A Heated Kitchen

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Christine recovered from the orgasm and slowly got out of the bed, a little sensitive still, which made her smile as she grabbed her dressing gown and pulled a bottle of vodka from her bottom drawer.  She quickly undid the lid and sipping the bittersweet liquid, welcoming the burn as it ran down her throat. She swore by drinking straight after a big night would get rid of a hangover.  She began pulling the deep red grown onto her naked body and tying the tie around her waist, she didn't bother brushing her hair or fixing her make up, she just swigged some of the alcohol to drown her nerves, she glanced at herself in the mirror, her make up was smudged and her blonde hair was very messy but for some reason she wasn't worried, both of the men had seen her like that before and she wasn't bothered, especially considering she had spent an entire night making love with them.  She thought it was silly that she was being shy about it.  In a way she still felt excited about the whole situation now she knew the men still respected her and made her feel special and what was the point in feeling odd about their intimate evening just because of societies examples of normality?

Christine walked out of the bedroom and out to the kitchen, her bare feet feeling the soft floral carpet under them.  She could smell bacon wafting through the house, she was half shocked to see Mick and John snogging heatedly in the kitchen, she leant against the wall, smiling at them, resting the vodka bottle on the coffee table and grabbing a cigarette and lighter from the table, soon lighting it and taking a deep puff. 

John heard the lighter and quickly pulled away from Mick "Chris!" He stammered.

"Oh Johnny, your so cute when your nervous, don't stop on my account, I don't mind and besides, you fellows are both getting hard, I can see!" Christine winked, puffing smoke from her lips.

"Sorry for kissing him Chris!" Mick smiled "He is cute!" Mick added, ruffling John's hair.

"No you aint sorry, don't lie Mick!" Christine laughed as she walked towards them, slowly and sensually "The bacon is burning!" She calmly exclaimed then she tapped her cigarette above the fry pan, ash flicking on a piece of bacon "Oh, whoops, I ashed in the bacon!" Christine faked being apologetic as she clamped her hand over her mouth. 

"Are you hoping for the same outcome of when I dropped ash in it?" John asked, smugly raising an eyebrow while Mick grinned.

"Aren't you boys going to yell at me, I ruined breakfast!" Christine asked, faking being worried, twirling a piece of her blonde hair cheekily "I gather you know the story Mick, judging by that grin?" 

Mick stared at her, not replying "I kind of told him this morning, don't be mad hon!" John explained.

"Why would I be mad?" Christine chuckled, taking another puff on the cigarette "Look at the poor bacon!" She sighed, grabbing the frying pan and shaking it.

"I thought you would hide in bed all day!" John admitted.

"Well vodka helped me get ready to loosen up!" She winked, smirking "I cant let you pair have all the fun!" 

"I thought you were sore and embarrassed!" Mick stated.

Christine shrugged "Those feelings never killed anyone!" 

"She's drunk now!" John laughed.

"A quarter of a bottle does not get me drunk John McVie, it helps me come out of my shell!" She replied, crossing her arms after setting the frying pan back down.

"That sounds like sexual innuendos!" teased Mick.

"Well it wasn't meant to be, but now I think of it, it does!" Christine giggled.

"Do you want to be up on this counter getting fucked?" asked John huskily.

"Is that what I deserve for ruining breakfast?" She smiled, chewing on her bottom lip.

"Have I seriously walked into some sexual fantasy dream?" Mick asked.

"Maybe we all died and this is heaven!" John chuckled, walking closer to Christine and untying the tie on her dressing gown.

"Well what a good heaven!" Mick laughed.

"What do you think, are we dead?" John asked, looking into Christine's electrified light blue eyes as he opened her dressing gown slowly.

"Well if we're dead, who gives a fuck, we're all together, our triangle!" She laughed, her eyes locked with John's "Maybe we are all we ever need!" She smiled at both of the men "Hell, if Mick wants too and if she was up to it, we could add Jenny into the mix!" Christine laughed.

"Are you tormenting us and your gonna soon smash us in the head with that frying pan?" John asked, nervously.

"Maybe I'm relieved that you pair are into each other, here I was hating myself for some girl on girl hook ups and you guys are openly into each other without being regretful and we all had fun last night, you guys have helped me loosen up mentally and physically!" She winked. 

"God, your newfound confidence makes you even sexier!" Mick smirked.

"It sure does!" John grinned, relieved as he slid the dressing gown off her and she let the gown drop to the ground.

"Take me any time you want, I'm over my head but it sure feels nice!" Christine laughed as John ran his hands up her hips and sides.

"I sure did marry a perfect woman!" John grinned, kissing her passionately.

"Look like I pretty much am a McVie now too!" Mick chuckled.

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