Mixed Feelings

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"Christine, I know this may come as a shock but are you using any form of birth control when you have sex with your husband?" Sally asked.

"What are you some pervert?" Christine laughed even though she wanted to punch Sally for suggesting a pregnancy. 

"Christine!" John exclaimed "Don't be so rude, I'm sorry Sally she is so unwell that it makes her rather unpleasant!" John laughed, rubbing Christine's leg.

"Unpleasant, you try feeling as shit as I do!" Christine snapped, pushing his hand off her leg "Don't fucking touch me or I will bite your fucking hand off!" She hissed and John recoiled, keeping his hands off her.

"Christine, is pregnancy a big issue for you, would you like to see a counsellor?" Sally suggested.

"I want to go home, I feel like shit again!" Christine sighed.

"Well that's why we are trying to help you!" Sally smiled "Now birth control?"

"She isn't taking any! When she gets fucked its usually the pull out method, occasional condoms, right John!" Mick blurted out and Sally widened her eyes, wondering how he knew so much, assuming John and him must be very close brothers or she resumed they were a bunch of free love hippies.

"That's not very safe, is this true Christine, are you trying for a baby?" Sally asked.

"It is safe, I cant get pregnant!" Christine gulped.

"These symptoms are clear indications of pregnancy, I gather you don't want children?" Sally softly said.

"I did kind of once, but I cant have them!" Christine sighed, John rested his hand on her leg and Mick rubbed her shoulder, knowing she was upset.

"Why do you think that?"

"Because I lost a baby five years ago and a few other times I think!" Christine stammered the words hurting.

"Is this necessary, cant you check her over and that's it?" John asked knowing Christine was getting upset because she was staring at her hands and picking at her fingernails.

Sally nodded "I'm so sorry Christine, but there is no official thing that states your infertile, many women come to that conclusion after miscarriages, but I need to examine you as well, I want you to lay on that bed, I have to do an eternal exam!"

"Look Sally, I don't even get pap smears because I don't want to know, if its cancer, I don't want to know!" Christine stated in hushed voice, saying her true concerns, holding back tears as she stood up.

John and Mick, both paused and realised also why Christine was so scared.

"Christine, I am sure its not cancer!" Sally stated "That's why I need to check your cervix and do the tests, my job is to help you!"

"Its a damn flu!" Christine stated.

"Just lay on the table Christine, we all just want you better!" John stated.

"Is the examination necessary? Can't I piss in a jar and then go?" Christine asked, crossing her arms defiantly.

"I need to see your cervix, we have pregnancy tests for your urine sample but its not always correct, we use more old fashioned methods to give a better indication, the examination wont hurt!"

"Christine is sensitive, you don't have to put your hand in her do you, because down there is already recovering from a hand!" Mick stated, protective of Christine.

"What?" Sally asked.

"Shut up!" Christine snapped, her face turning bright red and she slammed her foot on his.

"Ah fuck!" He whimpered, hopping about the room because it would have hurt if she had high heels on and he was worried she would do it at her house 'You broke my fucking foot, I'm sorry but fuck!"

"Well stop talking about what we get up too!" Christine snapped "It wasn't that hard anyway!" She frowned, feeling bad but she knew Mick was high and making a spectacle as well. 

Sally was actually getting nervous, Christine was quite terrifying and she thought they were all quite odd, she had only seen Christine a few times over the years for small things, like flus and when she tried to prescribe Christine birth control pills, Christine was never an easy patient and hated going there, Sally sensed, she had a low opinion on medical things.

"She's just tense!" John smiled "She hasn't had drink or a ciggie for a few days!"

"Oh, that explains a lot of her moods as well, withdrawing is hard, how long have you been drinking and smoking for?" Sally asked.

"Since I was born!" Christine quipped snidely.

"I just need to know, you may get the DT's if you have drank heavily and daily for a while and that's not a good thing!"

"I'm not a fucking alcoholic!" Christine exclaimed.

"You are, we all are!" Mick chuckled.

Sally raised her eyebrows again "Well um, lets get the exam over, can you go lay down Christine?"

"I don't want too!" Christine stated. 

"Christine, your acting like a rebellious teenager, go lay on the fucking table and get examined without killing any of us!" John pleaded "Don't you want to feel better, this is for you!"

"For me, if I have cancer John, I will go jump into fucking ocean!" Christine warned.

"You will just be pregnant Christine, how do you think the baby feels, your ignoring it when it needs you, your so sick and you probably need something to keep you and the baby healthy, denying it is hurting you and the baby!" Mick said looking at her and Christine felt a pang of guilt, tears building in her eyes, she was scared and couldn't believe she was in the predicament, but Mick's words hit her like a tidal wave, if there was baby somehow, she didn't want to hurt it.

"Mick's right, your not a child Christine, I know your scared but we are all here for you and you can yell at us later!" John soothed, rubbing her back.

"I'm not scared!" She stammered.

"Well get on the table and let Sally examine you!" John teased.

Christine sighed heavily but was too tired and sick to fight anymore, she also was silenced by her own worries and thoughts.

" I just need to you to take of your underwear and lay up there, it will only be quick!" Sally smiled, glad Christine was co-operating, finally.

John helped Christine get her underwear off and helped her climb on the table, he then finger combed her hair as she lay there and rubbed her arm, knowing she was new to it all.

Mick walked over with a slight limp from Christine killing his foot, he wasn't mad though, he knew she was going through her own hell "What junk food do we want after this?" Mick asked.

"I feel too sick to want food!" Christine sighed then looked at him "I'm sorry about your foot but you are a dickhead!" 

"Can you put your legs in the stirrups for me?" Sally asked Christine lifting her dress back.

"Do I have too?" Christine exhaled.

"Yes please!" Sally smiled.

Mick just grabbed Christine's legs firmly but gently and did it "There you go, she's spread eagle at your mercy!" Mick chuckled, rubbing Christine's thigh as Christine swallowed hard, she had so many mixed feelings, fear mainly which was making her angry.

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