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Walking tall
season 12 ep 2

🎵My Tears Ricochet-Taylor Swift🎵

"you had to kill me but it killed you just the same"


"I mean, I just... I just... I-I barely know this woman. We had like two dates last week. She asked to see me again tonight. It's crazy. I can't stop thinking about her. You know when you meet someone and you get that flutter that... that rush and it feels like you know them and they know you and you think to yourself, "I could stare at this person's face forever"? Do you know what I mean? Or maybe not" Callie rants

"Callie, I really don't care" Madelyn replies

"Okay, just because your love life isn't going well doesn't mean everyone else's had to suck" Callie replies


"So, I looked it up, and Bailey's the first" Arizona says interrupting them

"First what?" Amelia asks

"First female chief of surgery of this hospital. Before that, all men" Arizona says

"I say it's about time" Jackson says

"And all the department chiefs are women... neuro, cardio...Ortho"

"We got trauma" Jackson says pouting at Owen

"Oh please" Callie scoffs "Trauma doesn't run without Kepner and Shepherd- Oh who by the way is double board certified"

"Let it go" Owen says to Jackson

"...Fetal... Badass!" Amelia finishes listing

"Ladies. This place is run by ladies. It's..."Ladyplace." Madelyn says

"No. It is not Ladyplace. "Ladyplace" is what my grandma calls her vagina" Maggie says

"Oh!" Callie exclaims

"To anyone who will listen, by the way... she is not shy" Maggie continues "No, we can't call this place Ladyplace. I don't need to think of that sweet, sweet, raunchy, old lady's vag every time I walk through the doors"

"Me neither, but I will now" Alex says

"She's coming, she's coming!" Richard announces

"Oh, oh! Oh! Hurry, hurry, hurry!"

When Bailey opens the door she says "Well, I'm glad to see you're all here. Uh, but if you had read your e-mail, you would have known that one of the many things that I will be implementing as chief is no more weekly attendings' meetings"

"Uh, well, actually, this is a st..." Bailey cuts Richard off

"See, less talking about saving lives and more saving of the lives. Thank you" Bailey says walking out

"Can I cut the cake anyway?" Madelyn asks

"Do not touch the cake" Richard warns

It's always been you, April Kepnerजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें