adele webber

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not responsible
season 7 ep 16

🎵Jealous Girl-Lana Del Rey🎵

"I'm a jealous, jealous, jealous girl"


"I was in the cereal aisle, and I tripped on one of those big display ... fruit spreads or ... or some nonsense and the whole thing came down" Adele explains as Mark cleans her wounds

"Lido and an epi, please. 5-0 prolene" Mark asks Madelyn who's passes them to him

"Oh, it's a cut, Mark. You don't have to show off. You can give me a couple of band-aids and be on your way" Adele reassures

"Yeah, that's not how this is gonna go"

"You ... you tripped on the display or you tripped over your feet and fell into the thing or..."
Richard asks confused about his wife's story

"The chronology escapes me, Richard. I was more focused on the fact that there was jam and ... and shard glass all over my coat and my pants and the pants of the store manager, who would not leave me alone until he packed me away into an ambulance. Oh! You know, this whole thing is just ridiculous!"

"This is twice, honey. I mean, your wrist ..."

"It's those shoes. Now they are supposed to tone your derriere, but I cannot feel the ground when I walk on them. I am going to throw them away. If somebody would just give me a couple of band-aids, I can be on my way" Adele says making Madelyn laugh slightly

"You're not going anywhere" Richard says

"No, if you make a big fuss about this..."

"Mrs. Webber" Mark says


"I'm about to put a needle in your face. I'd be extremely grateful if you'd stop moving"

"Mm" she replies finally staying still


Madelyn enters a room full of eye equipment which Meredith is sat behind

"You paged me?"

"Yeah, I need you to check my eyes" Meredith says

"I'm not an eye guy. I don't know how this crap works" Madelyn says

"All right, well, I already did the chart. I'm, like, 20/25, but I ... I ... I ... now I need you to look at my eyes through this thing"

"Maybe it's glaucoma. Hey, you could get a prescription for pot" she jokes but Meredith glares at her "All right" Madelyn agrees taking a set opposite Meredith "Uh, look up. Look down. Doesn't look like glaucoma. Uh, your cornea looks fine"


"Yeah, but you still can't read the chart"

"Yeah, but if I squint..."

"Normal people don't squint. All right. Read the chart, line 8. No squinting"

"D, C, P, I."

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