New York pt1

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Who Is He (And What Is He To You?)
season 13 ep 16

🎵Ghost-Ella Henderson🎵

"I had to go through hell to prove i'm not insane"


"I should only be gone a day, two max" Madelyn says to Amelia who'd agreed to look after Alexis after April said something came up inconveniently at the same time Madelyn was heading to New York "If you need me before that, you can just..."

"Please, Alexis is dying for some quality time with her favourite Aunt" Amelia replies cooing at the baby who Madelyn hold against her chest

"Could've just taken her with me" the brunette says "Aren't you gonna say something, like 'don't go' or whatever" Madelyn says

"If you're having second thoughts, we could bring your patient here" Amelia suggests

"We can't risk""

"-Moving them. I know" Amelia says "I just meant..." but she trails off

"If you have something to say, say it" Madelyn says

"I'm sure you'll be just fine" is all Amelia says just as another car pulls up

"Wha- Since when is April coming?" Madelyn asks when she sees the redhead

"Always good to have someone you know to support you" Amelia replies

"So you knew she was coming and you didn't think to tell me that?" Madelyn asks growing frustrated

"I knew you'd need a capable surgeon to assist, and April's more than capable" Amelia admits

"Hello" April says waving cutely at Madelyn who turns her attention to Alexis "Hi, Amelia" April greets giving the older sister a hug

"Hi" Amelia replies

"You have everything you need?" Madelyn asks April without taking her eyes off Alexis

"Yes, of course" April says

"Okay. All right" Madelyn replies placing a kiss on Alexis' head

"You ready?" Amelia asks her sister getting ready ti take the baby from her arms

"I'll put her in the car" Madelyn says

"Maddy, go" Amelia says trying to take Alexis "Miss Alexis and I have plans"

"No medical journals, all right?I don't need her looking at flayed-open surgical fields" Madelyn warns

"Give me my niece" Amelia says

"Bye, baby" April says softly quickly giving Alexis a kiss on the cheek before Madelyn hands her to Amelia

"Bye, sweetheart" she says to her baby before walking over to the Avery's private jet

"Can I take your bag, Dr. Shepherd?" Madelyn overhears a woman say to April

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