Little Help

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"I don't want anyone knowing about it!" Christine sighed, relaxing into the mattress and rubbing her tiny baby bump.

"We are going to live with them, its pretty stupid if we keep your pregnancy from them, besides Stevie wanted to help and we can't just lie to them!" Mick explained laughing, sitting up and rubbing his head.

Jenny sat down beside Christine and smoothed her hair back while John stayed silent, he agreed with Mick but did not to want to voice his opinion at all "Darling, just relax, let me get you some toast and then you can decide, the baby is hungry and you would be too!" Jenny cooed, gently resting her hand on Christine's and pressing a kiss to her clammy forehead.

Christine gave her a soft smile and then cuddled up to her where she was sat "I feel so awful!" She groaned, curling up around Jenny "This is like when I had the worst hangovers, the type of hangovers that last over a day but this just is barely easing, what if the baby is ill?" She frowned, only soothed when Jenny started softly playing with her hair.

"Awww darling, it will ease, I promise, its because you are withdrawing too, your body is still getting used to the little one and I really think we should get the ultrasound scheduled, then your worries will ease once you see the little one!" Jenny cooed finger combing Christine's hair. still concerned about her but not wanting to panic her, she still highly suspected Christine was carrying twins. 

"What if its not alright?" Christine asked scared, looking up at her, trying to hold back from crying, it was as though she had no control over her emotions and she felt either upset or angry if she wasn't completely exhausted. 

"Jen thinks its twins!" Mick chuckled and Jenny felt Christine tensing up.

"Mick, don't scare her, go make us all coffee and get her toast and a tea!" John stated, swatting Mick's arm and trying to shoo him because he knew how sensitive Christine was and he knew it scared her when the thought of twins was mentioned.

"Alright, sorry chicken!" Mick soothed, leaning over and laying a kiss in Christine's hair, but she just moved away from him cuddling up to Jenny more and Jenny gave him an annoyed glance as she played with Christine's hair still.

Mick mouthed a sorry and slowly got out of the bed, walking towards the door when there was a knock "Hi, can I help with anything, is Chris alright?" Stevie asked, nervous, biting on her bottom lip and hoping her concern didn't annoy her new bandmates.

Christine groaned, curling up to Jenny more thinking how much she didn't want Stevie to see her so ill, she really liked her and she didn't want anyone seeing her so unwell and emotional "I would look like a fucking corpse!" She muttered annoyed to Jenny, hoping Mick would just be brief and get Stevie away from her. 

"Let the girl help, she might know some tips!" John ushered while Mick glanced at the three in the bed silently asking for what to do and Stevie waited on the other side of the door, her own anxiety rising when no one had answered and she could hear muffled conversation, she was worried she had annoyed Christine and whoever else was in there.

"Jen, what should I do?" Christine asked exhaustedly, suddenly wondering if she should just let Stevie help, they were all going to live together after all.

"We should tell them, but for now lets get you feeling a bit better, then I think we should all have breakfast together and announce the news of the new member of the Mac!" Jenny smiled, rubbing Christine's stomach gently.

"Thank fuck we have you Jen, that's a good plan!" Mick laughed.

"It sure is!" John agreed.

"Its great our wives are beautiful and smart and sexy!" Mick winked and then opened the door seeing Stevie while Jenny shook her head laughing and John chuckled "Morning Stevie!" Mick smiled.

Stevie glanced in the room, seeing John, Jenny and Christine all in the bed and she smiled awkwardly "Morning everyone, is Christine ok, I heard her being ill, can I help with anything?"  

"No, they will ask for help later on, but for now I need to get toast and some tea for her!" Mick chuckled.

"Oh, alright, I will help then!" Stevie smiled and darted off into the kitchen, confused by it all but wanting to help and she was still half asleep herself so was somewhat dazed.

"See, she will make things easier!" Mick laughed to the others before following Stevie out into the kitchen. 

*Sorry if this was slow*

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