Laughter and Love

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Lindsey relaxed a bit but still didn't believe Jenny  "I know you wouldn't actually fuck your new band members!" He chuckled feeling stupid, because he still really thought they would and started wondering if they were swingers or part of a sex cult.  The odd part was, he wasn't really bothered by it, he was actually a little intrigued and thought Mick was really sexy and funny, John was funny and charming and Christine was sexy and hot too, Jenny reminded him a lot of Stevie as well, they were all interesting to him.  

"Well mainly the guitarists, but we all help care for them afterward!" John laughed sensing Lindsey wasn't completely against the idea. He could read people good because he often watched their expressions and how they acted. He would observe them a lot first before talking much.

"So it that why it was so hard to find one then and my charming looks made you want me as the next victim, well I'm flattered!" Lindsey laughed, running his hand through his afro dramatically and taking a bow which made everyone chuckle and laugh loudly.

"Poor Lindsey!" Jenny laughed "You are scaring the poor man!" She chuckled "You don't need to loose another guitarist!" 

"He doesn't look scared!" Christine smiled, glancing at him and wondering if he was both ways like her and the others, she kept seeing the way he was looking at Mick mostly and she was too observant not to notice even with the pills she was taking for her withdrawals "I can fuck you with my cock if you like!" She winked, enjoying tormenting him and watching him look surprised, the pills for her pregnancy made her bolder because they were substituting alcohol and drugs without harming her unborn child and she felt cheeky and more like herself again.

Stevie froze up not knowing what to say, Christine's crystal blue eyes scared her a bit and she had a smirk that was arousing but hard to understand at times "You are their wife!" Lindsey laughed, kind of unsure what to think as he pointed at Mick and John.

"She's my wife!" John chuckled and kissed her cheek.

"Fuck off, I'm Jenny's!" Christine winked and went over and leaned against Jenny, giggling arousing Mick and John mostly.

Stevie and Lindsey glanced at eachother with wide eyes and laughed, Christine kissed Jenny's cheek, causing her to blush profusely and Lindsey still thought his theory was confirmed about Christine's dress being on the floor because Jenny and her had been having sex "You lot are awful!" Jenny chuckled and walked away.  She was worried they would scare off the young American duo with their antics "Lets all have some snacks, I'm famished!" Jenny laughed, hoping to change the ambience of the room.  She herself was feeling flushed at Christine and Mick acting flirty and she thought Lindsey and Stevie were quite interesting too.  She also didn't want to ruin everyone getting along, since they would all be living together soon.

"Fuck, I am starving too and tired!" Christine frowned, her little burst of energy from the pills beginning to fade and she felt more shy as she decided to follow Jenny, feeling clingy.  

"I will make some food, I just have to dart off and call my Mum to check about the girls!" Jenny smiled and Christine nodded. 

"Lets have a joint or ten!" Mick laughed "I have some other good things too!" Mick winked, tapping the side of his nose as he hinted about cocaine but Stevie and Lindsey didn't understand.

"Mick shut the fuck up about the good stuff, I cant have any at the moment and these two probably aren't as demented as we are!" Christine laughed, turning the kettle on to make herself a green tea.

"Drugs are fabulous!" Mick grinned and John shook his head laughing.

"Alcohol is better!" John protested, lighting a joint and handing it to eager Lindsey. 

"Cocaine is magic dust!" Mick chuckled. 

"Yes, so shut the fuck up because I cant have any!" Christine exclaimed annoyed and threw a tea bag at his head, but he quickly ducked and it hit Lindsey instead.

"Ow!" Lindsey chuckled.

"Fuck sorry!" She gasped.

"Its ok!" Lindsey chuckled "It didn't hurt, just surprised me!" 

"Poor boy!" Mick frowned, patting Lindsey's shoulder "She can blow you later to make up for it!" Mick chuckled and Christine gave him the finger blushing "Or she can finger your ass and then your girlfriend" He added with a grin and Stevie looked away while Lindsey laughed.

"Mick, quit tormenting them, get your lanky ass in here and help me make some tea, you have clearly misplaced all the tea bags and I could beat your fucking head in for it!" She exclaimed annoyed.

"Babe calm down!" John soothed.

"I am calm, Mick can help me, help protect Stevie and Lindsey from him!" Christine smiled even though she was feeling left out because of her pregnancy and she was annoyed.

"Alright!" John chuckled "Come on you pair, lets smoke some grass!" John winked and Stevie and Lindsey followed him off like children following the pied piper as Mick made his way into the kitchen. 

"Settle down angry Mummy!" He chuckled and rested his hands on Christine's hips "You look sleepy, go have a rest, the pregnancy is taking a big toll on you!" He soothed and gently cupped her face. He noticed she looked sad now.

"I want some alcohol, a ciggie, some coke, even another joint!" She frowned "How can we make an album with Stevie and Lindsey when I cant even function!" She stammered and felt tears in her eyes "You will just laugh at me now for acting so sulky!" 

"Hey, your going through so much and your amazing and strong! I'm sorry John and I knocked you up, we should have taken better care of you but it will be fun with a little one, our own new addition to Fleetwood Mac! Everything will be ok and I will stop the lewd jokes to Stevie and Lindsey, I also wont gloat about the drugs and booze!" He smiled and caressed her cheek.

She smiled and nodded "Thank you!"

"Now you need bed rest!" Mick smiled and picked her up bridal style, causing her to squeal and laugh.

Lindsey tapped Stevie shoulder as he turned around to see the noise "He is fucking her too!" He whispered "So is the model! They are swingers!" 

Stevie giggled at him and was glad John was too busy pouring drinks to hear them. She also was quite entranced by Christine, she was sultry and utterly gorgeous. Stevie also loved her accent too, it was sexy to her and she loved the certain warmness that radiated off her. Stevie actually worried she was becoming attracted to them all and she thought Lindsey was too.  Was her feelings normal and fleeting or was she being mesmerised by the magic of Fleetwood Mac. 

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