Chapter 12

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(Simon's POV)

"Simon,are you paying attention?"
"Huh? What?"
"Are you even listening to the meeting?"
"I'll take that as a no then!"
I was sat in a meeting for US X Factor and I honestly didn't have a clue what he was going on about.
The meeting felt like it was going on a lifetime,
"Okay everyone,the meeting is finished.See you all in a couple of weeks."
Everybody stands up to leave the room,
"Simon,can I have a word."
I walk over to the FOX boss and take a seat infront of him.
"You weren't paying attention to anything I said in that meeting were you?"
"I'm sorry,I just have a lot on my mind right now."
"Is it that important to distract you from your show?"
"Yes! It's really important actually."
I stand up and get ready to go,
"Where are you going?"
"I need to go to the airport,so if you don't mind,can I go?"
"You have another meeting tomorrow Simon!"
"Cancel it,I won't be there,I'm going to the UK."
"I can't just cancel a meeting like that Simon.It's important,your going to have to go back to the UK after the meeting tomorrow!"
"No I'm not.My flight is booked for a couple of hours,so I'm going.It's important and I'm going.You can have the meeting without me."
"What's that important that it can't wait a day?"
"It's personal okay."
"Well your not going to be turning up to an important interview,so I need some explanation."
"Fine,I'm going to see Cheryl!"
"I don't think I need to tell you anything else,you know why I'm going now."
"Your friends though.Didn't you make up ages ago?"
"Yes we did.I need to talk to her about something else okay! Now if you don't mind I need to go,otherwise I will miss my flight."
"Say hi to her from me."
"Why would I say hi? I nearly lost our friendship from this whole show!"
"Fair point.Have a safe flight."
I stand up and walk out the door into the corridor.I stop for a minute and just think,what the hell am I meant to say to Cheryl when I see her? I just breathe,hopefully something will come to me on the flight.

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