Chapter 183

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Hey I need you guys to come up to the hospital dad's not doing well! I said into the phone as my kids answered the FaceTime.

What's going on ma? Micah asked concerned.

Just come up to the hospital all of you. And grab Miracle too. I said before hanging up. My soul was hurting right now. Martavion was hooked up to so many breathing machines and monitors.

I sat on the side of him looking at his helpless lifeless body. I felt pressure on my shoulders and I looked up. Malachi and Malike was standing beside me.

Hey sis! Malachi said hugging me. I got up and hugged my brothers. They went on a spiritual twin journey a while ago after the family had to take Marcus out and all secrets was revealed. That was their way of coping with that. They literally just got back today and this is the first thing that they have to  come home to.

He's going to be okay Mag! Malike assured me. But I know this was far from the truth.

Ma? Majesty asked coming into the room frantically. "What's wrong with dad?" "What's wrong with him?" She asked in tears.

Where is your brothers?

They coming up! What's going on with my daddy?! I pulled her into the hallway as my kids ran down the hall. I sat them all in a chair. They was worried and looked like they was in pain.

You guys know dad has been going through some stuff and he was in rehab for his drinking....he was given medication by a doctor their that was trying to seduce him but it was actually poison causing his heart to stop and his brain to shut down....your father is on what they call life support. He's not breathing on his own....the machines that he is hooked to is breathing for him.

He's gonna be okay right? Like he can get a new heart how you got one right?

Unfortunately baby your father has a rear blood disease and he can't just get any blood. Papa isn't his real father. His real father name is Martavious Black and he's the only one who can give blood to your father.

Where is he? Machi asked through his tears.

Black died after Miracle was born!

So he's going to die? My daddy is going to die? Miracle asked crying her eyes out.

I want you guys to come in and see your father this may be the last time.
I moved to the side and let my kids through the door.


My daddy laid there with all these monitors on him and tubes in his mouth and over his nose. I couldn't stop crying.

You always said a dad is girls first love! And you lent that. You are my first love! But most of all my favorite super hero! Daddy I love you to the moon and back. Thank you for all the times you saved me and protected me! Thank you for showing me how a princess should be treated. Thank you for always holding my hand and guiding me into the right paths. Thank you for being the best daddy in the world! I love you sleep peacefully daddy! I kissed my fathers cheek.


I never thought I'd ever be sitting across from you telling you how much you me t to me cause you already know but ima remind you! Dad you mean the world to me! I love you so much.! Thank you for raising me to be the man that I'm growing into today. Because of you I am strong, independent, and i know I can do all things possible because of you. I could never ask for a better father, thank you dad I love you!


I grabbed my fathers hand and I started To cry. I couldn't do this!

Your a true legend in my book.! I could never put anybody before you. I got you. Ima take care of mom and hold the family down. Thank you for molding me to be who I am today. You taught me how to play ball and ima take it to the championship just for you!


Your my hero daddy! I love you so much, so much I can't live without you! Please don't leave me!


I grabbed my daughter and hugged her and she kept breaking down in my arms. Miracle was taking this the hardest. I was trying to hold everything together. I felt every bit of energy drain and leave my body as the EKG slowly got flatter and flatter. I gasped for air like I was struck in the chest. I fell to the floor and passed out.

I opened my eyes and it was so bright. And whiteness around me. Everything felt pure and easy. I could hear foot steps coming towards me. I started to walk and as I got closer To I don't know what I could see Martavion. He was standing in a white suit and tie. My heart got so heavy and I could feel myself crying as he looked at me smiling.

Hi beautiful! He smiled as he reached out for me.

Hi! I smiled. He wiped my tears and I stood before him. "Your gone aren't you?!"

He smiled pushing the hair out my face. Stroking the side of my face. "Our human bodies disconnected but our souls aren't!"

I'm not ready yet!

You are! I'm never going to be far away from you.....

Martavion I can't.... I can't...this... I!

Shhhhh! It's okay. I live on through you. I'm forever in your heart. I prayed god left me on this earth for a long time. I got to find love....I got to build something and leave a legacy, I got to have a wife and kids that'll always cherish me forever. I got to feel something most people couldn't and only ever dreamed off. I got you!

You begged me not to leave you and than you leave me.....your always leaving me this isn't funny please....

I know baby.....this time I'm being called home. God has greater plans for me. It's funny how life works.

Please don't leave me, you wouldn't let me leave you! You faught hard for me to stay with you...what am I suppose to do now?

You live your life how Magic wants to live her life! You go out there and see the world. Don't sit around crying over me. Don't sit around beating yourself up. You live and I mean it!

I love you!

I love you to baby forever.

For ever! He leaned into kiss me and I wrapped my arms around him. "Your not leaving me, your not leaving me!" I begged between kisses. "I love you I love you I love you!"

I love you to Magic! His voice lingered around me and my arms got empty.

NO.!!!!!!! I screamed and screamed in pain!

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