Chapter 67

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(Cheryl's POV)

We had just got through the gates of Simon's house,seeing paps hanging around outside the place.We both get out the car and he takes me hand,and we wonder up to the house.He just pulls the handle down on the door,walking straight in.
"Wait,why's the door open?"
"Liz will be here,it's before twelve."
"Oh yeah! Where will she be?"
"She'll be in the kitchen."
"I'm gonna go and say hi!"
"Two seconds!"
He pulls us back towards him by me jeans,putting his arms around us,leaning in and placing his lips on mine.I wrap me arms slowly around him,leaning further into him,deepening the kiss.We slowly pull away from each other,looking in each others eyes,
"I love you." I whisper,slightly out of breath,
I get a smile off of him, "I love you too."
He gives us one last peck on the lips,before we pull away completely from each other.
"I'm gonna go and say hi to Liz babe."
"I'm just going to take my suitcase upstairs,then I'll be back down!"
"Okay.See you in a minute babes."
I walk on down towards the kitchen,and look in,seeing Liz sat at the table with a hot drink.She turns around,obviously hearing me footsteps.When she looks at us,she gives us a massive smile,
"Hiya Cheryl,I thought it was Simon!"
I laugh slightly,
"Nope it's us,but Simon is upstairs."
"Would you like a hot drink?"
"I will do." I see her standing up, "I'll make it! You don't have to make us drinks you know.Sit back down." I say with a smile,wondering over to the kettle.
"Are you sure? I'm here to do this sort of thing until twelve you know."
"Not for me!" I laugh.
"Okay." She smiles, "The kettles only just boiled."
I make me way around the kitchen,grabbing things I needed,and make meself a cup of tea.I climb up on the side to get to the top cupboard and grab some biscuits.I jump down off the side,dusting meself off,and grab me tea and biscuits,turning around to see Liz and Simon watching us.
"Hey! How long have you been in the kitchen?"
"Since you climbed my cupboard! I always wondered how you got things down from there,now I know!"
I give him a guilty smile and bite me lip slightly.I wonder over to the table and sit down,feeling his gaze watching us.I put me cup of tea down,opening the biscuits,
"Want some?" I say to Liz.
"Go on then."
She takes a couple of biscuits out,and I turn around to Simon,
"Want one babe?" I say with a dimpled smile.
"I'm fine at the moment."
"Okay,more for us then!"
He rolls his eyes at us before wondering out of the room,making both me and Liz laugh.
"So dramatic!" I say,making both me and Liz burst out laughing.
We sit in a comfortable silence,just drinking our drinks.
"You know Cheryl,the sides aren't for climbing on!" He says wondering back in.
"Well you could of helped us considering you were stood there!"
"And every other time?"
"You wouldn't help us! You said to do it meself,so I said I'd find a way,which I did."
"Climbing on the sides?" He says raising his eyebrows.
"Yes,of course! What other way was I gonna do it? I wouldn't be able to reach without climbing!"
"Your so bloody cheeky!"
I just pout at him,watching him walk over to us.
"Don't pout! You know what it does to me!" He says quietly.
I just carry on pouting,looking him in the eyes,seeing him stand right in front of us.I squeal when he starts tickling us.
"Simon! No! Get off us!"
I end up in a heap on the floor,giggling.
"Si! Stop it!"
He stops for a couple of seconds and looks at Liz,
"Excuse us for a second."
He lifts us off the floor,carrying us in his arms,tickling us.
"Liz,help us! He's gonna tickle us to death!"
I hear her laugh.
"Your gonna drop us!" I shriek.

Liz had just left Simon's house,and we were in the kitchen eating our lunch.
"This bacon butty is lush! I haven't had one for ages!"
"Me either!"
I quickly finish me bacon butty,taking me plate over to the sink and grabbing a packet of crisps.I walk back over to the table,sitting down on Simon's lap,feeling him place his hands just under me top on me waist,turning us around to face him.I open me crisps,taking one out,I was about to put it in me mouth when Simon leans forward and eats it.
"Si! That was mine!"
He just laughs at us,so I just frown and pout at him,crossing me arms.
"I swear you have a thing with sulking!" He laughs.
"Don't take me crisps then!" I say,taking another crisp out the bag and quickly popping it in me mouth.
I poke me tongue out at him,before standing up,going to walk away.I feel him pull on the loop on me jeans,stopping us from walking any further.
"Si,your gonna break me jeans!" I moan.
He stands up,pulling us into him,
"Is that a bad thing?" He whispers in me ear.
"Yes! I need me clothes!"
"Well I think you look incredibly sexy without them!"
"Well I'm glad you do,otherwise I'd be abit worried considering you see us naked alot!"
"I'd be very worried about myself considering your my girlfriend!"
"True that!"
I lean forward and catch his lips,slightly teasing him.He walks us backwards until I hit the kitchen wall,pinning us to it.I moan into his mouth,and shiver when he trails his hand up me spine,taking me top off slowly.Me top gets chucked on the floor,and I slowly start taking his t-shirt off,dropping it to the floor with mine.

(Simon's POV)
I move my hands to her jeans,undoing the top button,smiling as she moans into my mouth.I feel her hands slowly move down my chest,her fingers gripping the top of my trousers.
I turn around sudden,knowing the voice instantly.
"Jackie! Get out!"
I see her quickly move from the door.
"Every bloody time! " Cheryl shouts.
She quickly picks her top up off the floor,throwing it on and doing her trousers up,stomping out the room.I go after her,seeing her going into the living room.I go and grab my top,shoving it on and going out into the hallway,just in time to see Cheryl backing out of the living room.She just looks at me before walking towards the stairs.
"Cheryl! Please don't just walk off."
"It's like deja bloody vu!" She shouts,running up the stairs.
I hear a door upstairs slam shut,and I just sigh,putting a hand through my hair,seeing Jackie appear at the living room door.I just stare at her,knowing that she knows I'm not very happy.
"I'm sorry Simon.I didn't mean to walk in ---"
"Why can't you knock on the front door like anybody else,instead of just walking straight in!"
"Simon,I would usually knock,but it's important!"
"What's so important that you just waltz in my house!"
"Mezhgan is on her way here! She's on a flight now!"
"What? Why do I need to know that?"
"She's coming here! That's why!"
I see her face turn to a guilty expression,
"What have you done?"
"I accidentally told her about you and Cheryl sleeping together!"
I just look at her gobsmacked,not knowing what to say.
"I'm so sorry Simon,it slipped out when I had been drinking! But Simon?"
"What Jackie?!"
"She's after Cheryl!"

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