Four Some

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Jenny finished reading through the paperwork and the pill packets Christine had been given and she got up.  Christine was still sleeping so she decided to go check on the guys.

"How is she?" John and Mick asked in unison as Jenny entered the kitchen.

"The poor woman is sleeping, let her be!" Jenny warned annoyed, worried they would barge in and wake her stressed friend.

"You didn't fuck her again with your hand?" Mick grinned.

"She is very unwell Mick, no wonder why, with you idiots in charge!" She stated rolling her eyes, a faint smile showing at their idiocy.

"Well whats the verdict, is she gonna be okay?" John asked worried about his wife.

" I have read through the pills and the paper work so I know what to do now! , She hasn't thrown up again yet, so I think the suppository helped even though I want you to actually use lube or Vaseline next time for it John, I could tell she was sore and I heard her whinging about her bottom!" Jenny stated and Mick burst out laughing.

"Her bottom!" He chuckled, hitting the arm of the lounge "Bottom!" 

"Her asshole then!" Jenny sighed rolling her eyes "Where did Mr Wonderful go, there is Mr Stupid!" Jenny remarked, making John snigger and Mick laugh harder as Jenny shook her head "Anyway, back to my poor best friend you nonks got pregnant!"

John and Mick settled there laughing as they recalled about Christine "Well?" John gulped.

"Well I am surprised by the amount of pills she is prescribed, besides the prenatal vitamins, I had no idea she was that hooked on alcohol and cocaine, do you three all use that much, because that will really have to change now for Christine and the baby's sake, you cant be snorting lines in front of her or letting her get stoned, it will be harmful to the baby and Chris!"

"Why will we have to change, we're not pregnant?" Mick queried and John nodded in agreement.

"Christine is pregnant Mick, she needs stability and so will the baby! If she isn't able to use drugs or drink as much anymore, you pair should support her by doing the same, or at least not doing it openly in front of her!" Jenny stated, rolling her eyes.

"Well I tried to read through some of that bullocks, but is she going to start taking the pills, on the print out for that DT shit, it said she can have seizures and a whole heap of stuff happen!" John said panicked.

"That's why she has been given a sedative to help, also for the cocaine too! When she wakes up I will be going and sorting it all out for her, you will really need to get your act together too John. You live with her, your married to her so you will have to get sober and actually listen to me about things that will help Chris!"

John nodded "Can't you just stay over and help?" He added.

"I have my own daughters John and having them running wild over here simply wouldn't be good either!  I will just have to come over when my Mum or Pattie is babysitting the girls!  Whatever happens, we will manage but I need you to come and listen to me about Christine's pills alright, I will bring them out here while she is sleeping!" Jenny smiled and went and fetched the bag, Christine was still curled up under the blankets, curled up to the pillow and Jenny smiled happily to see her calm and recuperating, she knew how some pregnancies were worse than others and Christine's was clearly worse than most.

As Jenny returned to John and Mick, she had soon explained to John about what pills for Christine too take and when, John seemed confused by it all, as did Mick, so Jenny wrote it all down for  them as well the times for Christine to take the various pills "Its not that hard!" Mick laughed.

"No, we can manage, thank you for this Jen!" John smiled.

"Everyone needs to stop thanking me, Chris is my best friend, I care for her a lot and I want to help her! Her pregnancy is very scary for her, it doesn't help how sick she is either!" Jenny stated protectively. 

"Has she accepted the pregnancy yet?" John asked.

"I think she has, she is just worried she will loose the baby if she gets attached to it, which I understand, being pregnant is so worrying, you panic about everything, what you did before you knew, what will happen, I know exactly what Chris is going through, except she worries more than everyone else, that is why we have to be strong for her like has for all of us!" Jenny smiled and Mick and John nodded like obedient servants.  " I am so thankful that she is letting me take care of her!" Jenny smiled.

"Thank fuck for that, she has been so snappy, its cute but she is so stubborn!" Mick laughed.

"I'm going in to check on her, I also made a list of things for you to get for her to eat, healthy things!" Jenny smiled passing another piece of paper to John.

"The hot new girl suggested some of this shit!" Mick replied "Ginger and all that hippie stuff!"

"Well the new girl is smart, does she know Chris is pregnant?" Jenny asked a little hurt.

"No, Chris just threw up nearly on her and the sexy new guy!" Mick added. 

"Sure you can drool enough over the new bandmembers, don't get the new girl pregnant too, your pair of studs, you don't want a five some on your hands!" Jenny teased. 

"Well isn't this already a foursome, so that would be a six some if the Buckingham Nicks were included?" Mick chuckled shrugging.

"Lets focus on poor Christine!" Jenny replied cutting Mick off. 

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