Opposites Attract

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Stevie slowly walked closer with the cup of herbal tea and set it down on the bedside table, Jenny giving her an awkward smile while Christine still had her face covered drowning in her own embarrassment "I hope you like the tea and you really don't need to feel embarrassed!" Stevie said softly, clearing her throat and worried she was going to annoy Christine with whatever she said since the older woman seemed so tense and clearly upset. 

"So how much did you hear then?" Christine asked slowly removing one of her hands from her blushing face as she looked at Stevie insecurely. 

"How much did you want me to say I heard?" Stevie asked, laughing lightly to try and mask her awkwardness and fear or saying the wrong thing and risking Christine hating her or lashing out at her.

"Clearly then you heard everything!" Christine sighed, sitting up more and rubbing her face while Jenny gently squeezed her shoulder. 

"You don't need to feel ashamed or embarrassed about what you do in your free time, I am not a judgmental person, Lindsey and I are hippies that smoke weed a lot, I am hardly one to judge and wouldn't ever be the type that did, each to their own in my opinion!" Stevie giggled and Christine couldn't help smile softly at how sweet and polite she was, also on her outlook, she just hoped she wasn't bullshitting to her and saying what she thought she wanted to hear. 

"You are probably just being nice, you and Lindsey will run for the hills now after knowing about this!" Christine chuckled softly unable to contain the blunt edge in her words, resting her hand on her stomach, feeling the tiny baby bump that she was sure was noticeable in her tight nightgown.

"Why, it doesn't really concern us, its you it concerns!" Stevie smiled, sitting on the end of the bed and hoping she wasn't intruding, she just wanted Christine to feel better, since this was the woman she would be living with, making records with and performing with every day, she also wanted to make her feel better about it all.

"You will be living with us and this!" Christine chuckled, softly patting her stomach, still feeling worried.    

Stevie took that as an indication that Christine was continuing the pregnancy and keeping the baby "I love children so if you want, I could even help out when you need!" Stevie blurted out smiling excitedly, kind of glad in a way Christine was keeping the baby, because she could be a somewhat aunt to it, if they all got along alright.  

Christine felt her heart warm, Stevie seemed so starry-eyed and adorably sweet, she couldn't help feel warmed by her words, she was like a fresh breath of air to her, like lemonade on a summers' day, refreshing, sweet and relieving "Well thank you, that's really lovely of you to say but I can understand still if you are having second thoughts, the boys wanted to have some sort of mini-meeting this morning to inform you and Lindsey about my pregnancy, I was just nervous about telling about it, I'm so ill and the circumstances are odd and all that, I also worry about, well you know,  something happening to it!" She said softly, rubbing her stomach protectively, still trying to not get too attached to the thought of having a baby because she was so scared of losing it still. 

Stevie smiled softly "I am sure it will all go alright, I also have some little tips and tricks that may help, like a rose quartz under your pillow and things like that, I have beliefs in crystals and herbs so maybe you could even trial some of those things to make you feel a little better, this tea should help!" Stevie explained warmly.

"Wow, my mother was into crystals and all that weird stuff!" Christine giggled, feeling really intrigued by Stevie's words and also more interested in trying things to help and try and keep her and her unborn baby or babies safe and healthy.

"Well destiny then, at least you aren't a complete stranger to it all, most people think I'm too odd and label me a witch, even Lindsey scoffs at some of my beliefs!" Stevie giggled shyly.

"Well I won't scoff, I will even try some, why not, right?" Christine chuckled, trying to sit up more, feeling more comfortable in Stevie's presence since she was so accepting of everything. 

"Exactly and you might even like it, its very empowering, some crystals and things!" Stevie smiled "The tea first though, nausea isn't fun after all!" Stevie smiled, ushering Christine to drink the tea.

"Of course, you can tell me a little more if you want, then we will have that meeting thing!" Christine laughed, then rolling her eyes, trying to hide how nervous she was about everything, she certainly felt so much more shy and second guessing of everything now she was completely sober.

"It will all be alright Chris, just relax and focus on feeling better!" Jenny smiled, playing with a strand of her hair.

"Of course, Jen!" Christine smiled, almost having forgot she was basically laid out on her best friend's lap and she felt a little bad, Stevie had taken all of Christine's attention in an almost enchanting way and she was wanting to hear more of what she had to say.

"Well I can even bring over some of my wicca books when Linds and I pop home!" Stevie smiled, wanting to help and feeling really glad of how accepting Christine was of her too.

"Its not black magik though is it?" Jenny inquired, raising her eyebrow.

"Who cares if it is, she can be our black magic woman!" Christine joked.

"Its not black magik, mostly green and white magik, healing, protection, all the good things, I don't dabble in anything too out there!" Stevie laughed nervously biting her lip "It can wait though, we will all be living together soon and then I can show you my crystal ball!" Stevie giggled slightly even more nervous from Jenny's stare.

"Do you have a crystal ball?" Christine asked "A real gypsy then are you?" She smiled.

"No I don't but I have been saving up to get one some day!" Stevie giggled.

Jenny then watched surprised by how intrigued Christine was with Stevie's beliefs and she also realised she was feeling strong jealousy, she felt boring in comparison to Stevie, she was a mother, a model and Mick Fleetwood's wife, Stevie was all mystifying and interesting and beautiful, Jenny just felt deflated but tried to think she was worrying over nothing, Christine and Stevie were like polar opposites anyway, she also knew how opposites attract though too, she just had to hope her and Christine's own bond was strong enough to not be replaced by whatever was going to develop between Christine and Stevie. 

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