

Hi baby boy I couldn't wait to meet you and hold you! He smiled kissing his forehead. "Daddy love you no matter what!"

And he loves you too! I smiled wiping Majors face.

And I love you! He smiled kissing me.

Love you too! I took the baby back from his hands as the food was starting to burn so he can start cooking again. I took a seat at the island with the baby and began to feed him.

Martavion took Major from me and burped him and held him until he fell asleep. Martavion was always an amazing dad. It's gonna be hard when he leaves us.

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