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(skipping ep 5)

Don't let's start
season 11 ep 6

🎵Style-Taylor Swift🎵

"we never go out of style"


"April" Madelyn says walking up to the redhead in the ER

April turns around at the sound of her name "Hey lover" she says sweetly "Uhhh, I thought you were on the..."

"Yeah, your mom's flight got in early, so I brought her here" Madelyn replies

Aprils she's widen "Why would you do that?" she asks

"Cause she wanted to see you"


"I-I set her up in the attendings' lounge. Just give me a page when you get a second" the brunette says walking away

"Uh, I..."

"Love you!" Madelyn yells as she continues walking


"She should be here any minute" Madelyn says to Karen who smiles sweetly in response

Aprils family still hadn't come around to the fact that April likes women, Madelyn knew this because she had heard numerous arguments over the phone between April and her parents. The redhead would always, always do everything and anything to stand up for her wife, even to the point where she was willing to cut them out of her life completely. Madelyn however would never ask April to do that, not ever. So they've been coping. And when April said her mother had asked if Madelyn could be the one to pick her up from the airport they were both suspicious. However to Madelyn's surprise Karen has been nothing but kind to her.

"Hi, mom!" April says walking into the room

"Ah!" Karen exclaims pulling her daughter in for a hug "Oh, look at... Oh, look at you! Oh!"

"How was your flight?" April asks

"Oh, not as good as my ride over. My chauffeur has the prettiest eyes" Karen replies

"Mom!" April scolds, clearly embarrassed

Madelyn who was not expecting that mutters an awkward "Oh, uh, thank you?"

"Oh, look, I almost forgot. Look what I found in the airport gift shop..." Karen says "Zoo animal decals from the Seattle zoo! I thought they'd be adorable on the nursery wall. How's work been?"

"Busy, busy, busy!" April replies "Speaking of which, um, the E.R. is a madhouse"

"Oh, yeah. I-I probably..." Madelyn trails off

"I just need to get back down there, but I promise I will try to make it back for dinner" April says

Karen looks disappointed "Oh, dinner?"

"Mom... what?" April questions

"I thought maybe you could take off the afternoon. Plan your wedding which is happening in two months. We could open a baby registry. Mrs. Frye at church asks over..."

It's always been you, April KepnerWhere stories live. Discover now