Shock Reaction

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"So why is clothing everywhere?" Jenny asked Mick tilting her head innocently, feinting the naïve girl he thought she was.

"Its hot in here, the fans aren't working!" Mick nodded. 

"Its winter Mick!" Jenny giggled amused at his excuse.

"We had too much coke and booze!" Mick smiled "We were happy!"

"I wish you wouldn't do so much, its not good for you and with Christine, she's a woman Mick and us ladies cant handle as much of that garbage as you big boys!"

"Chrissy can outdrink any man!" Mick smirked.

"Where is she?" Jenny asked.

"In bed, she wasn't well again!" Mick replied.

No wonder why after you and John shagging her, Jenny thought "I'm going to see her!" Jenny stated and walked off, almost into John.

"Hey Jen!" John smiled.

"John, you look flushed, are you alright?" Jenny asked innocently.

"Its a warm day is all!" John smiled and hurried past her "I will cook some breakfast, will you stay Jenny?"

"Sure!" Jenny nodded and continued away "Chris in the bedroom still?" Jenny asked.

"Yep, she may be sleeping, little under the weather!"  John replied.

"I will see! I do hope she is alright!" Jenny said truthfully making her way to the McVie's bedroom.

"Is Chris alright, we didn't hurt her?" Mick asked in a hushed tone, close to John's ear.

"She needs a break, we're pushing her too hard, she admitted she is sore and she doesn't look well!" John replied.

"I feel bad now!" Mick sighed, running his hand through his long dark hair, that was still sweaty.

"I do too but Chris said its okay, she isn't mad!" 

Christine lit a joint to ease her nausea, her entrance having recovered a lot more as she relaxed and puffed on the joint, feeling hazy and a little worried why she was unwell and closed her eyes, just inhaling the comforting smell of marijuana. Jenny soon softly breezed in, seeing Christine laying there, in a loosely tied dressing gown, half under covers. She couldn't help looking at Christine in a different light after what she had just seen. She wanted to be angry at Christine for Mick fucking her, but she couldn't, Christine was her best friend. Jenny sat down and Christine felt the bed move "John I need a break!" She smiled without opening her eyes.

Jenny knew Christine liked being spanked and clearly dominated and maybe she was turned on herself at the idea of dominating Christine. Jenny gently cupped Christine's face Christine's eyes shot open knowing the feminine hand was to delicate and soft to be John's or Mick's, she gulped and smiled "Jenny, whats wrong?"

Jenny wanted to be shy and naïve but after having a few morning cocktails with her sister, Pattie she felt bolder "I saw Mick inside of you, while you sucked off John, this has been happening for ages hasn't it, way back when your ass was red, I bet Mick did it!"  Jenny said softly but trying to sound angry like she wanted to be.

"Jenny I'm sorry, your hurting me!" Christine stammered, feeling her heart break worried her friendship was over as jenny gripped her jaw tighter, not noticing she was doing so as she looked at her best friend with lust and love, not hate like other women would, Christine was just too sweet and loving to be angry with, the perfect friend and Jenny couldn't blame Christine solely for having sex with Mick, Mick and herself were in an open marriage and John approved of whatever was going down in the McVie house.

"I'm sorry I dont want to hurt you!" Jenny exclaimed surprising Christine and gently rubbing where she had gripped her to tightly, feeling bad.

"You would have to want to hurt me, Jen, I'm sorry, it just happened and I cant make stupid foolish excuses, you need explanations and I can give that, just don't hate me and the boys over it!" Christine stammered, her eyes welling up with tears.

"Christine, I could play mad but I'm not, what right would I have, we are all adults and Mick is basically a free man, sure him and I still have a flicker but its different and you with Mick and John, I didn't think those things could happen, its a surprise!" Jenny admitted, instantly loving Christine the same as Christine became set on keeping their friendship which she held dear to her. 

"Are you going to yell at me, slap me, call me obscenities? Please don't lead me on into thinking you forgive me, I don't like being fooled even though I lied to you!" Christine looked down and took another puff on the joint.

"I want to be mad, but why bother? I have done some recent soul searching after finding out about you getting kinky with John and clearly Mick too and well want to be a little more adventurous! Just because I'm a mother and a wife doesn't mean I have to have a vanilla sex life, I want to try new things too, things I tried to deny I wanted to try!" Jenny nervously laughed.

Christine raised her eyebrows waiting for the kickback, she knew Jenny was sweet but really? 

"Chrissy, your my best friend and I kind of always wondered when you looked at me different times, when you were drunk, do you fancy ladies too?"Christine gulped, not knowing what to say, Jenny observed her expression and knew the answer "You do and its okay, I kind of wondered what it would be like and thought, well kind of fantasised about us trying things because we are so close already and your kinky!"

"Jenny, if you are trying to hurt my feelings for assumptions of me fancying women well..." Christine was cut off as Jenny clumsily and passionately pressed her lips against Christine's. Christine knew from the kiss that Jenny wasn't joking, the kiss was filled with lust and the way Jenny ran her hands up under Christine's dressing gown, sending electric shivers through her body, Jenny pulled back, biting her bottom lip, still holding a flushed Christine's hips.,"I want to be with you right now, I need a release after seeing you with Mick and John, I want to try things with you!" Jenny purred, bringing her hands up and smoothing Christine's messy blond hair from her face.Christine was shocked and excited, the woman she had lusted for was almost straddling her and had just kissed her "Wwwwhat things?" Christine stammered.

"I want you to use your mouth on me and I want to put my hand inside of you, I think they call it fisting!" Jenny smirked huskily in a sultry tone.

Christine raised her eyebrows then smiled coyly "Your not into girls!"

"I'm into you and always wondered what it would be like, so are you up for it?' Jenny smiled.

Christine opened her mouth to speak, a smile creeping across her face, nodding lightly as she swallowed hard, it had been so long since being with a woman and Jenny was more serious than her past fling, she saw the look in Jenny's eyes. The keyboardist still felt unwell but didn't want to pass up an opputinty to finally fool around with Jenny and the marijuana was soothing her out "If you want to, I wont deny I think your fuckin gorgeous!" 

Jenny grinned "Can I be in control?" Christine nodded and felt her heart rate quicken as Jenny pulled the blanket back and slowly and sensually started undoing the tie around Christine's dressing gown.


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