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love, loss and legacy
season 8 ep 5


"you could have anyone you want, why would you want to be with me?"


Madelyn hurries down the stairs grabbing her keys she goes to open the door when she remembers she left her phone in the kitchen "shit" she whispers to herself, she quickly turns around a bumps straight into Lexie

"Hey. Where are you going?" Madelyn asks

"Um, to visit Molly for two days"

"Oh, that's great"

"Jackson arranged it. It was a surprise"


"What so you mean by that?"

"Nothing. Just oh."

"Cause it sounded like you meant, "Really, he arranged for you to visit your sisiter "At the exact time his mother's coming into town? "Guess he's not really that into you, otherwise, he'd want you to meet his mother like a normal person."

"No. Well yes, but you had a mother, Uh Jackson is like Meredith they had surgeons who procreated. It's just a little complicated"

"I-I-I shouldn't go, right?"

"No, I think it's sweet that he wants you to get out of the line of fire"

A car from outside beeps "That's my cab. Yeah, I-I should stay"

"I think you should probably get out while you have the chance"

"Are- are you sure?"

"Yes, i'm sure" Madelyn says but Lexie doesn't seem sure so she gives her best friend a quick hug "Go"

"Okay, thank you. See you in two days" Lexie says

"See you in two days" Madelyn repeats


Alex, Cristina, and Meredith take their seats in the lecture room in front of Madelyn who is sat next to April and Jackson

"I can't believe Altman postponed our surgery for grand rounds. It's just a boring lecture" Cristina complains

"Your husband said it was mandatory" Madelyn points out

"One more hour of sleep, that's what it is" Alex says

"Oh, no. It's not gonna be boring. This is Jackson's mother, Catherine Avery" April says

"She's a urologist, right?" Meredith asks Jackson but instead April answers

"Yeah. I met her when I was an intern at Mercy West. She's amazing"

"She is ... a lunatic" Jackson says

"No, she's not. She's brilliant. She says these things that shock you, but then when you think about them later, they change your whole life" April gushes

It's always been you, April KepnerDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora