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"Is she still sleeping?" John asked, trying to glance in the backseat as he drove up the road. 

"Well she isn't puking or insulting us, so she must be!" Mick smiled, turning around and glancing in on Christine, who was still curled up under the blanket, sleeping across the back seat "She looks so cute!" Mick added with chuckle "She resting her hand on her tummy, that's so fucking cute!"

"She'll give a shiner if you call her cute, she is angry still, once that pot wears off, we will be slayed like we are beasts!" John warned with a laugh.

"She seemed pretty calm, she even mentioned the baby John and she smiled at me a little bit!" Mick stated excitedly.

"Was this before of after you got her stoned?"

"When she was smoking the pot, but before that she pretty much asked if it was okay for the baby!" Mick smiled "I think she accepting the idea, yu heard her earlier before you left her with me, she said she didn't want to loose the baby!"

"She was stoned when she said that!" John corrected.

"Don't you want the baby, because we don't know who the Dad is?" Mick asked softly.

"Mick, I haven't thought about it! It doesn't bother me about the father issue, we're all fucking, including you and me, so we got Chris pregnant, but what worries me if Chris, she didn't plan this, she may not want to have the baby, so I don't want to get my hopes up about it yet!" John explained.

"Surely she wont get rid of it, would she?" Mick asked.

"I don't know, she always told me she never wanted to get pregnant in case she had another miscarriage, she also said how she was terrified by the thought of giving birth, even back in the sixties, she cried her eyes out back then, saying she was too small to have a baby! Just a lot of shit she has said, she likes living like us too much, drinking, partying, drugging and just playing music and being the crazy Christine we love!"

"Well I think Chris will continue the pregnancy, once she feels a bit better, she will realise what a great Mum she will be, she already cares for the baby, I'm telling you, she asked me pretty much if pot was okay for it!"

"She was half dead Mick, she was delirious! I don't know what to do, I would really like her to go to hospital, she may need to be supervised or maybe even go to rehab for her drug and alcohol cravings! I'm just really worried Mick, even all this different shit she is supposed to take, I'm confused, I worried I will fuck up and hurt her or the baby by fucking up her tablets or something!" John admitted, gripping the steering wheel.

"That's why when we get you and Chris back to your house, I will go collect Jenny!" Mick stated "She can be the voice of reason, she's all calm and stuff!" Mick smiled.

"Your too high and stoned to drive, why don't we pick her up on the way?" John suggested. 

"I will call a cab and go get her, you need to get Chris back so she can get some food in her, hopefully she has the munchies now and the pot helps her keep it down!" Mick replied, then picked up the bag that was placed on the passenger side floor "Any good stuff?" he asked, rummaging through the pill packets "I don't even know what any of these are, must be real odd stuff!"

"They are for cutting back on drugs and booze, something you and I have no clue about!" John chuckled "The rest are for Christine's nausea and some vitamin shit for the baby!"

Mick picked the packet up "Sounds sexual, to be taken orally every four hours!" He burst out laughing "Blow job, jeez Chris gives good ones!"

"Well she wont be for a while, how is she gonna kneel when her stomach gets bigger and she cant get on all fours now and frankly Mick, I cant even think about sex right now, just because coke gets your cock hard!"

"Its called the 'Tusk!" Mick winked "And you love it, have some coke too, see the humour in all this!"

"I can't Christine is really ill and struggling with accepting this, you also let her get stoned, so I'm kind of stressed right now and have no fucking idea what I'm doing!"

"I understand!" Mick smiled, resting his hand on John's shoulder.

"Mick, don't even think about trying to do something kinky while I drive, no blow jobs, not touching until we actually have Christine calm and feeling a bit better!"

"Get that mind from the gutter Johhnyboy, I can touch you to reassure you it will all be fine!"

John laughed "I look forward to your expression when you are stone cold sober and realize we have knocked up Christine, also, what the fuck do you tell Jenny when you collect her?" John asked grinning.

"I will walk in and go, hey honey, John and I got Christine pregnant and we need your help to take care of her because we are bloody useless!  Chris is really sick and needs help and we're silly stoners who cant be responsible, that's why Chrissy is preggers!" Mick stated.

John laughed loudly "Said well, I hope Jenny doesn't kill you, seen she is still your wife!"

"Open marriage, besides, Jenny had her hand in Christine, so I guess Christine is fair game for all three of us!" Mick grinned. 

"Your so dumb at times Mick, especially about your wife!" John teased. 

"Mr Penguin, you didn't even know if your own wife was on birth control, did you pair even fuck before the triangle began?"

"Of course we did!" John replied with a loud laugh "Just not so wild and kinky, but it doesn't matter, we have to deal with this and help Chris!' John explained parking the car and getting out "You carry our shit in, I'm carrying Chris!"

"I should carry her, I'm bigger!" Mick smirked.

"Your as high as the clouds, no one carries my wife when they are high, I don't want her dropped!" John said firmly "I feel bad for hoping she stays stoned for a few days, she got prescribed those ass pills Mick, so you can put them in her!" Winked John closing the driver's side door.

"She will actually kill me John, your wife, so her ass is yours, I don't want to put things in it!" Mick cringed.

"You fucked her up the ass, hypocritical wanker!" John exclaimed shaking his head and then he opened the back doors of the car and Christine was glaring at him.

"What's going on?" asked Lindsey Buckingham walking over to the car after hearing the noise.

"What the fuck are you doing here?" John asked.

"Um, we're in the band together, the Mexican restaurant remember, Mick you said for us to meet at this house on this day, Stevie and I have been waiting here for over half an hour!" Lindsey stated, forcing a laugh.

"Fuck, I meant my house, sorry mate!" Mick laughed.

"What's up?" Lindsey asked "Is she okay?" He said, glancing in and seeing Christine curled up on the backseat.

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