Chapter 157

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Hey can I talk to you? A females voice said coming from the side of my locker. I looked over and it was Queen. My face lit up like a Christmas tree, but I didn't show it.

What's up? I asked as she had tears in her eyes. She was so nervous.


What's she doing here?! Halo asked annoyedly pissed off as she came to my locker.

We talking.! I said annoyed.

I thought you wanted to be a family Micah! I'm about to have your baby in 9 months! What the hell! Halo yelled starting to ball her eyes out.

I'll talk to you another time! Queen said wiping her fallen tears. Her feelings looked hurt as fuck. I was feeling really shitty inside right now. My feelings was hurt cause Queens feelings was hurt.

If you wanna be with her than just do it! Halo cried walking off. I ran after her cause I needed for her to understand this.....

Halo I'm not with her and I'm NOT with you! If this is my baby than I'll take care of it but we don't have to be together......

You don't want your first child to grow up with you in the same home? You don't want your child to have two parents?

I do I would love that but I feel like if you is pregnant you keep that baby and shit outta spite..... I don't know if I wanna make anything work with you honestly. All that stuff you was just saying back there in Queen face is a wanted to hurt her feelings! Your being evil and conniving for
No reason!

I'm not trying to be evil or anything Micah I love you and I need you to see that.! I want to be with you and I'm literally trying to do anything I can for you to understand that. I'm sorry, extremely sorry there is nothing in this world that can express how sorry I am for what I did but I know nothing can change how I feel about you or take back what I did so I'm trying my best to move on but it's so hard when your still in another girls face that you was actually messing with. I just want my son or daughter to be loved and in a Happy stable home with both her like you are! She said wiping her face and walking away.

She left me in a deep thought. All day I was thinking of ways of how I could of possibly fucked up and got Halo pregnant. This shit was making me sick. And I know for a fact if she was messing with me this time around I'm definitely the father she's been under me so much!

I always wanted my first child to be with someone I loved....and could see myself with for a lifetime. I damn sure wanted my baby to grow up with both parents in the home how I did. I feel like if anything I'm going to have to make this work in some way possible if she's pregnant by me! Cause I know ain't a chance in France she is going to let this baby go.


I leaned over the bathroom sink gagging as I felt entirely too sick. The door opened scaring me. I rinsed the sink out and washed my hands. Halo walked in with her crew. I literally did not have time for this right now.....I was so sick.

Saw you the other day at the clinic.....that little pussy burning! She laughed.

If it was it would of been from you since you was fuckin on Micah before me and i was fuckin him RAW! I said with a smirk.

Oh so you think you a class act huh? Well guess what.! I know you heard me loud and clear. I'm pregnant! And it's Micahs. You clearly don't get the picture of staying away from my man. She swung on me and I punched her in her face. Her nose started bleeding.

Got it! Another girl said laughing holding the camera up. My heart dropped into my ass.

This video of you assaulting me will make it to your PO! I'm warning you to leave Micah the hell alone. She said angrily. "Get her girls!" She said sternly and the three girls surrounded me. I dropped my book bag knowing I was about to have to fight for my life.

Wait! She yelled picking up my woman and children's folder from the clinic. She opened it slowly, her eyes widened when she seen my print outs. "Oh this is gold! Your baby and my baby will never be siblings!" She threw the holder in the toilet ruining all my important documents and my sonograms. I didn't even see who through the first punch at me before I was curled up in a ball getting hit back to back. Flash backs of my brother hitting me filled my head as blood poured from my mouth and nose.

Teacher coming! Someone yelled and they stopped.

Consider this a warning next time will be worst. Stay away from Micah and get a fuckin ABORTION! She yelled pissed off.

I started to throw up blood. I felt so weak. I crawled into the stall to save my stuff and a lot of it was ruined. I bursted into tears. I hate my fuckin life so much.

I signed myself out of school and made it to my car. A brick sat in my drivers seat along with all this glass someone busted my window out. I felt like I was desperate. I threw the brick on the ground and removed some of the glass. I was so weak I couldn't do anything.

I laid in my bed can barely see anything. My body hurts so bad. I just couldn't take it anymore.

I woke up to my door bell ringing uncontrollably....I got up slowly. I was badly bruised and in pain. I felt sick to my stomach.

I opened the door and it was Micah. I tried to close it back but he was stronger than me at this moment. He came in looking around.

What did you wanna talk about earlier you seemed upset. He asked as he locked the door behind me.
"What happened?!!!" She asked shocked.

Nothing, it's nothing... I said as I wiped my tears.

Nothing? That doesn't look like nothing Queen! Who the fuck did this?

Nobody it doesn't matter! I don't feel good can you please go?

No I'm not going anywhere!

I'm in this fuckin situation cause of you! I yelled pissed off. He was confused. "Your fuckin precious girlfriend is playing you!"

That's not my girlfriend and what are you...

Ma bad your baby mama! Ya wife! I yelled pissed off with tears in my eyes as I cut him off.

Dude I don't even know if it's true or not. I don't even fuckin want kids right now!

Oh really good to know! I said folding my arms.


Good to know you don't want kids cause this is gonna make this whole thing easier for me.

What are you talking about....

I went in my book bag and grabbed my folder out throwing it in the coffee table. He picked it up slowly opening it. "That week was together all day everyday fuckin all the damn time.....I got pregnant Micah!"

What you wanna do?! He asked with tears in his eyes.

I don't know! I was rapped at 14 and i was told I COULDN'T even have kids anymore. I got my whole life ahead of me and I'm supposed to go to college next year! I was balling my eyes out crying so hard. He pulled me into hugging him as he cried. He kissed my forehead and let me cry and hit him as I struggled to get my frustration out.

I'm down with whatever you wanna do okay! He said wiping my eyes.

It's not fair....your starting a famiky with her and my baby don't get to experience that? My baby doesn't get to have the chance i didn't have either.....I love you that not enough?

It's more than enough! I know you love me and I love you too. If you choose to keep this baby I'll 100% be there for you and the baby. It'll have a two parent household.

How? Your with her! I don't want to get in the middle of this any more....I'm done with you for Good Micah! Can you just leave!

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