House Hunt

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Lindsey nodded at Stevie "Alright, we will do it, whats the worst that can happen?" He smiled and Stevie squealed clapping her hands together like a seal and kissed him with passion.

"We have to tell them before they change their minds!" She giggled and kissed him again, feeling like their lives were finally falling into place. 

"Well come on angel, lets got make their day!" He laughed standing up and taking her hand. She leapt up like a jack-in-the -box and almost skipped as they made their way to find the two Brits.

Mick and John were laughing and passing a joint back and forth which Mick aimlessly hid when he saw Stevie and Lindsey come out the door "Its a no isn't it?" Mick sighed, feeling deflated, he just want his whole family together which he considered as Jenny, their daughters and now the McVie's. 

"Its actually yes!" Lindsey laughed and Mick grinned widely, quickly hugging the shorter man.

"Yes, this will be so fun!" he exclaimed and John grinned behind him, now they knew Christine would get the appropriate care because Jenny would be with them too.

Lindsey chuckled and hugged Mick back while Stevie giggled "We're gonna buy a big house and be like a big happy family!" She beamed.

"We have to pick a house now, would you pair like to come house hunting with us?" John asked smiling.

"Well what is the budget?" Lindsey asked.

"There isn't one!" Mick winked "We are headed for stardom, Christine's mother predicted orange grove, she told us about it when she was high as fuck and her mother was a psychic, right John?"

John nodded worried that wold scared off the duo but Stevie suddenly spoke "Oh really, wow, I'm into wicca, I never thought Christine was, that is so amazing, her and I will have so much to talk about, I knew she was a kindred spirt, so elegant and graceful like a fairy queen but as tough like Poseidon of sea!" Stevie exclaimed.

"Right now she is lost in the Bermuda Triangle!" Mick grinned laughing and John couldn't help snigger at Mick's remark.

Lindsey raised his eyebrows and Stevie worried "Where is she, she isn't actually lost is she?"

"No, its a metaphor, Mick is being a nutty noo noo!" John chuckled.

Mick poked his tongue out and was about to kiss John but John pulled back, then he recalled Stevie and Lindsey were there "Well I saw some houses, care to come in our car and take a look, we can inspect today if you pair have nothing on?"

"We should!" Stevie smiled.

"I had to practice my guitar today!" Lindsey stated a little part of him wanting to run.

"Why bother, you can do that and we might even find a house big enough to record the album in, that would be perfect like Christine!" Mick grinned "So come on, lets go!"

"Come on party pooper!" Stevie grinned, grabbing Lindsey's hand and tugging on it.

Her golden brown doe eyes made him melt and nod, giving into her wishes "Alright then, lets get dressed and go buy a mansion!" He grinned and she hugged him "We will take my car!" Lindsey smiled at the men, knowing he was more sober than them to drive, he also hated trusted other people behind the wheel and considered himself as a very slight control freak.

They were all soon driving about and inspecting a few houses.   Lindsey got more excited after seeing some of the mansion, Stevie was overwhelmed with happiness and her dreams were coming true of being more than a cleaning lady in a cheap apartment they shared with Richard and her Lindsey only had a mattress on the floor.  Mick and John were also happy as they got to know their new bandmembers and everyone was getting along really well, Mick and John just hoped Christine was feeling better when they returned.

Lindsey decided to drop John and Mick home, saying he would return their car, when they met up again "Well thanks!" He smiled waving the men off as they climbed out.  

"Just a waiting game now!" Stevie sighed, they had all put in numerous offers on the expensive houses but Stevie had a vibe that good things were going to happen. 

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