Male Bonding

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Next morning, Mick had cooked bacon and eggs for himself and his lovers, setting the table and smiling. He was truly happy, his relationship with Jenny and his daughters was wonderful and his relationship with the McVie's was absolutely perfect, in his eyes.  He was also feeling very lucky knowing his band had fresh new talent and he had bright plans for the future. He thought about everything while sipping a glass of brandy. 

"Morning Mick!" John smiled in the room, lighting a cigarette.

"Morning Johnny, you look very cute in those penguin boxers!" Mick winked.

"You look pretty good yourself, better naked though!" John grinned, hugging Mick and kissing him on the lips "Breakfast smells good!" John added stealing a piece of fried bacon.

"Thanks, I wanted to give you both a rest, even though I know we'd rather all eat each other, solid food was necessary!" Mick chuckled. 

"Mick Fleetwood, you sure do tease!" John winked "What a night though!"

"Sure was, I hope our Christine is alright!" Mick replied.

"Nothing an icepack and eating her out cant fix!" John chuckled.

The two men ate breakfast together, giggling, teasing and grinning about the previous night also happy about the band being saved.

"I promised I would take the girls at three, fuck!" Mick whined 

"Chris should be awake by now!" John sighed, looking at his watch.

"We fucked her and eahcother until daylight, let the poor lady rest!" Mick chuckled. 

"She has slept more lately, I am worried we are wearing her out or pushing her to hard in bed!" John sighed. 

"She would speak up, we have asked her before anyway, you know she loves it!" Mick grinned "Christine is amazing like you, she just drank a lot!" Mick smirked "You know that sexy little lady, can out drink us both!"

"Your pretty amazing yourself!" John winked.

"So are you in bed!"Mick winked "Your beard makes everything feel even sexier!" 

"Mick, are you trying to get me to fuck you?" John asked grinning.

"Perhaps?" Mick grinned.

"What if Chris gets angry, she is more insecure than you think!" John sighed.

"Surely she wont mind, we have fucked without her before!"

"Yeh but you and her haven't fucked without me!" John stated.

"No, would it bother you if we did?" Mick asked.

"No, but Chris might be to shy!" John explained.

"We can just tell her after we fuck, she doesn't care when we do it in front of her, like last night when she was tied up!" Mick laughed. 

"She may care though and she is still fragile, she isn't a strong as she seems! You know that, you seen her drinking increase after she had that miscarried in sixty nine!"

"John, the miscarriage was five years ago,she is a tough lady still!"

"Still a sentimental lady!" John quipped. 

"She does use pills right?" Mick asked, concerned at the mention of pregnancy. 

"For what?" John asked.

"For getting knocked up!" Mick exclaimed "Ladies use them pills!" 

"If she used pills for getting knockd up, her and I would have children you nonk!" John chuckled. 

"I mean for not having them, we don't use condoms John, well sometimes we do but not usually because you said she cant use latex!" Mick exclaimed. 

"I think she does use something, but Chris can't carry a baby, she told me when we finished 'Bare Tress' some genetic thing with her cycle and she told me a girl stood on her guts when she was eight, she said she was a bare tree when her and I got pissed together on a bottle of Jack!" 

"I'm sorry!" Mick stammered, feeling bad for them. 

"Its alright, we have your Amy and Lucy!" John smiled.

"Cant she have an operation and get her woman bits fixed?" Mick asked "I know you pair would make splendid parents!" 

"She wont do anything medical, she hates that doctor stuff, even when I knocked her up, she wouldn't go anywhere, then she started boozing after loosing it, breaking down and saying she blamed herself, but it wasn't her fault!" John stated. 

"Fuck, you should have told me, I'm sorry for you both!" Mick sighed, his heart aching for the McVie's. 

"She is a private woman, it happened a few times, her and I weren't careful,  we drank a lot and she suffered, she would get starving, tired, whinged she was putting on weight from alcohol and then collapse shaking and in pain, sometimes she didn't reaise until it was too late!" John sighed, recalling what they had thought were miscarriages.

"Woman heal thought John, when was the last time it occurred?" 

"Two years ago, after that we were more careful, I think she got something from her doctor, I'm not sure, I was getting drunk!" John sighed. 

Mick nodded "Do you want me to use condoms with Chrissy and you?" He asked.

"I'm not worried, you cant knock me up!" John chuckled and the tow men laughed loudly, when John calmed from his outburst of laughter "Chris is allergic to latex thought like I said, she would tell us if she minded!"

"How do you know?" Mick asked. 

"Well when we first got together, she swelled and up went all red down there, whining it was burning and stuff, I ended up putting ice cubs in her to ease the allergic reaction she had, it was awful and she was terrified, crying and whimpering!"  John explained cringing. 

"Fuck, poor Chris, ouch" Mick gasped. 

"Yes she was upset over it, couldn't fuck her for over a week, she was scared!" John sensed things were getting too deep and emotional and his wife would not like to be gossiped about even though Mick knew brief things about their pasts, things were different now, he was added to their marriage. "Chris is more sensitive though then people realise, they say that about Cancerians!" John laughed. 

"Hey, I'm one too!" Mick grinned.

"I guess I love  crabs!" John smirked. 

Mick chuckled 'You better mean the sea creature or myself and Chrissy!" 

"Of course, my two greatest loves!" John winked and before they knew it, they were kissing and groping each other on the lounge.

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