Morning Fun

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"Well she slept through the whole night and morning!" Mick smiled slipping out of the bed in his shorts.  

"Well shush and she will sleep longer!" John whispered, Christine still huddled up against him, snoring softly.

"Want a tea?" Mick asked and John nodded, gently rubbing Christine's back, he knew that calmed her even when she slept, it always worked when she was sick, sad or even had her period and he took pregnancy as one of those similar situations "What tea?"

"Any!" John mouthed and Mick nodded walking into the kitchen, humming to himself. 

John was trying to close his eyes again when he heard Mick yell loudly which panicked john and Christine shot up worried and in a haze  "What is going on?" she asked dazed still from the medication.

"Its okay babe, Mick is just a dick!" John laughed and got out of the bed concerned, also worried about leaving her alone while she was half sedated in case they were being burgled "Mick?" John asked softly creeping up the hall, his worry increasing as he looked around for something to smash on the burglars head and picked up another antique vase from Christine's mother.

"Settle penguin, its just this crazy lady!" Mick chuckled, pointing at Jenny who was in the kitchen smiling and cooking and had been for a couple of hours.

"Real smart boys, leave the house unlocked all night! Very bright!" Jenny nodded annoyed, her voice rippling with sarcasm.

"We were tired!" Mick whined.

"You are idiots and I have made a decision after that!" Jenny smiled, washing some lettuce, she was preparing a chicken and veggie salad for Christine.  She had went shopping and got healthy foods, not trusting the guys to do it right. 

"And?" John asked.

"We are all living together!" Jenny grinned "I am going to ask John Mayall to buy a house in his name and we pay him because we technically are not American citizens yet!" She explained "Like he helped us get these houses!" 

"He will take us for a ride, friend or not friend, we cant let him do it again! We are better of using the sexy yanks!"  Mick chuckled.

"You just mean this Nickingham Bucks!" Jenny asked.

"They will do anything for us, they want me!" Mick grinned, wriggling his eyebrows.

"They are young and star crossed lovers, romantic and innocent, so lets throw them into whatever this is!" John laughed "You sure have tickets on yourself!"

"I am married to a model and fucking the McVie's! How can I not know I am undeniably a sex god?" Mick grinned.

Jenny shook her head laughing and John chuckled too "The idea of us living together is a good idea, whether through John Mayall or the new duo joining us!" John smiled.

"Hey I bet it will work with Lindsey and Stevie, we ask them and we all live together, extra baby sitter! Stevie can help you ladies with the kids and us fine fellows can get stoned and fuck!" Mick grinned,

"Don't be a chauvinist!" Jenny exclaimed shaking her head 'Just because we are women doesn't mean we have to be babysitters!" 

"I know, it was just a joke!" Mick smirked.

"So you really think we could all live together?" John asked intrigued.

"Yes, Chris will need a lot of help, she doesn't have a Mum to help her like I did, so I can help her and especially if it is twins! She will need help even if it is one baby, the feedings, the burpings, the sleeping patterns!" Jenny smiled.

"So one big happy family!" Mick grinned.

"Yes, we can do it! We moved from England so we can easily all live together like Kiln house days!" Jenny grinned.

"Good point!" John agreed.

"So we just have to talk to Chris about it!" jenny smiled.

"Fuck, I have to go see her, she was awake thanks to Mick screaming like a dying animal!" John laughed and hurried off, finding Christine in the bathroom vomiting "Baby!" He cooed, running over and trying to help her.

"John!" She stammered as he pulled her away.  She was shaking and pale and just clung to him, feeling nauseous again. 

"Its alright honey!" He soothed, helping her back to the bed "Just wait there!" he told her and ran out to Mick and Jenny "Jenny, Chris is throwing up, you can put that thing in her ass since your here!" John said worried "I don't want too, she said I hurt her last time!" 

Jenny nodded "Well can you take over the cooking, its just a salad, wash the lettuce and tomatoes!" She winked and walked off up the hall, tending to Christine.

"Poor Chris!" Mick frowned "At least Jen wants us to all live together!" Mick beamed.

"I'm just worried about Chris right now!" John frowned following Mick around to the sink.

"But Jenny will take care of her, in more ways than one!" Mick grinned "Probably put that pill in her ass and her hand in her..."

"Mick, she isn't going to fuck Chris when Chris is sick!" John laughed shaking his head.

"Well imagine what could happen when we all live together!! Perfect family, it will be fun!" Mick smiled, rubbing John's back.

"It would be, I do like the idea a lot!" John grinned.

"Well I think we get in contact with the duo and talk to them, they are eager to join the band, even showing up here!" Mick smiled.

"Yeh, because crackhead you gave them my address!" John chuckled, smacking Mick's arm and laughing.

"Yeh, whoops!" Mick burst into laughter picking up a piece of lettuce and flying it about "Knock knock!" Mick grinned.

"What?" John chuckled.

"You say 'who's there dumbie!" Mick laughed.

"Who's there dumbie?" John asked grinning.

"Lettuce!" Mick chuckled.

"Let us who?" John smiled.

"Lettuce move in!" Mick grinned, rubbing the piece of lettuce all over John's face and then running from him laughing. 

"Tomato head!" John grinned, chucking a tomato slice at Mick, that landed on his head.

Mick grinned and threw it back at John, who ducked quickly and the slice of tomato knocked a glass of the breakfast bar, that hit the ground with a smash.  Mick and John both looked at eachother worried.  

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