Eating Disorder.

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So this is my very first fanfiction, and after seeing all the Motough prompts on Tumblr and Wattpad, I had some great ideas and decided to write some myself! Comment prompts and please leave feedback on how to make my stories better! I won't update too regurlarly but I will try my best, depends on how well people react to this first. Ratings may change as prompts get requested, but I'm rating this fic PG-13 just in case. 


Eating Disorder.


He sat in the waiting, head in his hands trying to drown out the sobbing sounds of Janel and Sadie. He glanced up to see Val and Mark with their heads in their hands as well. He looked around the rest of the waiting room, just about the whole Dancing with the Stars cast had come to the hospital after what happened in rehearsal. Artem was sitting against the wall, a frown etched on his face. Emma sat with her head on Michael's shoulder, the tear streaks visual from the mascara. Witney and Alfonso sat huddled together, Alfonso with a deep worry on his face. Hell, even Len sat in a seat, worry etched all over his features. The deal was during rehearsal, Bethany was pale, as white as a ghost, until she fainted.


He had been warned about what happened, they were getting weighed to see how much weight they had all lost during the weeks they had been at Dancing with the Stars, it was something they regularly did, but Bethany refused to get on the scale until Val swooped her up and held her there, his mouth had fallen open the second the scale marked the weight, it had to be wrong, she was a 19 year-old girl and they weren't supposed to weigh 96 pounds. But he refused to believe it, his bright bubbly Bethany couldn't possibly have an eating disorder, so they ignored it, Derek was in denial, it just couldn't possibly be true. And now because of his stupid errors and denial, his Bethany was sick, and it was serious. He huffed once again, Julianne patted his back compassionately though he could hear her sniffles too.


The doctor walked out, "Family of Bethany Noel Mota", the whole room stood up anxious to hear news about Bethany, the doctor was shocked, Derek ran up to him, "I'm her.." he couldn't think of anything. Len walked over, "I'm her grandfather, could you please let us know what's wrong with Bethany?", Derek was surprised at the lie, but he went with it, dying to hear how Bethany was doing. The doctor sighed, about to deliver bad news. "She has a severe case of anorexia, I suspect it's been happening for at least three months now, did none of you really notice?". Tears started to fall in his eyes, "Can we please just see her?", the doctor threw a sympathetic look at all of them, "Only 5 can go in."


The doctor's statement caused an eruption of arguments, everybody wanting to go visit her, Janel ,Sadie, and Witney were begging to go in, they just wanted to see their best friend. The doctor looked to Len helplessly, "Oh just shut it all of you!" Len yelled. "I'm picking whoever is going, and that will be final, Bethany doesn't need all this!" He looked at Derek, "Go". He scanned the room, his eyes falling on Val, who looked ready to burst into tears at any second, "Valentin get up, and go", he eyes fell on the three devastated girls in front of him, he knew he couldn't send them in, the last thing Bethany needed was three overemotional girls with her right now. "Ballas, get up and go" he looked over at Julianne, Carrie Ann, and Bruno, "Julianne, me and you will be the last ones, c'mon". The rest of the cast threw dirty looks at him. He shrugged turning around on his heel, to follow the doctor.


The doctor led them through a maze of hallways stopping in front of room 130. He pointed towards the door, and walked away. Val grabbed the doorbell tentatively, afraid he would cry in front of Bethany. He opened the door, and saw Bethany first, her hair was pulled into a side-braid, her face white as a sheet, and an IV stuck on her hand. Derek ran and sat next to her, interlocking his fingers with hers, tears fell out of his eyes, whispering endless 'I love you's" in her ear. Mark looked ready to break, "Why?" he whispered.


Bethany lifted up her head, her eyes were puffy and red, like she had been crying. "All I wanted was to be perfect..", she was cut off by the sound of Derek whimpering, trying to keep his emotions in check, "Baby you are perfect." "No I'm not Derek." she argued. "I've been through this before, but being on the show, seeing all the female pros looking so amazing, watching them flirt with you, it hurts Derek it really does, I thought maybe if I lost some weight you wouldn't forget me." Derek pulled her tight to his chest, "Baby I love you, I would never forget you." Val stood up, his voice shaky, "So that time I weighed you, you had already done it." Bethany sheepishly looked down, still intimidated by him, "Everytime I ate, I would go to the bathroom and purge, and you what sucks?, Nobody noticed until I had already shed off 30 pounds." By this point everybody was sniffling, even Len who was standing with his eyes closed in the back, trying not to break. Julianne walked up to her, and stroked her hair, "We'll help you get through this, don't worry, we'll get through this together."


Two days later, Bethany was let out of the hospital, the whole gang decided to meet early the day that rehearsals would restart, they knew they had to make drastic changes to help Bethany, they didn't want to do this to their friend, but it was the only option they were left with. Bethany arrived when they were all sitting there, she was wearing a light blue crop top and leggings, that prominently showed her ribcage, and the huge gap she had between her thighs, it hurt Derek to even glance at her. Artem was the first to stand up, they had decided he would be the one to break the news to Bethany, he and Beth were close, and he was calm, "Now Bethany, please don't freak out but, there are going to be some changes around here, the bathrooms are all locked, when you have to go, you will have to let one of us know, we all have a key, but if you attempt to do it again, we will open the door, also everyday we will meet here, and we will all eat lunch together, okay babe?". Bethany looked annoyed, but she wasn't stupid and realized there was no way out of this, she huffed out the word okay angrily and marched towards the room she and the rest of Team Itsy Bitsy would be using to rehearse the day.


The rehearsal went as well as it could've gone, Val was extremely gentle with Bethany, he had trouble explaining to Bethany and Janel how to do the lifts, (since they were the smallest), mostly because it was so soon that they were now talking about weight. Bethany was still having an incredibly hard time talking or even looking at Derek, and they needed to communicate to make the lifts work, so it was decided that Bethany and Janel would switch partners for the dance. Val lifted Bethany up, his heart breaking because she weighed practically nothing, he was sure he could've lifted her whole body up with one hand.


Lunch was the true struggle. They all sat in the rehearsal room, their eyes glued to Bethany who made no attempt to pick up her food, the guys looked at each other, they had already formed a plan in case this happened. They stood up reluctantly, and Val picked up Beth and sat Beth in his lap, her arms pinned to the side. Artem stood behind. Derek picked up a sandwich, "Beth will you please eat this by yourself?" Beth kept her mouth wired shut, but shook her head no. Artem very gently forced her mouth open, and Derek put in a bite of the food, and put his hand over her mouth forcing her to swallow. In about half an hour, they had forced the whole sandwich in her.


After putting in the last bite, Bethany rushed to the door, about to go to her house to throw it all up, before Derek caught her and pulled her into his arms by the door. Both of them with tears streaming down their faces, Derek held her to his chest, her hands in his, so small compared to his large ones. She cried loudly against his chest, ignoring the heartbroken looks from her team members, "Why would you do that to me?! Why?!"


"Because I love you", is all he needed to say.


Thanks so much for reading! Don't forget to comment what you think+ new prompt ideas because I need some more! 

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