Love and Safety

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John gulped and paced the room, he was panicking about how to even bring the whole concept up to Christine, he rubbed his hand down his face wondering how could he start a conversation and suggest that himself or Mick had gotten her pregnant. He knew they hadn't been careful, Christine had thought she couldn't have kids or John assumed her doctor had given her something to stop pregnancy, he knew himself and Mick had tried to be careful, sometimes remembering to use condoms that weren't latex and also using the pull out method, but none of them were that concerned, a pregnancy just didn't seem like something that could happen, not to them and not to Christine. 

John knew kids were a hard subject to bring up, Christine had miscarried their first baby and then assumed she had several other miscarriages over the years, when she was late and gotten awful periods. How could he say now he thought she was knocked up, especially as it dawned on him, that Mick may be the father and not him. Why hadnt they been careful, they had all been partying to hard, drinking and drugging into sex crazed oblivion and now John knew Christine would probably pay the price, by either suffering another miscarriage or having to have a baby, none of them planned or wanted and he cringed knowing Christine would have to be the one who turned her life upside down if she chose to keep the baby and stop her rock and roll lifestyle.

The only time that she wanted a baby was before her mother died and even then she said she was only doing it to give her mother more reason to live, but she lost the baby at around six weeks and blamed herself, John was terrified of telling her his assumptions, knowing she would get upset but his thoughts were suddenly broken when Christine whimpered and stirred in the bed, making John jump "John?" She muttered, her eyes closed as she squirmed about "John!"

John raced over to her "What's wrong hon?" He asked.

"I feel sick again, help me to the loo!" She muttered and John did as told, feeling bad as she vomited and shook over the toilet, then he tucked his shaking wife back into bed after pulling her back from the toilet and  cleaning her up best he could "Sorry!" She sighed.

John smiled warmly, stroking her head "I think you should go to a doctor!" He stated. 

"It's my period John!" She whined meekly.

"Have you got it?" He asked.

"Why are you so concerned?" She laughed weakly "And I haven't either if you are trying to politely ask if I'm up for getting fucked?"

John frowned without knowing what to say.

"Look John, fuck Mick if you need too, I'm not up to it!" She stated thinking he was annoying with her, even though she knew deep down he wasn't how she was making out, she just felt extra snappy and upset.

"Chris, I want to take you to the doctor, surely you don't want to feel this awful when there is probably things that can help!" John cooed "Don't you want to drink again honey?"

"I do but what if I've got what of those sicknesses where they shove a pill up my ass or jab a needle into me!" Christine cringed and shivered.

Great if she is pregnant and has the baby, she will be a like a cavewoman and squat in a forest to have the baby if she cant even go to a doctor now! John though,t then felt confused himself, how did he feel about it all, he deep down suspected she was pregnant and he needed Mick as support to tell Christine too, but would that be wrong "The doctor will help you, Jenny has a good doctor, would you like me to fetch Jenny to help you if its lady stuff, no fisting though!" John warned "Your not up to it!"

Christine rolled her eyes "When I get my period properly I will be fine, I need to try drinking again or I will get the shakes and those horrible dreams!"

"Christine!" John said loudly in worry "Your body is rejecting the booze, you could be hurting yourself if you keep trying to drink it!" John stated.

"Why, do you think my liver's shot?" She asked panicked shooting up in the bed.

"No, I'm just worried, how long have you felt like this?"

"I've lost track, I know I'm probably drinking too much okay, because I have thrown up nearly every fucking morning after heavy drinking and fucking sessions!" She sighed.

John nodded, hearing the morning part, morning sickness, fuck he thought, how could they all be so ignorant, especially Christine about her own body.

"Hey!" boomed Mick at the doorway.

"Fucking hell, shock me to death Mick!" Christine panted, after jumping in panic.

"Sorry for startling you, remember I have my own key!" Mick chuckled "Jenny made chicken broth and made me bring some, here lover!" Mick winked handing her a bowl full.

"Lets let her eat, come here Mick, I want your advice on something!" John stated.

Mick tilted his head "What John?"

"Just fucking follow me Mick!" John snapped then shot a fake smile to Christine as he led the taller man away.

"What?" asked Mick the moment they were back in the kitchen 

"I need your help and advice Mick, I think we have done something really stupid!" John gulped. 

*Hope someone likes this!!!!* 

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