Chapter 32

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Chapter 32

Me and Sinitta had been sat talking for a while,it had been about fifteen minutes and I was wondering when Cheryl would turn up.It was five minutes later and I heard a knock at the door.I stand up and make my way to the front door and open it.I smile when I see her,she looks so adorable.She's dressed in jogging bottoms,a hoody,trainers and her hair is down and she's wearing no make-up,but she still looks stunning.
"Si? Can I come in?"
"Oh.Yeah.Sure.Come in." I move out the way and let her in.
She whispers, "Where's Sinitta?"
"The kitchen."
"So I can do this then." She leans forward and kisses me.
"I've wanted to do that all day." She gives me a smile,
"Me too."
"We better get back to Sinitta before she starts wondering where we are."
"Hmm,yes,good idea.By the way,why have you got food? You could of had something to eat here."
"I'm really hungry and fancied it,that's why it took so long to get here."
"Oh right." I put my arm around her waist and she looks at me and raises her eyebrows.
"Walk.She can't guess yet." I give her a smile and then walk on into the kitchen with Cheryl following behind me.
"Tweedy Pie!"
"Do you really have to call Cheryl that?"
"Fine.Hi Cheryl."
Cheryl just laughs, "Hiya sinitta.How are you?"
"I'm good thank you and you?"
"I'm doing alright,just had a really busy few weeks,but now got abit of time off."
"Aren't you lucky."
Cheryl walks over to the table and sits crossed legged on a chair and sits eating her food.I watch her and Sinitta talking and just think it's so hard to pretend that she's not my girlfriend.It's not the fact that I can't deny it to anyone or anything,it's just because the chemistry may be obvious to people to start asking questions.The papers picked stuff up about our chemistry during X Factor,so I hope people don't notice to much.
"Cheryl,do you want a drink?"
"Can I have a water please?"
"Yes." I get her a glass of water and pass it to her.

We had all been sat talking for a while and we decided to go and sit in the living room to be a bit more comfortable.
"Wine anyone?"
"Umm yeah alright."
Sinitta had already said yes and I don't want a lot because I know how me and Cheryl can get sometimes with a drink.I pour us all a glass of white wine and we go and sit down.Sinitta sits down on the chair,so I sit down on one end of the sofa and Cheryl sits on the other end.
"Shall we watch a film considering there's nothing good on tonight?"
"What film?"
"Let Sinitta choose.I need to pee."
"Thanks for that information there Cheryl."
"No problem."
She smiles at me then walks out the room.I watch her walk out and turn back to Sinitta looking at me.I take a sip of my drink and she shakes her head at me.
"I'm not stupid you know!"
"What are you on about?"
"I do speak to Mish quite a bit!"
I take a quick breath in, "And?"
"I know you've broke up.She wouldn't say any reason,she said you would tell me.But at the moment,it's looking more and more to do with Cheryl.Am I right?"
I take a massive swig of my wine, "I just didn't love her anymore.That's the reason!"
"Simon.Come on.I've been your friend for absolutely years.I know you well enough to know when your telling the truth or not! You obviously fancy the pants off Cheryl and somethings happened between you,or more than likely,something is happening between you!"
I just look down,I really don't want to say anything just yet.I'm going to have to lie to her because if she finds out,there's a high chance most people will find out.
"Sinitta,look,it's none of your business.Yes we flirt and cuddle,but that's it,nothing else."
She just sighs "Alright,just be careful.I know how much her friendship means to you,so don't mess it up."
"I won't.Trust me."

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