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"Hey babe!" John said softly as he went cautiously into his bedroom, Christine was laying on the bed, beside the pile of clothes, resting her hand on her stomach, which she pulled away when she saw John.

"Hi!" She muttered sitting up and getting up from the bed "I can shower myself!" She sighed, grabbing the clothes and standing, John rushed over and rested his hand on her back worried she would collapse "John I am fine!" She added. 

"Christine, I am helping you and that's a good thing, so come on honey!" John smiled and led her to the bathroom and Christine was too tired to bother bickering with him, she did want him there because she was worried about how stable she was on her feet, she put her clothes on the closed washing can basket and started undressing as John ran the shower 'You didn't want a bath did you?" He asked, looking at her as she stood there naked.

"No, I am just tired!" She replied and John pulled her into a hug, kissing her head and rubbing her back.

"I love you Chris, don't be sad and shy around me!" He soothed., laying more kisses in her messy hair.

Christine pulled back and rubbed her stomach, feeling how noticeable it really was that she was pregnant, she always gained weight before her period but she could tell as she ran her hand over her stomach, how rounded and hard it felt and she noticed the difference, she felt so large already "Your not going to hate me, it could be Mick's?" She stammered on the edge of tears, she didn't want to fuck around, she wanted to see the look in her husband's eyes as she stated the truth, so she truly knew if he would support her or if she would end up raising the baby or scary thought, babies, on her own.

"God no, I could never hate you!" John exclaimed, his eyes looking into hers with hurt and shock and he just smashed his lips against hers, kissing her with all the love and passion he had as he rubbed her naked back and pulled her closer "I'm not even angry with you, I blame myself for this, I should have been looking after you and being safe and making sure Mick was too, but the baby is there now and we will all give it a good life and I will take care of you now and forever!" John explained firmly and pulled back, cupping Christine's face gently and looking into her teary blue eyes "I love you and I always will okay wifey!" He smiled and was happy she nodded as he kissed her again "Now let me help you in the shower!"

"No funny business, I'm too shit!" Christine warned.

"I will even wear my pants in alright!" John smiled, rubbing her arms.

"Fine, its hard enough for me not having our daily sex!" She laughed.

"Well I supposed at least now when Mick and I fuck you, we don't need to worry about consequences!" John chuckled, checking the water temperature as he led Chris closer to the shower. 

"We never worried about consequences John, hence why we are in this predicament!" Christine remarked laughing.

"Well its a good consequence, your accepting it as I am too!" John smiled and started rubbing her stomach as he helped her into the shower and they shared another kiss. Christine felt more calm after eating and consuming all the different sedatives and was comforted by John being his kind self.

Jenny and Mick were both in the kitchen alone as they washed up the dishes in an awkward silence, neither knowing what to say, Mick was waiting for her to flip out and she was too lost in thought with ways to help Christine with the pregnancy "Your a good nurse to Chrissy!" Mick stammered looking at his own wife. 

"Why were you so scared to tell me Chris was pregnant?" She asked bluntly as she dried a bowl and looked at Mick.

"Uh, I was scared, because your my wife and she is your best friend, so yeh, I didn't know how to tell you, are you mad with me for maybe knocking her up?" Mick gulped. 

"For Chris' sake I am mad, she is so unwell, I just hope she feels better now she is taking the pills, but I want you to keep helping take care of her and lay off the drugs, if all of you three hadn't been doing so many drugs, you all could have been more careful and the poor woman could have actually planned this!" Jenny explained.

"I know Jen!" Mick sighed "I do promise I am going to help as much as possible too, maybe down the track we could live together, like a big happy family, now I know you want Chris too!" Mick added.

"Well she will need lots of help, especially if its twins she is carrying!" Jenny sighed, drying the remaining dishes and emptying the sink "I really do have to get going too, Mum is probably back at our house with girls!" 

"Yeh, is there anything you want me to do?" Mick asked.

"Stay here, help Christine, I just need to see if she is out of the shower, then I have to skedaddle!" Jenny said and walked off up the hall.

"Feel nice and warm?" John asked, drying Christine and helping dress her.

"Yes!" She smiled, very happy he was helping so much, maybe she was worrying too much about all of it.

"Good, now you can get cosy in the bed!" John smiled and picked her up bridal style.

"John!" She gasped and laughed.

"I'm pampering you, so sit still!" He chuckled and carried her out, gently placing her on the bed and pulling the blanket over her "Snug as a bug?" He asked, running her fingers through her hair.

She nodded a sleepy smile at him, cuddling up to a pillow.

"I am just going to refill your water glass and then I'm getting in with you!" He smiled, taking the glass and kissing her forehead. 

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