Chapter 2

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"Mezhgan,are you okay?"
"Hmm.It's fine Jackie."
"It's not,I can tell.What's the matter?"
"It's stupid,really."
"Well tell me then and I'll be the judge of that."
"It's just Cheryl."
"What about her?"
"She's a lovely girl and everything,but for the past three mornings,I've woken up and gone downstairs and she's sat down there on the sofa.Then she ends up being at the house until about nine o'clock at night."
"Have you spoke to her about it?"
"Maybe you should try,she would understand.She's a really nice girl and she wouldn't try hurting anyone like that."
"I know.I don't know if I'm overreacting though."
"Your not overreacting babe.I understand where your coming from."
"I'm glad you understand.Me and Simon had an argument in the kitchen about it earlier while Cheryl was in the living room.He thinks I'm overreacting about the whole thing and he thinks I'm jealous."
"Really? He doesn't understand how it may feel if your the other person though."
"I know.He said yesterday that he doesn't work with her anymore and after their falling out he doesn't want to loose her again,so he invites her around.I know I'm his fiance and everything,but I just find their relationship really weird."
"Mezhgan,you know they've always been close since they got to know each other when he put her on the panel."
"I know that.I know that this might sound really weird,but sometimes I see them together and think they would make a really good couple."
"Why do you think that?"
"Just because they have good chemistry.They can have a laugh,they think really alike,they can basically tell what each other are thinking without saying anything!"
"You shouldn't think like that!"
"But I know something will happen between them eventually,if it hasn't happened already.Simon just has this weird,I dunno,its not an obsession,but it's always her first sort of thing."
"Mezhgan,he cares about you."
"You haven't seen us for the past couple of months,we've argued nearly everyday and most of the time it's over his relationship with Cheryl!"
"I know for a fact nothing would or will happen while he is or has been with you."
"How do you know that?"
"Cheryl would make sure nothing happened.She has been through all the affair stuff with Ashley and she was distraught,I know for a fact she wouldn't put anyone else through that!"
I sigh, "I know that deep down.It's just sometimes it feels more like a three way relationship!"

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