Chapter 51

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(Simon's POV)

I wake up hearing a knocking sound,but when I'm properly awake it stops,so I just think it was a dream.I look to my right and see Cheryl still sound asleep cuddling into me.I look around the room and see mine and Cheryl's clothes all over the floor,it was definitely a good night last night.I look at the alarm clock and see it's ten o'clock in the morning and I know Cheryl will be getting up soon to go and see Paula.I carefully untangle myself from her and give her a kiss on the forehead before sliding out the bed.I cover her back up in the duvet and just grab some jogging bottoms and t-shirt from my wardrobe to throw on.I hear a knock at my front door so finish getting changed and make my way out the room,shutting the bedroom door behind me.I get to the bottom of the stairs and go to the door and open it.
"Simon,about time you opened the door.I've been knocking for about ten minutes!"
"Sorry Tony! I thought I was hearing things."
"Have you only just got up?"
"That's unusual,your usually up at like eight!"
"I had a lie in.Now,why do you keep turning up at my place and not telling me your coming?"
"It's called a surprise Simon! Now,can I come in?"
"Umm yeah,sure."
I open the door so he can come in and he stops before entering the living room.I shut the door and roll my eyes at him. "what is it?"
"Is Mezhgan here?"
"Just the clothes on the floor obviously aren't yours."
I walk over to him and see what he's on about.Cheryl's bra and top are still on the floor from last night.I walk over and quickly pick them up.
"Mum told me that you and Mezhgan had split up."
"Oh and what else did mum tell you?"
"Nothing else,just that."
"But I'm guessing you've made up?"
"No.Me and Mezhgan are finished.Cheryl's staying over here and she only got here yesterday,so her clothes are everywhere."
Luckily enough,a pile of her clothes were at the back of the living room,so I went and put the clothes I picked up with the other clothes. "Do you want a drink?"
"Yeah,go on then."
"Yeah please."

(Tony's POV)

I watch Simon walk out into the kitchen and I just sit down on one of the sofas.After a while I hear footsteps upstairs.Obviously because she's quite close to the family,we get to see the real side of her,not what magazines make her out to be like.She's one of the nicest,most down to earth people I've ever met.I smile when I hear her call down the stairs,
"Si! Can you bring me top up please!"
Obviously he doesn't hear cause he's in the kitchen making drinks.
I hear her walking about upstairs and then a couple of minutes later I hear footsteps coming down the stairs.She walks into the living room and freezes when she sees me.
"Hello Cheryl."
"Umm.Hi Tony."
She crosses her arms over her stomach and stands quite awkwardly.I notice she's wearing one of Simon's shirts and some shorts,so I'm guessing there's alot more to the story Simon told me earlier.
"Umm,have you seen Simon?"
"Yeah,he's making drinks in the kitchen."
I smile at her while she walks fast out the room.I'm not a hundred percent sure at the moment if they have just slept with each other or if they are in a relationship.But she wouldn't be wearing his shirt if nothing was happening.

Me and Simon had been sat talking for while and Cheryl was off getting ready to go out.
"Si!" I hear Cheryl calling as she was running down the stairs.We both look into the doorway,waiting for her to come through.
"Can you do me necklace up please babe?"
"Yes,sure,come here."
I watched as she walked over in denim shorts,a long vest top and trainers and sat on Simon's lap so he could do up her necklace.Once he was done,I watch him wrap his arms around her waist and she leans back into him and laughs.
"Right,well I'll leave you boys to it! I'll be back later." She turns round and gives Simon a kiss on the cheek and then walks over to me.I stand up and give her a hug,
"I'll see you again soon Tony."
"Yes,see you soon."
She starts walking and Simon says, " are you getting to Paula's?"
"Walking.It's only ten minutes!"
"If it's late when you leave,phone me and I'll pick you up."
"I doubt it will be late,but thanks babes."
She walks out the door and the door shuts loudly behind her.I look at Simon and he just looks at me questioningly.
"What's going on with you two then?"
"What are you on about?"
"Come on Simon,don't play stupid! She's a beautiful girl,but seriously,how did you manage to get Cheryl Cole?"
"I honestly don't know what your on about Tony.She's staying here for a while cause she's over here,so I offered her a place to stay."
I just look at him, "Simon,come on,I know your lying,I'm your brother and can tell these things!"
He just rolls his eyes at me.
"Simon,I won't tell anybody,I only want to know if she's your girlfriend and then I'll drop the subject!"
He sighs, "Fine! Yes she is my girlfriend but it's literally our mum,her mum,Lily and someone who works for me who knows.We don't want it coming out at all,now drop it!"

