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"What the fuck Mick?" Christine asked snappily "Me and what is hard, your acting like a complete wanker!" Christine exclaimed "I was finally fucking asleep, I have felt shit for days, I can barely eat!"

"That's what I was talking about, you and your cause of the sickness?" Mick gulped and then paused as her blue eyes looked icy and deadly.

John piped in knowing Mick was only panicking and annoying Christine further, he knew Christine was extra grumpy because she wasn't drinking and had even whinged "Mick thinks you should see a doctor, the girls did and are nearly better now, surely you don't want to feel this awful honey?"

"I hate doctors, they are wankers and pill pushing imbeciles!" Christine whined "I know how they shove pills up people's asses if they don't stop vomiting!"

."Is it that bad, John and I shoved our cocks up yours so a pill wont be that big!" Mick chuckled making Christine cringe "Isnt a pill up the ass better than feeling sick all the time?"

"Its different Mick okay!" Christine glared and huddled up to the pillow more.

"Did they put you on pills before?" Mick asked, hinting about birth control.

"No one has shoved pills up my ass Mick, so stop getting turned on about it!" Christine snapped.

"You said pill pushers but, do they give you pills to take, not ass pills!" Mick smiled.

John rubbed his hand down his own face, it was the weirdest conversation he had ever heard.

"Why?" Christine asked confused and Mick shrugged, he had never usually seen her uptight which made him worry further.

"We have to start working with the new band members, do you want to throw up on them, or fall asleep on them, get your sexy ass to a doctor and find out what's in you or not!" Mick smiled and Christine raised an eyebrow at the taller man and closed her eyes.

"You just want me fuckable again!" She sighed, cuddling up to the pillow more, feeling like she needed to huddle up to something and didn't want to seem clingy by asking John or even Mick in the bed to hold her.

"No were are worried about you honey!" John soothed, sitting down and stroking her hair "You feel a little clammy, why don't you have a hot shower, you said you were sore, are you cramping?" John asked.

"No I'm not, only some weird twinges like I already told you!" Christine replied annoyed.

"I'm booking an appointment and that's final!" John stated.

"Fuck you!" Christine huffed.

"That's what probably caused this mess!" Mick muttered under his breath and John shot him a glare, Christine didn't hear him because she was groaning, sitting up in the bed again, clutching her stomach.

"Chris?" John asked, wrapping his arm around her.

"I felt nauseous again, sorry!" She sighed, flopping back into the bed.

"How about I get a bucket for you, you don't want to vomit all over the room!" John soothed.

"Worry about the room John!" Christine growled.

"Chris babe, calm down, being angry will make you feel worse!" John smiled warmly rubbing her back and feeling guilty.

"How about when you go to the doctor I come too, all three of us can go to the doctor, deal with this all together!" Mick smiled.

Christine laughed "You certainly have become part of this marriage but I don't need you there, I don't even want to go!"

"Christine, I want you too, I'm worried!" John gulped and wrapped his arm around her.

"John, why are you so worried, Mick, grab me a drink!" Christine winked.

"No, that's not good for you!" Mick exclaimed.

"Its me Mick, I can out drink you, I need a drink and a ciggie!" She smiled, leaning against John.

"Booze is probably bad if there is a baby!" Mick exclaimed and Christine's eyes widened, while John tensed up.

"Baby?" She stammered "What?"

John was angry at how Mick hadn't told her subtly and regretted letting his high lover even near his fragile and ill wife "Chris, I'm concerned that you may be pregnant, you might not be, but just the symptoms honey, I'm worried and so is Mick!" John explained gently, rubbing her back.

Christine froze and widened her eyes "No, no, it couldn't happen, I cant have kids!" She stuttered.

"Chris babe, has anyone ever said that?" Mick asked, walking over and sitting down on the bed, looking at her.

"No, but the miscarriage!" Christine stated, looking down at her nails "We were careful, you guys usually pulled out or put it in my ass!" She stated.

"We still came in you Chris, we were drunk and high, Mick and I are sorry but I thought your doctor gave you something?" John sighed feeling bad. 

"I took some stupid pills for a short while but, that was years ago, then we have just used the pull out method and condoms, it cant happen, not now!" Christine stared at them.

"Your late and so ill, this is why we want you to see a doctor, so you can decide what you want to do!" John gently said.

Christine was worried, she hadn't had her period since before they all started their triangle but wrote it off as being irregular and now she thought of it, it seemed clearer.

"How can this happen, fucking hell!" Christine half yelled and laid on her side, burying her face in a pillow to muffle her crying.

"Don't kill yourself!" Mick yelled panicked and pulled the pillow away "We can get through this, John and I are here for you, we love you Chris!" Mick smiled, rubbing her arm and grabbing her hand with his.

"It will be alright honey, we just need you to see a doctor, I can book an appointment, don't over think it until we know, your probably just late from the stress of Fleetwood Mac!" John smiled softly playing with her hair and getting in the bed, behind her, cuddling her "You won't be pregnant okay hon!" John reassured.

"Your right, it wouldn't happen, it wouldn't happen now when it didn't when we wanted it too, it couldn't happen now!" She laughed, convinced it couldn't "We were safe enough, you pair are bonkers!"

Mick and John glanced at each other, still thinking they were going to be fathers if Christine had the baby they were sure she was carrying.

"I doubt I'm pregnant!" She laughed again.

"I know Chris, it was Mick's suggestion!" John laughed poking his tongue at Mick. Mick noticed Christine had her eyes closed and gave John the finger "Later Mick!" John winked, trying to play off their worries, John also thought he was overreacting, his wife would just have the flu he hoped, worried mostly for Christine.

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