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John quickly looked up shocked, Christine opened her eyes and saw Stevie, her own mouth dropping open "I'm sorry to ask but it sounds like you are in pain and don't want him um, doing whatever he is doing if you don't like it?" Stevie said confused.

"It hurts and no, I don't want any of this!" Christine muttered, blushing and trying to cover her face as she started crying, Stevie instantly wanted to just go and hug her, she hated seeing people upset and knew Christine was crying even though she was crying silently.

"Stevie you could have knocked, my wife is sick and this is what she got prescribed, I'm not finger banging her, I'm putting some weird pill in her! Now can you leave so she can relax!" John said softly, trying to hold his temper and be polite, when he was feeling all the main stress of caring for Christine.

"Is that true Christine?" Stevie asked, instantly feeling protective over Christine, Christine had been so welcoming to her at the restaurant and she knew Christine was a lovely person she   wanted  to make sure the older woman was alright. 

Christine nodded and mumbled a 'yes' feeling so humiliated and extreme discomfort "Please go Stevie!" She said softly wincing as she felt John push the suppository in more.

"I'm sorry, I really should have knocked!" Stevie replied softly and left the room, closing the door, wishing it would have been closed all along, then she would have knocked not made the most awkward moment of her life so far happen. 

"Get your fucking finger out of my ass now, you forced that thing into it, I'm sore, just stop it!" Christine half yelled.

"I'm sorry, but I had too, if you keep vomiting you have to go to hospital and the instruction said to push it in far enough, I'm sorry honey!" John sighed, leaning over and kissing her cheek and neck multiple times "I'm going to wash my hands and then I am going to cuddle you! I didn't like causing you pain either but I had to put in you Chris"

"I want it out of me!" Christine whinged. 

"You have to keep it in, just lay there and keep your legs closed okay!" John said rubbing her arm.

"Is that a fucking remark that I open my legs to much is it?" Christine hissed.

"No, it was an innocent comment to keep that thing in your ass, its my fault your pregnant I don't blame you at all, I was the one who initiated the threesome that night!" John explained, rubbing her thigh as he pulled her underwear back "I don't blame you, it is an accident and Mick is more my lover than yours anyway!" 

Christine didn't answer, she curled up more to the pillow she was clutching.

"Honey, I will be back, try to relax!" John soothed.

"Fuck you!" She sniffled and John went to the bathroom, washing his hands and returning, slipping in the bed and cuddling up to his sad wife.

"I'm sorry!" He soothed. 

"Stevie saw us, if they leave the band, we are fucked, life we will be anyway, if I somehow am knocked up!"

"You clearly are pregnant and we will manage, I promise, you know Mick and me love you, your our chicken and the baby will just have three parents instead of two, so you get even more of a break because it will have to Dads!" John smiled and kissed Christine's arm and  hand, then her face and lips, she finally responded but running her thumb across his beard and smiling softly. 

Stevie cringed as she slowly walked up the hall, looking at her new band members in a way she never expected too. Christine laying with her whole lower half naked and John's finger clearly inside of her, a lovely sight which made Stevie feel sorry and embarrassed for them both and herself.  She still suspected maybe they were both high or stoned and it was some type of foreplay, Stevie couldn't deny though, that what she did see of Christine, sure was sexy, she had a nice ass and sexy legs.  Stevie then laughed to herself "How stoned am I, How stoned am I, nobody knows, how stoned I am!" She laughed, adapting an old song to her own lyrics. 

"Cute song!" laughed Mick in front of her.

"Um, thanks!" She giggled "Me being weird!"

"We all get a little stoned!" Mick winked "Or a lot stoned!" He chuckled.

"Sure do!" Lindsey laughed walking over "Hey, babe, we should get going!" Lindsey smiled "Call us and reschedule when Christine is better!" Lindsey said warmly, shaking Mick's hand.

"Sure mate!" Mick nodded "Thanks for being so eager, I think things will go wonderful!" Mick smiled "I am so glad you pair joined, I am sure we are in for one hell of a ride!" Mick grinned "You pair got yourself a ticket on the crazy train of Fleetwood Mac!" Mick smiled. 

"I'm not scared!" winked Lindsey "Stevie's crazy so she will fit in fine!" Lindsey teased.

"Hey!" Stevie exclaimed, playfully smacking his arm "Your crazy too, crazy guitar man!" She chided.

"Your my kind of crazy!" He smirked and started kissing her passionately, running his hand up her back.

Are they going to start fucking in front of me too, like Chris and John, oh my god, if they do, I will disappear, I don't want to risk getting Stephanie pregnant.  Shagging her though and Lindsey, well they are good looking, sexy, smart, funny  Mick thought with a smile, then realised he was being silly I'm never having so much coke and pot again, nothing seems real!

"Sorry about that!" Lindsey smiled, a little embarrassed as he realised Mick was there.

"Its fine, go take the couch, it loves people doing that kind of stuff on it!" Mick laughed.

Stevie blushed brightly, biting her bottom lip and Lindsey laughed loudly "Thanks for the offer, but we should leave you lot alone, give our best wishes to Christine, I should go say bye to John!"

"No!" Stevie nearly yelled shocking them both.

"Why?" Lindsey asked confused.

"Um, Christine threw up on him, he was showering when I seen her!" Stevie fumbled a lie together.

"Oh, right, Mick can you tell them bye from us?" 

"Sure, bye now, thanks for dropping in!" Mick waved as Stevie and Lindsey left, soon back in there own car.

"What do you think?" Stevie asked once her and Lindsey were in the car.

"Well Mick seems fine and its hard to tell about the Mcvies, they weren't there today!" Lindsey replied, starting the car.

Stevie looked away, waving to Mick "The McVie's were busy!" She said softly as they drove away.

"You said Christine threw up on John?" Lindsey laughed "Poor bastard, don't you ever throw up on me!" He laughed.

"Lindsey, I kind of think well, never mind!" Stevie frowned, musing that Lindsey may be right and the Mcvies were drug abuses who liked to have sex, but they had seemed like Christine was just sick, Stevie didn't know what to think.

"Stevie, as nice as Mick is, I think he may be gay, he seems very flamboyant!" Lindsey stated.

"Gay guys are said to be very good friends!" Stevie stated.

"Yeh, I know, just sayin!" Lindsey smiled and sensed more about what Stevie had seen "Look, I am dying to ask, what the fuck did you see down that hall, I bet they were shooting up heroin right, Christine is a druggie and Mr penguin is her dealer?" Lindsey chuckled.

"I don't want to rehash the oddity that I saw!" Stevie laughed. 

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