(Cheryl's POV)

I was so embarrassed this morning walking into the living room with Simon's shirt on infront of his brother.If he didn't already know that we were together by finding me bra and top on the floor,he must of guessed then.I was just walking up the path to Paula's house and as I got near the top,I see she's already standing by the door.I walk up and give her a hug,
"Hey babe,you alright?"
"I'm good,still abit tired though,you?"
"I'm fine thanks,just abit ---" I was going to say embarrassed,but I remember she doesn't know anything about me and Simon. "Tired as well.Jet lag is annoying."
She laughs,I'm glad I recovered meself on that one.
"Come on in."

I had just got back to Simon's from Paula's.It had been a fun afternoon,nearly dropped meself in it a few times though.I walk through the door and kick me shoes by the stairs.
"I'm in here babes!"
I follow his voice into the kitchen and he's stood cooking.
"Ooh,what you cooking babes?"
"I'm cooking a fresh pasta dish and I've also made chocolate fudge cake for dessert."
"Mmm,sounds lovely! You spoil us rotten!"
"I know.Now get your ass over here,I haven't really seen you all day!"
I laugh and walk over to him and wrap me arms round his neck,while he wraps his arms around me waist and pulls us closer to him.He smiles at us before leaning in and capturing me lips.When he kisses us,everything else seems to melt away and it just feels special,like it's only us left in the world.I pull away from him and give him a massive smile,
"I missed that all day!"
"Me to!"
"You know what,I was so embarrassed this morning walking into the living room and your brother was in there and I was stood in your shirt and some shorts."
"Aww babes.I didn't know he was coming.He has this thing about just turning up!"
"I guessed.He probably thought I was such a weirdo! I was stood so awkwardly!"
"He didn't Cheryl,he just thought it was quite funny.He noticed the shirt though."
"I guess he knows then?"
"Yes,he asked once you had left,he didn't want to embarrass you anymore.But,he did say you should learn to put your clothes away,that was the biggest give away!"
I put me head down on Simon's shoulder, "I'm so embarrassed about that! He found me clothes on the floor! I was actually looking for them this morning."
"I put them on your pile of clothes at the back of the living room,but I moved it all up to our room earlier on and put them in the wash basket."
"Thanks babes."
I give him a kiss.
"It's no problem.Oh yeah,one other thing,Tony's still here.He's leaving here at five in the morning cause he's going back to the UK."
"Okay,it doesn't bother us,it's your house.But he isn't going to wind us up is he?"
"Cheryl,it's our house,not mine and he won't wind you up babes."
"Right,well I'm just going to get changed into some trackies,then I'll be back down."
I give him a quick kiss before running out the kitchen and up the stairs to our bedroom.

We had all been sat around with a drink just watching TV and chatting.
"Well,I'm off to bed.I have to be up in about five hours to get ready to go back to the UK."
"Okay,say hi to the kids and to mum for me."
"I will.Night Cheryl."
"Night.Have a safe flight back."
I watch him walk out the room and Simon pulls us right over next to him.
"What time are we leaving tomorrow?"
"About eleven."
I stand up and then straddle Simon on the sofa.I put me forehead against his and just smile at him.He starts kissing me neck,then slowly works his way around me neck.I let out a small moan when he starts kissing down me shoulder and putting his hands up me top.I jump a mile when I hear a cough.I pull back and look up and see Tony stood in the doorway.I quickly stand up and sort meself out.
"Umm,I just left my stuff down here.Didn't mean to disturb you."
"It's fine."
I grab me glass and walk out into the kitchen.I walk over to the sink and run some water over me pulse points.I swear when I next see Tony,he could embarrass us so much.I stand drinking me drink and I hear footsteps coming in from the living room,
"Yes Tony?"
"Don't be embarrassed or anything."
"Seriously Tony,how can I not be? You see me in your brothers shirt,then I find out you found me clothes over the floor and then you see us like that."
"So,your my brothers girlfriend."
"I know,but I don't want you thinking badly of us."
"Cheryl,I won't ever think badly of you for that sort of reason.Don't be silly!"
"Now,I am actually going to bed now,I won't disturb you again.I'm sure I'll see you again soon."
"Thanks.Yes I'll see you soon."
I sigh as he leaves the kitchen and I close me eyes as I hear him walk up the stairs.
I feel hands on me waist so open me eyes and look at Simon.
"You okay?"
"He always manages to see us at the most awkward times,when I'm all hot and bothered!"
He laughs, "babes,don't worry about it,he doesn't care! Now,shall we go to bed?"
He pecks me lips before picking us up.
"Lets go to bed then!"

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