Getting Stoned

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"You want some pot Chrissy honey?" Mick cooed, pulling a blanket out as he leaned over the backseat, then placing it over her.

Christine looked at Mick, she was on the edge of crying, she felt awful and was trying to fathom that she really was pregnant, it was all making sense, as shocked and angry as she was, she was trying to accept it. She pulled the blanket up to her neck, huddling under it, seeking some kind of comfort and she sat up a little bit "More pot, what about, the..." she gulped and paused, Mick raised his eyebrows and smiled, happy inside to know she had finally accepted she was pregnant and his heart fluttered with warmth as he realized she was already worried about the baby and trying to look after it.

"A joint shouldn't hurt you or bubs!  You being so shaky and sick is worse, you need to keep food down, Jenny fainted from dehydration when she was preggers, so you need to have water and a joint!" Mick suggested and soon was passing Christine his water bottle and a joint, which she took and sipped the water, she was half delirious and was ill enough to trust Mick and let him take care of her, her mind was all hazy and confused and she felt in a dream like state, not in a good way though, more like a nightmare that she couldn't wake up from, if she was pregnant, why couldn't she have an easy pregnancy, she started fearing it was twins like Mick had taunted and that terrified her.  Having one baby would be traumatising enough, two would make her want to jump off the London bridge, she herself was sure falling down like the old song.

"Want some?" Christine asked softly, puffing on the joint hoping it would help her as Mick took the water bottle back and put the lid on.

"Nah, you have more of it, it helps cure hangovers, so it should help with your morning sickness!" Mick stated, rubbing her leg.

Christine gave him a half smile and he was glad she wasn't kicking his hand away that time, but he presumed the marijuana was already going to her head. 

Christine soon had smoked the whole joint and was a lot more mellow "Mick, the car roof looks funny!" She laughed "Where are you, where's my Johnnyboy?"

"Um Chris, did you smoke all that?" Mick asked cautiously after returning from going off and smoking a cigarette, he knew they were supposedly bad for pregnancy, Jenny had made him go elsewhere when he smoked and he took the same precautions because he didn't want to cause any harm to Christine and the unborn baby.

"I feel more like us again!" Christine smiled "I'm so hungry!" 

"Uh, well, um!" Mick stammered. 

"Mick you let her get stoned, you fucking idiot!" John exclaimed from behind Mick, holding a plastic bag full of the things to help Christine and all he could smell was marijuana wafting out of the car and he saw Christine looking completely out of her mind on the back seat, grinning in a dazed way.

"I went to have a cig!" Mick stammered "I forgot to tell her a few puffs!"

"She's pregnant and you let her get stoned, she was delirious and you left her with a fucking joint!" John shook his head and reached in, grabbing the small bit of the smoldering joint that remained.

"Johhnny, I want that!" Christine whined.

"Well your not having it so bite me!" John stated trying not to snap at her as he watched her blue eyes loose their sparkle.

"You don't own me John!!" Christine muttered dazed.

"No, but I fucking love you and am responsible for you, I allowed you to get pregnant so its my fault and I will look after you!" John said feeling bad.

"Yeh you did, you told me she couldn't get up the duff!" Mick added. 

"I know Mick okay, I guess I should have asked her more first about her woman stuff and supported her mental problems,  she hates the time around her birthday, I should have know she was incapable of taking care of herself, we should have talked with her, not fucked her, over and over!" John sighed "Now she is paying the price!"

"Its a baby John, not a bomb!" Mick chuckled.

"I know, but she doesn't want it, she's scared!" John replied 'She has to have it, she has to be this sick and then give birth to it, things she never planned unless!" 

"I don't want to loose it!" Christine interrupted sitting up more on the backseat, gently resting her hand on her stomach.

John and Mick both stared shocked "You don't want to loose the stoned feeling?" Mick queried.

"She means the baby idiot!" said John rolling his eyes "You wont loose it honey, try to sleep while we drive home, I have a whole bag of things to help you, so just rest, sleep always helps!" John smiled softly "The baby will be okay!" 

"I am soooooooo tired!" Christine yawned and laid back, clutching the blanket tightly.

"Well sleep babe!" John smiled and Christine curled up more,  closing her eyes, finally feeling a little relief.

"It worked, she is calm and sleeping!" Mick smiled, patting John's back.

"She is stoned Mick, remember she is pregnant, you got my pregnant wife stoned!"

"You told me about the pot!" Mick replied innoncently.

"A few puffs! You know how strong that shit is, she's stoned now because you left her with it!" John exclaimed.

"She should be okay, right?" Mick asked, worried.

"Who the fuck knows, she has never been this pregnant before!" John stated, opening the driver side door and climbing in, Mick climbed into the passenger seat and looked at John.

"She had a miscarriage though!" Mick stated watching as John started the car.

"I know, but she was trying to have a baby to give her mother more reason to live, but Chris was convinced she was pregnant after weeks of unprotected sex, she had  the same symptoms but then I came home and she was curled up on the floor crying and whimpering, she lost the baby at five or six weeks, something like that, she was shaking and cramping badly, it was so awful Mick!" John explained 'She was never the same for ages afterward!"

Mick gently rested his hand on John's "She won't loose this one, I can tell, she is pregnant and will be fine, I will also get Jenny to come over and help once you and Chris get home okay, don't stress John, she is clearly accepting it too!" Mick smiled and made John feel a little more supported, he was glad Mick was there, even though Mick kept fucking up and he also realised Mick would be involved because Christine was either pregnant to Mick or him, but he oddly didn't care, his wife was pregnant and needed him to be strong and he needed Mick too for support. 

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