Love All Around

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Jenny walked out into the kitchen after pulling her clothes on and leaving Christine in the bed, Mick and John were sitting on the lounge waiting  and passing a joint back and forth "You got it out!" John exclaimed "Is she alright?" he shot up and stared at the model. 

"She's really tired, I've just tucked her in!" Jenny smiled back, feeling shy in front of the men now, also embarrassed.

"So in other words, you've hurt her and she cant get up!" John snapped.

"She was tired John and she is stressed!" Jenny noted.

"Well I'm going to see her!" John said hurrying off.

"Are you a sex kitten, surprising me like that Jenny!" Mick grinned at his wife, finding the whole situation hotter than John did, also knowing Christine would have to be alright.

"Your surprising me too, have you been with John in the intimate way?" She asked smiling.

"Maybe!" Mick grinned "I sure think that fisting thing with Christine was very sexy, if your hand hadn't got stuck and hurt her, is she alright?"

"It wasn't really stuck, she was just tensing up and I was worried I would hurt her if I pulled it out too quick!" Jenny explained "Would you like a tea?"  She added trying to get the taboo talk vanished. He shrugged and then Jenny spun back around "Can I have a condom?" She asked.

"Why?" Mick chuckled.

"To put water in and freeze for Christine, to ease her discomfort like when I had the girls, she did just have my hand in her Mick!" Jenny rolled her eyes.

"Don't you have some?" He sighed "Ask John!"

"Well surely you use them with her you nonk!" Jenny chuckled.

"No, she is on something John said and allergic to latex!"

Jenny shook her head and made her way into the kitchen, filling and turning the kettle on to boil. 

John was soon in the bedroom, seeing Christine still laying flat on her back, with the sheet covering her body, John sat beside her and watched as she slowly opened her eyes "How are you?"  he asked softly, stroking her naked arm that was tucked under her head. 

"I'm fine, I just feel bad!" Christine half smiled, slipping her other arm out and resting her hand on his, softly rolling to face him more.

"I'm mad because I'm not mad!  Please just don't do it with anyone else, same rules for me too!" John smiled.

"I got paid back for cheating anyway, it turned into a disaster!" Christine chuckled.

"Are you hurting, can you walk?" John asked hastily.

"John, calm down!" Christine stated "I'm tired, I threw up too, I hope Mick cleans that vase properly, it was antique for fuck sake!"  She laughed and so did John.

"Your a nutter!" He grinned, still feeling nothing but love for her.

"So are you, I'm your nutter first and foremost though!" Christine smiled, feebly reaching up and stroking his face. 

John smiled and softly kissed her lips "We share eachother with Mick, so Jenny is included if you want and if she wants, we'll se how things go! You need rest, we are wearing you out, no sex for a little while, we could hurt or damage you!" John cooed.

Christine smiled and nodded "I think I am coming down with something anyway, so the rest will be good, for today anyway!" She smiled. 

"You need food, you threw up, have you drank too much again?" John asked worried. 

"I'm alright, just bleeding a little!"  She replied. 

"Jenny hurt you!" John stated.

"It was a sexual mishap and it's my period John!" She stated "Now piss off and let me sleep, I feel like a complete slut!"

"Your not a slut, I'm sure plenty of women fool around and your my sexy perfect wife so I forgive you!" John smiled "Women probably have fucked  for decades, look at that book you read 'Salt' or whatever it was!" he chuckled. 

"The Price Of Salt' did you read it?" Christine gasped, blushing.

"Well it was lying around, I had to find what had you entranced!" He grinned "I always suspected you were a little on the gay side!" He quipped "Now I've seen you in action, have you done that before, that fisting thing?"

Christine smiled, happy he was so forgiving and a little shy as the alcohol began to wear off "I haven't before and I promise I wont again, Jenny and I got carried away and we should have all agreed on it first, I'm sorry I was drunk and Jenny was all worked up, women have sex drives to John!" 

"I sure know that!" He chuckled and kissed her lips softly "Now stop stressing, get some rest, I know how hard your period hits you, do you want a heat pack, a hot water bottle?" John asked, feeling sorry for her, most times when she got her period, she was curled up in bed for the whole first day, sometimes for a few days, eating, sleeping, whimpering and snapping.

"I will wait until the cramps start!" She smiled "I love you John!" 

"I love you too, now sleep!" He smiled, kissing her lips softly then waving as he left the room, Christine was relieved he was so easy going as she closed her eyes and cuddled up to a pillow she pulled under the blankets, cuddling up and feeling clingy, wincing as she closed her legs.

John soon was walking over to Mick, Jenny was in the kitchen, dipping a tea bag in a cup "Jenny wants a condom to fuck Christine with an ice dildo!" Mick grinned.

"No one is fucking my wife until I say so, she needs rest and has her period!" John exclaimed angrily.

Mick crinkled his nose up and Jenny turned around "Poor Chris! Besides, I wanted to make a special ice pack for her with it, to sooth if I inflamed her entrance!" Jenny stated.

John nodded "I will go find some from somewhere, anything to help her after you hurt her!" John sniped.

"Hey Johnny, Jen wouldn't hurt anyone on purpose especially Chris, why cant we all let it go, we do drugs, drink, love eachother, you and I fuck, big deal if the girls did today, it just went wrong! " Mick soothed getting up and following John, gently grabbing his hands.

John sighed as Mick looked at him, knowing he was right "I feel bad because it was sexy if Chris wasn't hurt!" 

"She will be just peachy, ladies do that, Chris is tough, stop stressing you cute penguin!" Mick giggled and cupped John's face, finally invoking a soft smile from the smaller man.

"You are my calming happy drug Mick Fleetwood!" He grinned, feeling better at his lover's touch and they soon locked lips. 

*Finally updated, hope someone at least, is still enjoying this!*

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