The Morning After

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Mick, John and Christine continued having sex every way possible, all night long, until they finally all passed out on the McVie's bed, sleeping most of the day away.

John awoke first, smiling widely as moments of the night flooded back to him, Christine was laying curled up against him, with Mick on the other side of her, his arm wrapped over Christine resting on John's chest. John felt happy, he had loved Christine and Mick for years and always fantasized what sex with another man would be like, mostly the other man being Mick.   He was nervous now though, the cocaine, alcohol and marijuana had began to wear off. What if Christine and Mick regretted it and that one night of wildness cost him his marriage and best friend. John was worried, was it all just a drug and alcohol induced mistake or were their genuine feelings?

John just lay there, silently panicking and going to his worst case scenarios.  Mick's eyes soon popped open, he looked across, seeing Christine's naked back and John laying awake, staring at the ceiling, looking stressed. Mick smiled, thinking how cute John looked and he had never felt so happy, sure it seemed to be weird but he had made love with two people he loved, no guilt, anger or regrets in his eyes "Hey Johnny!" Mick whispered. John slightly jumped.

"Uh, morning Mick!" John stammered quietly, his heart pounding with nerves, like it was about to burst out of his chest. 

Mick couldn't help laughing as he noticed John's quick breathing "Are you regretting everything?" He asked, slightly worried.

"Are you?" John replied.

"Should I be?" Mick queried, raising an eyebrow. 

"I don't know!" John shrugged, then he looked down at Christine "What if she hates us and thinks we used her as a sex toy?" 

"She seemed up for it!"

"She was drunk, high and stoned, we all were!" John answered, staring at his best friend. 

Christine heard hushed voices, she opened her eyes, wondering why she felt like she was being cuddled by two people. Her entire body also felt a little sore "Will you keep it down!" She groaned.

Mick and John looked at each other "Um, morning honey!" John smiled, stroking her head "Do you remember last night.

"Morning, did you like your birthday?' Mick asked and Christine quickly became more alert hearing his voice. 

"I thought it was a dream, but clearly, I'm naked because my sensitive tits are rubbing on John's side and my lower half feels tender!" Christine pulled the blanket over her head, feeling shy now.   "I can feel your cock against me Mick, your hard already!" She whined, curling up feeling embarrassed and worried they would be regretting the night and thinking she was cheap. 

John and Mick both felt bad, she was always more shy when she was sobering up and they were worried they had made her feel dirty. John popped his head under the blanket, her face was covered by her hands "Chrissy, honey, we all got carried away! Things happen!" John soothed, gently pulling her hands from her face "Don't hide!"

Christine looked at him, she had started crying "You think I'm a slut, don't you, both of you do, a drunk whore!" 

"No, no, jeez I thought you'd be angry with what Mick and I did, people hate that sort of thing!" John exclaimed surprised.

"I feel bad, what was last night, did I cheat on you with Mick? He fucked me, did everything to me in our bed!" Christine stammered.

Mick just stayed, still, listening to the married couple and worried he had harmed their relationship or hurt Christine's feelings.

"I don't mind Chris, last night was no problem in my eyes, we are all friends, friends sometimes get carried away!" John smiled, wiping the tears from her cheeks "Are you crying because you regret it?"

"I'm crying because I don't!" She replied bluntly, swallowing hard "I feel like a slut for liking it, all, we all connected and I loved seeing you and Mick together!" Christine couldn't help herself from smiling.

Mick pulled the blanket off Christine and rubbed her back "Your not a slut!" He stated.

"Yeh baby, your not a slut!" John agreed, kissing her.

"So you haven't lost all respect for me after last night?" She asked, rolling onto her back and flicking her glance between both of them, trying to carefully read them.

"Christine McVie, I probably have more respect for you, you took my cock in three places and let me fuck your husband!" Mick chuckled, running his hand up her arm, she laughed at him.

"I agree with Mick, I love you and respect you for not judging Mick and I for being attracted to each other, your the most understanding, kindest, smartest and sexiest woman I have ever and will ever meet!" John grinned, kissing her softly.

"I love you both!" She smiled, wrapping an arm around each of their necks.

"We all love each other, so what do we do now?" Mick asked and they all looked at each other for an answer "What are we, is this going to happen again or do we go back to normal?"

"Lets just see what happens, we cant do an instant reply now, I think were all too exhausted and Christine's probably a little sore!" John said.

"Well how about I make us all a nice breakfast, seen I kind of hijacked your evening!" Mick suggested, chuckling.

"Sounds wonderful Mick, I'm glad you hijacked the evening!" John smiled.  "Did you enjoy your birthday honey?" John asked, rubbing his hand through Christine's blonde hair.

"Of course I did, it was sure a night to remember!" She grinned and they kissed. Mick smiled at them.

"How about we all have a good morning kiss, for the last night's sake!" He suggested.

John leant over Christine and kissed him, passionately, then he kissed Christine "I'm going to make some breakfast, before I want to eat one of you!" He teased, getting out of the bed and pulling on his jocks.

The McVie's lay there cuddling as they watched Mick leave the room. 

*Hope everyone is still enjoying this!* 

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