Chapter 50

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(Simon's POV)

We had put all Cheryl's things away in what was now our room and we were now just led down on the sofa.I had my arms around her waist while she was lying infront of me.I still wasn't used to the jet lag,even though I'd traveled from UK to LA for years,it was only two in the afternoon but it felt like midnight,so we couldn't sleep.My phone vibrates on the side of the sofa again,
"Si,answer your phone,that's the third time in like half hour."
I look at the screen and just grumble,
"Who is it?"
Cheryl just rolls her eyes and goes back to watching TV.I answer the phone,
"Yes Nicole?"
"Simon,the bosses want to know where you are? Me,Paula and LA are here and they won't start this meeting without you!"
"I'm not going to be there!"
"What? You need to be here! It's the meeting before we start mentoring our acts for the live shows!"
"Nicole,I know that! I have done the show before,I don't need a lecture from you! Just tell the bosses from me that I'm not going to be there!"
Then I just put down the phone so she can't argue back anymore.I put down the phone on the sofa and Cheryl is just looking at me.
"Where are you meant to be?"
"A meeting."
"X factor."
"Simon! Get your ass there! That's important!"
"Nope,I'm spending the day with you!"
"Simon! I want you to go to the meeting,it's important."
I just roll my eyes at her. "How far away is it?"
"About fifteen minutes."
She sits up and turns the TV off. "Come on,your going! I'm coming with you and I'll sit in a cafe or something."
She grabs her bag and quickly shoves some shoes on and stands by the door with her hand on her hip. "Move it!"
I stand up slowly and put my shoes on.I hear my phone vibrating again and just grab it and answer it.
"Yes Paula,I'm on my way now! I'll be there in half hour!"
"Why aren't you here already?"
"I've only just got back from the UK!"
"Why were you there?"
"I'll explain another time!"
I put the phone down and walk out the door with Cheryl and down to the car.We sit in the car and I give Cheryl's hand a squeeze and she gives me a smile,then we set off to the meeting.

(Paula's POV)

We had all been waiting for Simon for ages,I look up when I hear the door open and in strolls Simon.
"Nice of you to turn up Simon." The boss says,
"Sorry I'm late."
"Late? You were meant to be here about two hours ago!"
"I had only just got off the plane then so I wouldn't of been here on time!"
He comes and sit down next to me.The boss starts the meeting and starts talking about what's going to be happening with the show.I turn to Simon and speak really quietly,
"Why were you over in the UK?"
"I went to see my mum."
"And it doesn't matter what else really,does it?"
I turn back around to listen to the boss.I know Simon went over to the UK for a reason,he never just unexpectedly goes off to the UK to just see his family.If we're working together,he usually says when he's not going to be here,we are close when we work together,but once the show finishes,we literally have a catch up every couple of months.
I look up when my name is called,
"Your first rehearsal with your acts is from ten until twelve.LA,from twelve thirty until two thirty.Nicole from three until five and Simon,your rehearsal is from six until eight.Rehearsals start on Monday in two days time,I want you all here by twelve o clock,obviously for you Paula,you'll already be in,but I want you all to stay until the end.These rehearsal times are for when the stage is yours,but you can rehearse in other rooms and get to know your acts in the rest of that time! Now,you are free to all go home."
We watch the boss grab his things and walk out the door,he's obviously in a rush.I see Simon grab his phone and stand up. "Oh,so no bye then Simon?"
"Bye Paula."
"Why are you in such a rush to leave?"
"Because I have Cheryl waiting for me in the cafe downstairs,that's why!"
"How come she never said she was coming over?"
"It's complicated,don't worry."
"Well I'm coming down to speak to her,I haven't seen her for ages!"
We walk out the door and down the stairs to get to the cafe.She sees me and gives me a smile.Just as we were going over she put her phone down saying "Bye mam." She stands up and gives me a massive hug.
"It's so nice to see you again Paula!"
"I know,I haven't seen you for ages! You didn't tell me you were coming over here."
"I didn't exactly know I was coming over as soon as I was."
"Oh right.So how have you been?"

I had just got back home from chatting with Cheryl and Simon for an hour or so.Me and Cheryl had decided to meet tomorrow at my place for a catch up.I want to find out how come she was there though,cause they both just said it was a long story when I asked them today.When Cheryl was on X Factor USA,I did know they were close,it didn't come across that strong onscreen,but backstage they were really close.Their relationship is closer than mine and Simon's,but then when they aren't working I know they are in contact alot of the time.I do miss Cheryl on the show,but we've ended up good friends from the show which I'm happy about because she is lovely.The thing is,me and Cheryl didn't know who each other were the first day of filming,so we were trying to get to know each other while trying to do our jobs,but I am glad we are still in contact.
I don't really know what to make of Simon and Cheryl's friendship.When everything happened with the X Factor,Simon was upset that they weren't in contact and he was definitely stressed from it all.Also,she said she's staying at Simon's house when I asked where she was staying and she obviously came to the USA the same time as Simon came back here.

(Cheryl's POV)

Me and Simon were sat cuddling on the sofa.We had just finished eating our tea which Simon cooked.
"Babes,what time you going to see Paula tomorrow?"
"I don't have a clue.Probably early afternoon! Why?"
"No reason,I was just wondering.Oh yeah,I start rehearsals with my acts on monday."
"Do you want to come with me?"
I turn round and face him, "What? Why? Wouldn't that be abit weird me being there?"
"No,not really.Come on,I have to leave at eleven and I won't be back until about nine at night! And plus,come and see Rachel Crow,she loves you!"
I have to smile,I remember auditioning Rachel and I absolutely loved her straight away.
"Okay,I'll come with you!"
"Thank you."
He leans forward and kisses us gently and pulls us up onto his lap.He slowly takes me top off and I moan into his mouth when I feel him unclasp the hook of me bra.I pull back out of breath,
"We should go upstairs."
I kiss him again before he stands up and whisks us upstairs,leaving me bra and top scattered on the floor in the living room.

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