Seeking Help

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"I don't want to be here!" Christine whispered annoyed at Mick and John as glanced about the waiting room, adjusting her sunglasses and gat, she didn't want to be recognised, it didn't happen that often since they had moved to America, but she didn't feel up to dealing with anyone, even her husband and their lover.

Sit down hon, relax!" John soothed, rubbing her back and helping her sit down, receiving a glare.

"Its not a dentist, stop being a sook!" Mick winked, sitting down and rubbing her thigh.

"Shut up, I'm not a sook!" Christine snapped, slapping his hand away "Also what the fuck is the excuse of why both of you are coming in with me?"

"Maybe I could pretend to be like your adopted son or something!" Mick laughed.

"Do I really look that fucking old, idiot!" Christine rolled her eyes.

"Christine, stop stressing, your looking pasty again, just calm babe, you already threw up on the way!" John soothed, resting his hand on her shoulder.

Christine tapped her foot on the blue carpet, shaking her leg and feeling on the edge of vomiting again, besides the nausea, her stomach felt like it was in knots and she felt  another wave of worry crash against her as a lady with clipboard walked out "Christine Anne!" the lady called out and Christine froze in the seat.

"Come on babe!" John ushered, getting up, her hand in his and he tried to pull her up.

Christine swallowed hard as she looked up at him and John just wanted to hug her seeing her the fear showing in her blue eyes that looked flighty, she looked so afraid.

"Chrissy gal, come on!" Mick winked, rubbing her back and standing up as John just stood in front of her, holding her hand.

"Christine Anne!" The woman called out again.

"After this, we can go home and you can rest babe, come on!" John smiled, gently tugging on her hand.

Christine just blinked at him and swallowed.

"It will be okay, come on darling!" John ushered.

"Chris come on, I'm getting the munchies and you would be too, get that ass out of the chair!" Mick winked then bent down face level with her "I'll eat you out when you get home, just get in there and get better, I miss my drinking buddy!" Mick winked "I miss fucking you and John too!" 

"Come on babe!" John smiled, kneeling down too and rubbing her thighs "It will be quick, you will get something to help you and then we go home and Mick and I can dote on you!" John winked "Come on Chris!"

Christine just smiled and smiled sadly at them "Thank you, but I don't want to, if I stand up, I may vomit again!" 

"Christine, come on before we have to wait here longer, I need food and a joint!" Mick whined "Jenny will also be wondering where I am, you don't want your fisting buddy to worry?" Mick quipped.

"I still think her hand did something to Christine!" John stated, looking at Mick. 

"It couldn't have!" Christine laughed, finally speaking again.

"I think she punched your intestines or something!" John added.

"John, she couldn't have for fuck sakes, she was gentle anyway and she wouldn't have even hurt me if it weren't for you pair barging in!" Christine rolled her eyes "Can we just not talk about it?"

"Maybe we can do that to you then if you liked it!" John teased playfully flicking her hair.

"I don't think so, you would tear me in half, keep dreaming, go fist eachother, your hands are massive!" Christine laughed wryly, trying to relax and forget about everything else. 

Mick and John laughed "Well if you move your ass, maybe we will!" Mick chuckled.

"Christine Anne!" The receptionist called out more annoyed.

"Chris come on, we will give you lollies and get take away if you go in, come on babe, please and we can both make you feel good in bed if you feel better!" John pleaded, tugging on her arm, she was basically glued to the seat.

"I cant eat anything idiot, so that's a shit reward and I am to tired and sick for sex!" Christine sniped, then clamped her hand over her mouth, feeling bile rise in her throat again.

"Fuck sake, look how ill you are!" John stated and managed to take advantage of her being unwell, pulling her to her feet and picking her up before she could do anything.

"Put me down!" She frowned, slapping his arm.

"No!" John stated and walked up the hall with her, Mick following, laughing as the receptionist pointed the direction with an odd glance, raising her eyebrows.

John carried Christine bridal style and Mick opened the door, Christine felt too tired and sick to fight with them anymore "Your dead when I get home, I will make you pay!" Christine still managed to mutter to the two men.

"Hello Christine!" The doctor Sally smiled "You look unwell!"

"Thanks, I am fine though, these idiots are forcing me here!" Christine stated as John gently placed her on the chair.

"What's the matter?" The redhead woman asked.

"Christine is late, throwing up, nauseous, tired, grumpy and her tits are sore!" Mick stated, rubbing Christine's back and starting to massage her shoulders.

"And you are?" Sally asked confused.

"He's our best friend!" John stated sitting beside Christine and grasping hold of her shaky hand "He is telling the truth about her though!"

"He's John's brother!" Christine added.

Sally nodded "Are you having these problems?" Sally asked, looking at Christine. 

"Mick's daughters have a flu which I would have, that's all!" Christine smiled "Can I go now?"

"No Christine, I want to actually help with what's wrong with you, it sounds more than a flu, I need to know if your breasts are sore like this man said!" Sally stared at Christine warmly.

"They are, does it matter?" Christine asked.

 "I really want to do some tests on you, how late is your period Christine?"

"I don't know, maybe two weeks?" The blonde shrugged.

Sally nodded "I want to take a blood test and a urine sample, I have my suspicions  with what's happening with you,  are you nauseous, throwing up and tired, moods a little off?" Sally asked with a smile. 

Christine nodded "I guess so!"

"Well I need to ask you some personal things, do you want the men in here?"

"They can stay!" Christine smiled. 

"We're one happy little family!" Mick smiled, resting one of his hands on John's back and the other on Christine's. 

Sally smiled and the focused on Christine "Now this is a little invasive, but are you taking contraceptives, is there a chance you may be pregnant?"

Christine closed her eyes and clenched her jaw tightly, now a doctor was asking her what John and Mick had assumed. 

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