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poker face
season 8 ep 6

🎵Nessa Barrett-Die First🎵

"if one of us dies, i hope i die first"


Owen has called all the fifth year residents into a meeting so Madelyn is currently stuck in between Alex and Jackson listening to Owen ramble on about God knows what

"Fifth year is the hardest year of your residency. Every surgery you do will go on your record, the wins and the losses. In just a few months, you will..."Madelyn hears Owen say but she tunes him out when Meredith walks into the room

"What did I miss?" she asks

"You're in O.B. now? Oh, how the mighty have fallen, huh?" Jackson teases making Madelyn slap him on the back of the head

"She misses Zola. Her uterus hurts" Alex says now making it his turn to get hit

"Oh, leave her alone, dirtbag" Cristina says but then whispers to Mer "You are embarrassing me"

"I'm getting to deliver babies. I'm making life, you know?" Mer defends

"Yeah, you know what? You're making me gag. Okay, slumming it in O.B. for a few weeks is okay, But wearing the vɑg¡nɑ squad scrubs in public?"


"We have standards, Meredith"

Madelyn focuses her attention back to Owen "It is extremely important that you rack up as many good outcomes as possible for your boards. I am implementing a system. I will receive an e-mail if any of you exceed more than ten bad outcomes in your O.R. Ten... any more is unacceptable"

April quickly rushes in malign Owen focus his attention on her "Welcome, Dr. Kepner"

"Sorry. I got stuck in the lab with Bailey"

"I don't care where you were. I care that you already have, let's see ... uh, two bad outcomes in your O.R."

"Loser" Alex says making Madelyn stomp on his foot

Hunt looks at Alex before looking at his bad out ones "Of course that's nothing compared to Karev's impressive five bad outcomes"

April turns to look at him "Ha! Loser"

"I keep getting dud patients" he defends

"Awh, boohoo" Madelyn fakes sympathy

"Tell it to your board examiners. The point, people, is to keep your bad outcomes to a minimum, or you will be hard-pressed to find a fellowship next year"

"Who are you texting?" Mer asks Cristina

"Who do you think?"

Owens phones goes off making him check it "Uh, Dr. Yang, are you sure that you're getting all this down?"

"Bad outcomes are bad, which is why I have zero so far, a perfect record I plan to continue during my ortho rotation this week" she replies cockily

It's always been you, April KepnerDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora