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Break Down the House
season 14 ep 1

🎵What Was I Made For-Billie Eilish🎵

"think i forgot how to be happy"


The day after the fire Madelyn was awoken to the sound of Jackson entering her room.

"Hey" he says quietly "Sorry, did I wake you?" he asks

"Yeah, but it's okay. What time is it?" she asks attempting to sit up but immediately regretting moving

"A little after midday" he replies fully entering the room "April slept here last night" he says noticing the brunette eyes linger on the seat next to her bed which was occupied by a blanket and a pillow "She had to go deal with some patients, but she said she'd be back" he informs earning a single hum from the tired brunette "Also Wilson has been begging me to let her come and visit, despite me telling her multiple times it's not up to me, it's up to you"

Madelyn let's out a deep sigh and rolling her eyes "Fine. Wilson can come" she agrees

"And your sister, who has threatened to hurt me if she's not allowed in here by the end of the day?"

Madelyn shakes her head in amusement "Yes and Amelia, but no one else and not at the same time" she states clearly

"Okay" Jackson replies "Now, let's have a look at these burns" he says making Madelyn wince at just the thought, Jackson carefully removed the dressing from her arm, Madelyn watching the man's face very closely "The burns themselves aren't hard for me to treat, for the most part..."

"But?" Madelyn questions as he trails off

"I am concerned about the one's which are located in the same place as the ones from the place crash" he confesses

"Great" Madelyn replies sarcastically "So are you gonna make me play the waiting game or are you able to do something?" she asks

"We'll wait for now. But i'm looking, and I won't stop until I find a solution" Jackson replies "Am I good to send Wilson in?" he asks

"Yeah, and tell her these windows work both ways and I can see her gawking at me from out there" Madelyn says

"Will do" Jackson chuckles on his way out

A moment later the door re opens, and a worried looking Jo enters

"Stop frowning, I can already see the wrinkles forming" Madelyn teases

Jo relaxes her face and takes the seat next to Madelyn's bed "Don't die, I love you to much"

Madelyn rolls her eyes but can't help the smile "Oh, thanks for that bambi, your words truly are the best medicine" she jokes

"Seriously Madelyn" Jo says "We've spent so much time together I can practically read your mind"

"What are you talking about?" Madelyn questions defensively

"Do you want to get through this?" Jo asks catching Madelyn completely of guard

"Wh- yes! Yes, of course I do" she lies

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